Archive | July 2016

Part One Kidney failure both Acute and Chronic – Learn what they are and know what the difference is!

kidney1 kidney failure part 11b

kidney failurekidney images


Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to function. To treat kidney failure effectively, it is important to know whether kidney disease has developed suddenly (acute) or over the long term (chronic). Many conditions, diseases, and medicines can create situations that lead to acute and chronic kidney disease. Acute kidney injury, also called acute renal failure, is more commonly reversible than chronic kidney failure since the chronic condition has lasted longer in the body affecting systems for several months to years (some decades). Acute Renal Failure is new to the body as opposed to chronic; making it higher odds this can be treated and cured.

When acute kidney injury (ARF) occurs, the kidneys are unable to remove waste products and excess fluids, which then build up in the body and upset the body’s normal chemical balance.*

The most common causes of acute kidney injury are:


-blood loss from major surgery or injury

-medicines such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics, or the dyes (contrast agents) used in X-ray tests.

Symptoms depend on the cause of acute renal failure and can include:

    • -Little or no urine output.
    • -Dizziness upon standing.
    • -Swelling, especially of the legs and feet.
    • -Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
    • -Feeling confused, anxious and restless, or sleepy.
    • -Pain in the flank, which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back.*

If your signs and symptoms suggest that you have acute kidney failure, your doctor may recommend certain tests and procedures to verify your diagnosis. These may include:

  • Urine output measurements. The amount of urine you excrete in a day may help your doctor determine the cause of your kidney failure.
  • Urine tests. Analyzing a sample of your urine, a procedure called urinalysis, may reveal abnormalities that suggest kidney failure.
  • Blood tests. A sample of your blood may reveal rapidly rising levels of urea and creatinine — two substances used to measure kidney function.  Most cases of acute kidney injury occur in people who are already in the hospital for other reasons. In these people, acute kidney injury is usually diagnosed when routine tests show a sudden increase in creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels. A buildup of these waste products in the blood points to a loss of kidney function!**
  • Imaging tests. Imaging tests such as ultrasound and computerized tomography may be used to help your doctor see your kidneys.  Also commonly done is an ultrasound of the kidneys which may help determine whether kidney problems are acute or chronic. Normal-sized kidneys may be present in either condition, but when both kidneys are smaller than normal, chronic kidney disease is usually the problem.  This helps rule out acute from chronic.correcting the cause and supporting the kidneys with dialysis until proper functioning is restored.
  • Removing a sample of kidney tissue for testing. In some situations, your doctor may recommend a kidney biopsy to remove a small sample of kidney tissue for lab testing. Your doctor inserts a needle through your skin and into your kidney to remove the sample.

TREATMENT FOR ARF (reversible in most cases)

Treatment for acute kidney failure typically requires a hospital stay. Most people with acute kidney failure are already hospitalized. How long you’ll stay in the hospital depends on the reason for your acute kidney failure and how quickly your kidneys recover.

In some cases, you may be able to recover at home.

Treating the underlying cause of your kidney failure

Treatment for acute kidney failure involves identifying the illness or injury that originally damaged your kidneys. Your treatment options depend on what’s causing your kidney failure.


In giving a short and easily understandable definition Chronic kidney disease happens when your kidneys no longer filter your blood the way they should, so wastes (toxins, usually end products of an acid) build up in your blood. This has probably been going on for years, and it may keep getting worse over time. Just like a car engine damaged but still using the car without getting the engine repaired sooner or later in time the engine no longer functions the same with any organ of the body getting damaged by some long term condition. If your disease gets worse and worse over time, you could have kidney failure or some multi organ failure, depending on the condition causing this.


Regarding Chronic Kidney Failure the causes can be:

** Diabetes (uncontrolled diabetes (Type 1 or 2) for many years.

** High blood pressure for many years.

These are the top 2 causes of most chronic kidney disease. Controlling these diseases can help slow or stop the damage to the individual’s kidneys who has one of these, if not both.

Other common causes of chronic renal failure include:

-recurring pyelonephritis (kidney infection)

-polycystic kidney disease (multiple cysts in the kidneys

-autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

-hardening of the arteries, which can damage blood vessels in the kidney.

-A narrowed or blocked renal artery. A renal artery carries blood to the kidneys. Know this for starters, each of your kidneys has about a million tiny filters, called nephrons. The nephron is the tiny filtering structure in your kidneys. Each of your kidneys contain more than a million tiny filtering nephrons that help clean your blood removing toxins dumping them into your urinary bladder so you can evacuate them though urine (urea, urine; get it). Your nephrons play a vital role to our essential daily living. If over a long time you have a renal artery blocked the nephrons stop their function and die.

Remember the nephrons help all humans do the following if there kidneys or one kidney is functioning properly:

-Remove excess water, wastes (like urea, ammonia, etc.) & other substances from your blood.

-Return substances like sodium, potassium or phosphorus to the body whenever any of these substances run llow in your body or do the opposite if they run high to evacuate them through voiding dumping the sodium or phosphorus or potassium in the urinary bladder through the tube from the kidneys to the urinary bladder called ureters.

**If nephrons are damaged by the high sugar content or high blood pressure in the kidneys, they stop working. For a while, healthy nephrons can take on the extra work or overload. But if the damage continues, more and more nephrons shut down. After a certain point, the nephrons that are left cannot filter your blood well enough to keep you’re blood filtered properly to keep you healthy. Just like running from a bear in the street chancing you. We can run only so long but sooner or later we will run out of energy and not be able to run anymore, same concept for the kidney nephrons when they run out of enough energy due to the kidneys not properly working.**

The symptoms can be:

Urinate less than normal.

Have swelling and weight gain from fluid buildup in your tissues. This is called edema.

Feel very tired or sleepy.

Not feel hungry, or you may lose weight without trying.

Often feel sick to your stomach (nauseated) or vomit.

Have trouble sleeping.

Have headaches or trouble thinking clearly.

So what will you do GO TO A DOCTOR OR CALL 911 AND GO TO THE ER:

Your doctor will do blood and urine tests to help find out how well your kidneys are working. These tests can show signs of kidney disease and anemia. (You can get anemia from having damaged kidneys.) You may have other tests to help rule out other problems that could cause your symptoms.

To diagnose chronic renal failure is pretty much the same tests that are listed above on acute renal failure plus:

Chronic kidney disease is also called chronic renal failure or chronic renal insufficiency.There are five stages of kidney disease, from kidney damage with normal GFR to kidney failure.  So GFR will help the MD rule out acute versus chronic to give the MD direction on Rx.Your doctor will ask questions about any past kidney problems. He or she will also ask whether you have a family history of kidney disease and what medicines you take, both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.


“You can treat mild and moderate reactions to wasp stings at home. Wash the sting area with soap and water to remove as much of the venom as possible. Apply a cold pack to the wound site to reduce swelling and pain. Keep the wound clean and dry to prevent infection.” (What is Anaphylaxis?)


Part III What to do if you or your family gets stung!


what to do if stung5  what to do if stung4


what to do if stung2         what to do if stungwhat to do if stung3 

Anaphylactic Reactions are above in the human and dog. For both, Rx to the nearest ER or Vet to get epinephrine unless you already have had this problem and are prepared at home already with epinephrine as prescribed by your M.D. and or Vet. Still let the M.D. and Vet know this occurred in case they want to do a follow up appointment.

If you do get stung do the following:

One get into a safe area and away from a hive or outside where more stinging insects can come and attack you.

Two look at the area and if you see the stinger DO NOT SQUEEZE IT OUT since you will squeeze out more venom from the stinger but what you can do is get a tweezer and pull it our or if not available you can attempt to scratch it out with a nail (like if you are out camping and have no tweezers for example).

Three than wash the area out with soap and apply ice if the area is in pain to give the numbing affect to the area and decrease the pain with decreasing the venom from spreading.

If the area is itching apply oatmeal or a antihistamine cream to the area to decrease the itching or maybe even a cool bath.

Most stings will cause a small red bump to the area that got stung. For most part they can be treated at home depending on the area that was stung (Foot vs EYE for example). It would also include the reaction the individual has (LOCAL vs SYSTEMIC or even ANAPHYLACTIC=An allergic reaction that needs to be treated immediately or fatal, usually with epinephrine injection.).

Stung in the eye it will get swollen and shut and immediate evaluation from a MD is needed to make sure there is no other injury to the eye or that they didn’t even actually get stung in the eye itself.

If you show hives with DIFFICULTY BREATHING or DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING you NEED TO CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY since this is indicating a ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION most likely that needs treatment ASAP!! Since this can lead to shock or unconsciousness.

If you have reason to think you may be seriously allergic to bee venom, you should carry an Epipen (further discussed below).

How to determine if your even allergic to stings:

The diagnosis is made by a specialist, an allergist, by interviewing the patient and doing special allergy tests. If someone has had what is described as a systemic reaction, they should have venom skin tests done by an allergist to identify which venoms they are allergic to. The allergist can then recommend, based on the kind of reaction that the patient had, what kind of prevention would be the best idea for that person. For some people, it might be enough to be careful and carry an EpiPen, but for most people with insect skin allergy the best recommendation is to be immunized with venom treatment, because the allergy shots are highly effective to prevent dangerous reactions. This would all be done after any serious reactions were first taken care of in the ER if you had to call 911.

If you have reason to think you may be seriously allergic to bee venom, you should carry an Epipen (further discussed below). What it this exactly? An EpiPen is one kind of injector to deliver epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. It is a spring-loaded injector that makes it easy for somebody to give themselves an emergency injection that can be life-saving when there’s a severe allergic reaction. An EpiPen is useful for someone to carry if they have had a severe allergic reaction in the past. This is true for insect sting allergy and for some food allergies or other causes of anaphylaxis.

Let me point out that there is no other medicine that can counteract a severe allergic reaction, but sometimes even the EpiPen isn’t enough; so when someone needs to use an EpiPen they should call 911, because they may need intravenous fluids or oxygen or other medicines. BE SAFE RATHER THAN SORRY!

So let us remember they are here and it is summer; so remember their BACK AGAIN!



1-Read more: Published On: May 30 2014 09:38:22 AM EDT

3-http// bees-sting and which-don’t.html with Phil Chandler of Biobees.

4-Wikipedia-2013 published Bees Bee and Wasp Sting 12/11/2013





“Bumble bees, hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps are able to sting multiple times, since their stingers are smooth and can be easily withdrawn from the victim’s skin.” 12/11/2013 Bee and Wasp Sting If you are not allergic (the majority of us are not) but you DO get stung by a bee, look for some plantain – chew it up a bit at the front of your mouth – and then spit the chewed up leaf and saliva on the sting.


“Most stings arise because an insect perceives a threat to their colony. Bees and wasps commonly sting because an intruder has neared the hive or nest.”

MEDICINENET.COM 12/11/2013 Bee and Wasp Stin


yellowjacket and hornet  Wasps & Hornet Nests

Spring with summer around the corner have certain insects coming out of hibernation which are little insects with STINGERS and know how to deal with them. 

Yes it’s that time of the year again better weather and getting warmer with certain individual insects waking up and popping into our site again that go BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Enjoy the weather but know these insect stingers and what to do.

At least 40 deaths occur each year in the U.S. as a result of serious anaphylactic sting reactions.

A bee sting is strictly a sting from a bee (honey bee, bumblebee, sweat bee, etc.). In the vernacular it can mean a sting of a bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket. Some people may even call the bite of a horse-fly a bee sting. The stings of most of these species can be quite painful, and are therefore keenly avoided by many people.

Bee stings differ from insect bites, and the venom or toxin of stinging insects is quite different. Therefore, the body’s reaction to a bee sting may differ significantly from one species to another.

The most aggressive stinging insects are vespid wasps (including bald-faced hornets and other yellow jackets) but not hornets in general (e.g., the European hornet is less harmful). All of these insects aggressively defend their nests.

In people with insect sting allergy, a bee sting may trigger a dangerous anaphylactic reaction that is potentially deadly. Honey bee stings release pheromones that prompt other nearby bees to attack.

There are over 25,000 species of wasps found throughout the world. Some of the most common wasps include:

  • The yellow jacket and hornet, both of which live in groups, or colonies, in temperate climates.
  • Yellow jackets, which have black and yellow stripes on the abdomen, form underground nests.
  • Hornets are predominantly black with some yellow markings on the head and thorax. Hornets form paper-like nests that are attached to trees, bushes, or buildings.


  • Certain animals have developed stinging as a form of defense or hunting. Venomous stings can have a local reaction, meaning pain, swelling, redness, itching, and possible oozing around the sting site, or a systemic reaction, meaning with local symptoms plus hives or airway and circulatory problems across the whole body. Local symptoms meaning the reaction to the sting is in one local area and systemic meaning the reaction is generalized throughout the body.
  1. For starters let us begin with the types of Wasps.


Hornets are a type of wasp closely related to and resembling yellow jackets, according to National Geographic. While the majority of the approximately 20 species of hornets are found in tropical parts of Asia, these stinging insects can also be found throughout Europe, Africa and North America. Hornets are social insects that live in community hives dominated by queens.They are considered pests and potentially dangerous by many because they aggressively defend their hives by using their stingers. Reacting quickly after disturbing a hornets’ nest will help you prevent excessive stings and potential allergic reactions.

Hornets are a large species of wasp, growing up to 2 1/2-inches in length. Hornets become aggressive when they feel threatened or must defend their nest. Unlike a bee, hornets can sting multiple times, as their stingers are not barbed. A hornet sting delivers venom beneath the skin that causes a painful reaction for up to three days following. You can treat a hornet sting to relieve some of the pain and swelling, making the healing process tolerable. Hornets are very, very painful. As soon as you are stung by a Hornet a red welt will develop and the throbbing pain will begin. Before trying to treat a Hornet sting be sure you are safely away from the Hornet and nest. A Hornet will sting many times and if you kill a Hornet their Hornet friends back at the nest will come after you too. When a Hornet is killed it releases a scent and other Hornets will come to investigate. If you are allergic to Hornet stings seek emergency medical attention.


B.) Yellow Jack.ets–Stinging Wasps

Overall, stinging wasps have warning colors, either yellow, brown, to even blue or red. Wasps have pointed abdomens attached to the thorax by a thin waist called a petiole. They build papery nests from wood fibers, very common in the northeast. The colonies that live in these nests are led by one egg-laying queen. The female nest-building workers are the only ones with stingers, which are modified egg laying apparatuses. If threatened, they will gather into a stinging swarm to protect the nest. REMEMBER wasps have the ability to sting repeatedly.

Tune into to Part 2 for learning about BEES.



“Even a lion is peaceful when he is not hungry and does not feel threatened. On the other hand, humans are worse than animals as they exhibit malignant violence—they add a series of meanings to their violence.”

Eric Fromm (Author, his famous book The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness in this book he shares his insight that animals express benign violence—they kill only in self defense or when they are hungry. Even a lion is peaceful when he is not hungry and does not feel threatened


Part II Why do humans kill one another over different beliefs?

Turkey coup Turkey Coup 2016

killing one another6 France 2016

killing one another5 Texas 2016

911 b 9/11/2001

indonesia 2011 2 Indonesia 2011


Indonesia Islamic Attacks   Indonesia Islamic Attacks

Well from one perspective of Dr. K. Sohail

When angry human beings act violently and aggressively, other caring and compassionate human beings sometimes tell them that they are acting like animals. Given the level of violence in the contemporary world, I would not be surprised to hear of some kind animals saying to other cruel animals that they were acting like humans. Eric Fromm in his famous book The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness in this book he shares his insight that animals express benign violence—they kill only in self defense or when they are hungry. Even a lion is peaceful when he is not hungry and does not feel threatened. On the other hand, humans are worse than animals as they exhibit malignant violence—they add a series of meanings to their violence. They justify their violent crimes and rationalize their aggressive acts.


When we study the history of humanity we realize that the intensity and severity of human violence and aggression has increased over the centuries. Only in the 20th century millions of humans have been killed by other humans by pre-meditated murder, including the use of nuclear weapons. If we review human murders we can classify them into the following seven groups based on emotional, social, religious, economic or political motivation.




There are many people in every community who have difficulties controlling their anger. If someone hurts them, rather than forgiving or reporting the matter to the authorities, which now has little respect from society everwhere in the U.S. (some areas worse than others), they take the law into their own hands and kill their enemy.




While some people kill people that they know intimately, there are others who kill strangers, which has always existed unfortunately. We call them serial killers and mass murderers. These serial killers, who were usually physically, emotionally and sexually abused as children, became revengeful against a particular group, be they blacks, whites or women, gays or Hispanics, or killed over race whom they killed indiscriminately until they were caught by police, now are species is so bad we murder police innocently who protect us.  Yes I hear it but there is good and bad in ever form or job, group, sex, race due to the fact we are human (Not Perfect).  Many such serial killers have psychopathic and sociopathic personalities.




As more and more people move from villages to cities and adopt an urban lifestyle, they face the pains of migration, social alienation and unemployment (which is now everywhere) and some of them become involved in violent gangs to sell drugs to make quick money. Unfortunately, once they enter the drug and gang culture it is difficult for them to leave for too many.




While the majority of murders are committed by psychopaths who do not suffer from mental illness, there are some murders committed by people who suffer from schizophrenia, manic depressive illness and paranoid psychosis.




As the concept of nationalism became popular in the West, states created national armies. Over the centuries, soldiers in the uniform of one country killed only the soldiers of the enemy army. As guerrilla war became popular, both sides have been killing innocent men, women and children. Some call it using human shields while others call it collateral damage. Innocent citizens are being killed with no twinge of conscience on either side. Can understand the few for the many who won’t stop hurting people continuously like ISIS for example.




Over the centuries believers have killed each other in the name of God. In the last few decades there have been a large number of killings between Sunnis and Shiites, Catholics and Protestants (the last time these groups have had killings over their God beliefs was centuries ago), Hindus and Muslims (most recent), and Muslims and Jews in different parts of the world.  Turkey most recent but not sure regarding its motivation yet.

Really in the name of your God killing is allowed. If so not a great philosophy of your religion.  All Christian forms of religion believe in “thou shall not kill”.




In the recent past, Western governments have been sending their armies to other countries and invading sovereign states in order to topple their governments; they have killed innocent civilians and then rationalized their murders in the name of democracy, human rights and freedom.


Dr. Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D., is an internationally recognized authority on brain development and children in crisis. Dr. Perry leads the Child Trauma Academy, a pioneering center providing service, research and training in the area of child maltreatment. See what comments from his patients have said and it may shock you.

What he says in why do we humans do it? Why didn’t anyone see this coming? Why didn’t anyone intervene and prevent them from killing? How can we prevent anything like that from happening again?

Experts in crime, mental health, education, and social sciences have all been trying to understand the pathways to school violence. A few common observations emerge. The first, and most disturbing, is that human beings, like few other species, are pervasively aggressive, violent and murderous to each other. The major predators of humans are other humans with not forgetting SOCIETY acceptance of this behavior .

The second important point is that all violence is not the same. Some violence is due to impulsive behavior, some due to the disinhibition by drugs or alcohol, some due to serious mental illness, some to hate, revenge, or retribution.

Yet this should not stop us from trying to understand and prevent violence. We know that not all humans kill. And some societies are more violent than others. So what do we know about the conditions that increase violence? What observations are common across cultures and through history when violence emerges?

  1. When we become desensitized to death or killing, violence increases. When death and violence surrounds someone, the value of human life can diminish and the horror of violent death can decrease. In Europe during the Black Plague, up to half the people in a village could die in a few months. The survivors often migrated to medieval cities and, soon afterwards, the rates of violence and murder skyrocketed, exceeding the rates of killing in modern New York. Pervasive death desensitizes. Pervasive violence desensitizes. In the United States, while we have been spared the horrors of war in our land and plague, we will self-expose ourselves to remarkable violence. We will watch 200,000 graphic violent acts on TV by age 18. Too many of us have become desensitized to violent acts, not realizing the true effects of a bullet passing through a human body.

“That’s so cool. Look at his head explode.” Spoken by a nine-year-old boy watching TV. His aggressive behaviors in school were so disruptive that he was placed in a special classroom.

Being part of the solution: Don’t watch so much violence. It is everywhere, but try to watch less. Certainly if you are watching and someone younger is in the room, turn the channel, get them out and help younger children see less violence. Try to see what a bullet really does. A little research can teach you more about violence than a lifetime of TV or movies.

  1. When we become more detached from each other and from common unifying beliefs, violence increases. Without being connected to others, we care less for their welfare.  The U.S. government “Obama” is doing it at every speech when a disaster happens in or out of America.  With his first lines stating the US won’t tolerate this (with doing nothing about it by taking no ACTION) and that we shouldn’t blame the Muslims or Blacks (dividing our people more apart to push an agenda) causing these groups to think there being blamed, when no one did.  President Obama is tring to detach certain large cultural groups in the US simply to keep like in the 1920s cultural groups detached and threatened by others with NO MELTING POT getting closer as ONE.  He keeps stating “We can’t blame the muslims or the blacks”  Really when no one did and those that did are a close minded small group initially that keeps enlarging since he goes out of his every violent disaster bringing up that the country is blaming one group.  Not the case at all, he is making people more paranoid in those groups to light with escalating the fire rather than taking action as a leader of a country and making statements that would be more beneficial for all groups in the U.S. to deal with this disaster happening as a whole (he divides the PIE).                                                                                                                     *When we share common bonds of belief and value with others, we are less likely to be aggressive or violent to others in our community.  This country the U.S. was once tolerant to whites, Christian people and Jewish people including Southerners but our government allowed it again for passing a certain agenda (selfish and demeaning behavior to help a certain political group–only humans do this.  Pathetic).

Being part of the solution: Be part of something — at school or outside. Spend time with friends, in structured and non-structured activities. Talk, listen, laugh and be together. Time with friends, family, teammates, and classmates promote healthy social or emotional relationships.

  1. When we allow hateful ideologies to make groups or classes of people to be viewed as different (which Obama does continuously with bringing up “we can’t blame the Muslims or Blacks”  since we aren’t he is brain washing the T.V. audience to think we are to subdivide the groups of different cultures we have in this Nation.  Since we don’t bad or even less than human, violence increases, look at our history in America the past 5 years. All too often, violence is linked to hate. Hateful beliefs such as racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny allow whole groups to be dehumanized.

“They were just camel jockeys. They don’t belong in this country anyway. I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s not like we robbed a priest.” Comments from an interview with a fifteen-year-old boy who participated in an armed robbery at a convenience store run by a family from Lebanon.

Being part of the solution: Be intolerant of intolerance.

.4. When we are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, violence increases.

“I don’t remember why it even started. We had a lot of beers and smoked some reefer. I didn’t think he would die.” A comment from a 17-year-old-boy who was one of three who beat a classmate to death at a party after a fight broke out — apparently about a parking place.

Being part of the solution: Stay away from alcohol and drugs. And if you won’t, be moderate in your use, and be with people you know and trust in places that are safe. Stay off the roads. Don’t ever pressure someone else to drink or use. Let them make up their own choices. And be prepared to live with the consequences of your choice. Grown-up behaviors have grown-up consequences. Hundreds of youth die each year due to the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Over the last few generations, two new observations have emerged. There are some unique properties to our recent wave of violence in the United States.

  1. We have become more efficient and practiced at killing behaviors, again because our society and Government allowed it.  Pretty Sad.   Five thousand years ago, a drunk, isolated, hateful person could try to kill, but would be limited by the means at hand. There were no handguns, no automatic weapons, and no explosives. They could kill one or two in an incident. Today, in a single fit of rage and hate, one person with automatic weapons can kill dozens of people. Today, one hateful person can bomb a building and kill hundreds. We have more available and efficient means to kill. And we are practicing. In the games we play — paintball, video games, and simulated war games — we are becoming practiced in the behaviors required to kill.  Not that T.V. programs to kill from police shows to serial killer shows to murder porn giving ideas to people how to go about this and how to get away with this (including real life murders shown on T.V.).  The other problem with T.V. is parenteral limitations on the child in watching this crap with not having an adult brain but how mature can a parent be in allowing there child to watch this?  We don’t use simple common sense in this world today like in earlier time of America. If we did highier odds this would not have happened, the child would probably have had better meaning in wrong from right and the parents would not have had access for the child to have it in the his hands.  See below:

“It was pretty strange. I just raised up the rifle and shot. Just like I had a million times when I was a kid. It was just a little pop. And he just looked at me. And then slumped down. I was just trying to warn him. I didn’t think it would kill him.” From an interview with a 13-year-old boy who killed another youth.

Being part of the solution: Decrease the amount of time spent playing violent video games or practicing lethal behaviors. If you see younger children “playing” at killing, see if you can help them find other ways to channel their energies.  OMG when I was growing up in the 1970s to 1980s video games where Pac Man, Mario, Defender, Galaga, Centipede, pin ball machines; not Mortal kombat or grand theft auto and so much more.

  1. We have easy access to handguns. There is ready availability of lethal weapons in our society but the majority are ILLEGAL. Handguns, rifles, automatic weapons are all easily purchased — legally and illegally. We need more limitations in what is allowed as a legal gun with parents taking proper care of the gun locked up where children can get the guns.  People who like hunting or pistol range shooting shouldn’t have there gun taking away as long as they have a unexpired license but really the need for war guns in the house  Of course our present President wants to take all of that away, meaning every gun.  We do have a second amendment and there was a purpose for it,  not to allow the government to take your defensive weapons away from you with not allowing a government to tyrannize or dictate a nation.  When someone is angry, drunk or hateful, the gun allows him or her to act in lethal ways. What may have been a fistfight becomes a murder. The availability of guns in peoples hands who are responsible and rationale with safety of the gun maintained will decrease the lethal violence in our country but because so many are not in America we increases the probability of lethal violence.

Remember one thing more crimes of killing people are due to people with not licensed guns as opposed to stolen ones and of course those with licences. So if taking legal guns away from people you think will decrease crime think again, it won’t change the crime rate by far.

“My dad just kept it in the drawer by his bed. I wanted to scare these guys that were messing with me at school. So I  put it in my backpack and took it to school.” From an interview with a nine-year-old child who took a loaded handgun to school. The problem here is if your going to have a gun LOCK IT UP where the child has no access; including height (out of reach with locked). That’s a rational, responsible adult who maintains safety in their child’s environment!

Being part of the solution: Don’t play with guns. Use guns with supervision only if legal gun and a adult over 21 y/o. Never take guns to school. Never mix drinking and shooting. Don’t carry a weapon. And if your family has a gun, help your parents come up with a safe place to keep it.  Having a form of a gun at 14 years old is that really smart????

Tage Rai is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Ford Center for Global Citizenship at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Illinois. He is the co-author, with Alan Fiske, of Virtuous Violence (2014). From their point of view on this topic they say:

While we may never understand Columbine, we do know that we can help prevent more violence. We are not helpless. We know that acting in these six areas can decrease violence. Each of us plays a role. We are all part of a solution to school violence.

People seem to be able to invent all sorts of rationals for mass killing without feeling the need to cite the will of God. For example, just a few days prior to the September 11 attacks, two young men from the Sacramento area each killed half a dozen people, apparently out of personal revenge. And some of the most appalling atrocities in history have been rooted not in religion per se but rather in racial or class hatred. Look at America we allow children not to say the Pledge of Allegiance (disrespect to living in America and even to those being citizens).  Our government is even considering o take our God in the Pledge of Allegiance.  What does that appear as? Our government trying to abolish God (of many types since there is no particular God mentioned) from the children’s mind.  God of most types (not ISIS as example) gives direction on good morals and values on how to live in general.  Take God away from the pledge of allegiance with parents who don’t practice to any extent believing in any good God makes higher probability that the child could be with aggressive, angry behavior later as adult since there is little direction on reinforcing good morals and values.  A little God in your life can go a long way, whether you believe or not.  Look at ISIS as opposed to a type of Christian or Jehovah Witness or Hindu individual.  One will decapitate a person as the other will help one in need due to injury.  There may even be a genetic tendency in our species, like that of our chimpanzee relatives, to attack and kill others for no reason except that they aren’t “one of us.” (Wrangham and Peterson)  Pretty sad for our species.   But religious violence can take on a particularly intense and  character, if the objects of that violence are seen as blaspheming or insulting God, as the enemies of God or God’s way narrowly conceived.  Remember, this does occurs NOT IN AMERICA and hasn’t since the Puritan colonies which was in the 1600s but occurs in a world that happens to be a area of DIFFERENT FORMS OF MUSLIM, NOT ONE TYPE.  I am talking in the Middle East.  This only happens in other areas that we call terrorism that is done by groups or an individual who believes in ISIS or some form of a dictatorship belief.   There are groups of good Muslims, as well.     The problem of indiscriminate holy war in America or anywhere is particularly  Judaism or Christianity evolved out of that thinking but not Islam to eliminate from within because it’s so deeply rooted in their scriptures and traditions, look at the news.

The ending good light to this article is most of us will never engage in an act of extreme brutality. We will never shoot, stab, or beat someone to death. We will never rape another human being or set them on fire. We will never strap a bomb to our chests and detonate ourselves in a crowded café. And so, when faced with these seemingly senseless acts, we find ourselves at a loss. What possible purpose could they serve? Fundamentally, why do people hurt and kill one another?

It sounds like an unanswerable question. Yet there is an answer. It is simple, powerful and very disturbing. We fail to recognize it almost everywhere it matters. But if we really want to solve the problem of violence, there is nothing for it. We have to risk a kind of understanding that threatens our own values, our own way of life. We have to gaze into an abyss.  We need to have respect for one another and acceptance to groups that don’t live our way where there is no violence if we don’t live your way.  Pretty simple isn’t it but for certain humans its not and for living like ISIS you should be locked or in a psych institution till your safe in society.   Would be nice if some action was taken over the celebrity speeches we here over and over again from our President.  We need to take a stand not a drama class in how to give speeches.


Humans allow this, so SAD since this species is the most intelligent and I am part of that species.

Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership (race, ethnicity, religion, language).

Politicide: the murder of any person or people by a government because of their politics or for political purposes.

Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government.

Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.

Elizabeth M. Lynch RN BSN