‘The increase in automobile accidents is primarily due to an upward tic in the number of intoxicated drivers on roadways across the country. Over 33 percent of automobile collisions that occur during the holiday season involve an intoxicated driver.

National Highway Traffic Safety Board.


“Whether you’re shopping for gifts online or gathering for in-person or virtual holiday celebrations, it is important that everyone takes steps to keep holiday festivities safer.  Avoid a visit to the emergency-room this holiday season by following some simple safety guidelines.”

Unsafe toys, cooking fires, decorating, holiday trees and candles lead to thousands of injuries and deaths each year. People can celebrate more safely this holiday season by making a list of safety precautions and checking it twice.”.

said CPSC Chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric / Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC)


“The act of thinking about the stressful situation leaves less mental room to think about other things, which can “dumb us down” in the short run. In the long run, there is evidence that people who are chronically stressed are more likely to develop dementia. Evidence also suggests that high levels of chronic stress can damage neurons in our brains, particularly neurons in the hippocampus, where new memories are made. Stress also increases the chance of developing depression, which in turn can impair memory performance.  “Merry Stressmas!” It should come as no surprise to learn that the holiday season (November through December) is often considered the sixth most stressful life event. Of people surveyed in a national study.  What can we do when the “most wonderful time of the year” is anything but calm.  Evidence also suggests that high levels of chronic stress can damage neurons in our brains, particularly neurons in the hippocampus, where new memories are made. Stress also increases the chance of developing depression, which in turn can impair memory performance.  There are ways to reverse stress.”.

Dr. Rob Winningham / Presbyterian Senior Living

Minimizing holiday risk factors while being merry!

deal with stress factors this holiday season3  deal with stress factors this holiday season1

Minimizing Risk while Making Merry

Why hearts attacks increase during the winter holiday season is not entirely clear, but the fact that they do means that you need to pay particular attention to your health during the cold weather months.  Here are some tips to follow to keep you going through the holiday season and beyond:

-Enjoy special meals in moderation. Avoid or limit high fat items like gravy, fattier cuts of meat, and buttery side dishes, while including fresh vegetables and fruit.

-Drink alcoholic beverages sparingly, avoiding multiple drinks at one sitting.

-Maintain a regular exercise schedule to avoid weight gain and reduce stress. In frigid or bad weather, consider      indoor options, like a gym, mall-walking or a fitness DVD.

-If you do shovel, take your time. Proceed slowly and carefully and don’t over-exert yourself.

-Don’t skip your medications. If you’re traveling, pack twice as many in case your flight gets delayed and keep them in your carry-on bag if you’re traveling by air. Be sure to bring a list of medications, health issues, allergies and physicians with you, and keep this in your purse or wallet.

-If you are older than 65 or have heart disease risk factors, get a flu vaccine.

-If you have congestion in your nose or chest, avoid decongestants and use natural methods such as steam or neti pots.

Don’t allow the holidays to break your heart. Stay in tune with your body and be aware of any drastic changes, whether physical or emotional. By limiting intake of indulgent foods, taking time to de-stress, and seeking treatment for health issues as soon as they appear, you can ensure a holiday that’s not only heart-warming but heart-healthy, too.

Every holiday season, there is a five percent increase in heart-related deaths. To take charge of your heart health during this chaotic time, practice these simple tips.

  • Plan for leftovers – Overeating and the so-called “food coma” sometimes comes at a high price. A big, high-fat meal diverts blood from the heart to the digestive system and can actually trigger a heart attack, angina or heart-related chest pain. Instead, invite friends over the following day for leftover brunch.
  • Serve healthy foods – Fill your holiday table with heart-healthy sides, such as cauliflower mash and colorful vegetable sides.
  • Make it a potluck – Have friends and family contribute to the evening by bringing one of their favorite dishes. This division of labor will allow for everyone to feel involved, and lessen the workload for the hosts.
  • Limit your alcohol – Aside from a headache, too much alcohol can, in the long term, raise your blood pressure and, in the short term, trigger atrial fibrillation – an irregular heartbeat that increases your risk of stroke.
  • Stay active – Walking the shopping mall is one way to stay active, but if you can’t get through the crowds, put on a jacket and take a walk around the block or play a game of tag football in the backyard with family members. Thirty minutes of moving can be the best part of your day, and help burn some of those calories!
  • Reduce stress – Remember that the holidays are about spending time with loved ones. So even if everything isn’t perfect, it’s still a time to gather and reminisce.
  • Don’t ignore unusual pain or discomfort – If you experience chest pain or pressure, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, jaw or back pain, don’t assume it will go away. These are all symptoms of a potential heart attack and require prompt medical attention.
  •  Don’t smoke know matter what it is – something tells me you knew this already.


“The W/E after Christmas can be a great day for taking a break from cooking. You might want to go out to a nice restaurant and have some one-on-one time with your spouse – or maybe you would rather stay home and order pizza. Relax: On the day after Christmas it is very likely that your kids will be busy playing with their new toys.”.



“Tis the season for attending parties galore (yes, Zoom celebrations count, too!), decking your halls–and, of course, your Christmas tree–with festive decorations, checking out all the magical light displays, and binge-watching classic holiday movies. Not to mention spending Christmas Day (and eve!) living up the holiday!

So it’s no surprise that the prospect of spending Christmas alone–whether for the first time or the twentieth time–can feel, well, not always so merry and bright.  But here’s the thing: You’re not alone. The reality is that plenty of people spend their holidays solo. Some people have demanding work schedules that make it difficult to travel, while others might not have the money for expensive round-trip tickets, and others simply want to spend Christmas alone. That’s true in a normal year—but perhaps even more so in 2020, when many of us will be celebrating Christmas without friends or family due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and social distancing guidelines.”

Oprah Daily


“The holidays can be a joyful time, offering a chance to reconnect with friends and family. But they can also be stressful. You may feel pressure to buy and give gifts. Maybe you are worried about money. The holidays can also be hectic. There never seems to be enough time to get things done.  Think about the kinds of events that trigger stress for you during the holidays. Then you can focus on one or two things you can do that will help the most to reduce stress.”

University of Michigan Health/Michigan Medicine (https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library)

It’s close to Xmas in 2 days but watch the spending to decrease your post Xmas stress!





If you haven’t begun thinking about Christmas yet, you really should – we’re less than one week away from the big day. Presents are no doubt the first things on the shopping list but there are some festive essentials that might not be front of mind. And if you don’t factor them into your budget, you might find yourself spending more than you expect.

Christmas cards

It’s still a tradition to exchange a Christmas card, often with updates of what’s occurred in the last 12 months. No doubt you’ve a handful left over from last year (if you can find them), so work out how many you need rather than just buying a few boxes. Then top up in the January sales for next year.

Fewer cards are sent nowadays, and that’s largely down to email. If you’re not bothered about sending a physical card, you could save a fair few quid by sending your own e-card.

Second-class stamps

If you are going to send a card by post, you’ll obviously save cash if you send them second class, likewise with any gifts. So the earlier you send them the cheaper it’ll be.

Real or fake Christmas tree?

Real trees aren’t cheap, so if you want one with no-drop-needles-that-will-still-drop-whatever-the-label-says, find out how much it’ll cost you, especially if you need to get a taxi to get it home.

A fake tree is often a cheaper option and will last you a good three or four years, if not longer.

Wrapping paper

You’ve either got rolls of it left over from previous years (maybe it’s hiding with the Christmas cards?) or perhaps you’ll grab what’s closest to the till the night before you need to wrap all your gifts.

If you’re on a tight budget, pick something that could be used for gifts all year around such as red, gold or silver. Brown parcel paper with a ribbon can look great too.

Turkey and trimmings

A turkey won’t come cheap, and all the extras will add up too. The earlier you work out the total cost (supermarket websites are a great way to get a rough idea) the sooner you’ll know if you need to cut back on the overall spend.

You can of course lower the costs through meal planning. If you work out how you’ll use leftovers from the turkey over the next few days, it’ll mean you need to buy less grub.

It’s easy to get carried away with the egg nog and lose track of how much an evening out is costing, especially if you’re paying with credit cards, not real actual money in your pocket (even if getting food from the store for a home Christmas meal).

1 – Instead take with you just the cash you can afford for the night out. Parting with the physical money will slow down your spending so you can stretch out the night until it’s time to head home – just don’t spend your bus fare or subway fair!  THINK BUDGET and your love yourself much after New Year’s Eve into the new year when you get those lovely bills of your credit cards!

2 – When your friends aren’t on a budget, there can be pressure to go along with pricey nights out and activities.

But if joining in means you’ll get into debt, be upfront and suggest a cheaper alternative. It might also mean you have to say no to some things, so prioritize the ones you really want to attend and can afford within your budget.  Those who love you or consider you significant in their lives will understand and make a change with the group or at least the part of the family buying presents in their range so everyone can have a fun holiday!

3 – If you’re worried about splitting the bill or joining in on rounds, just tell your friends you’re going to pay for yourself as you’re on a really tight budget.

Yes, it means more trips to the bar, but at least you’ll be able to make sure you don’t spend more than you can afford.

4 – There are only so many days to fit things in before Christmas, but that doesn’t mean you have to be out every evening.

If you can schedule some get togethers in the new year rather than December, you’ll be able to cover the cost of your nights out from next month’s payslip.  Logical isn’t it?

Lastly consider…

Christmas Money Planner

What will you be spending money on this Christmas?

How are you planning to pay for Christmas? From presents to food, the costs can add up quickly. Using our Christmas Money Planner will help you set a budget for the festive season.  Now its just less that a week away so figure out your plan if you have too and make your calls to family and friends now not the day or two before!   Its sort of late now so do it today if not already!

Have a safe and merry Holiday Season!!



“In recent years, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has created a robust toy safety system, by requiring testing by independent, third party testing laboratories around the world; enforcing stringent lead and phthalates limits for toys; imposing some of the most stringent toy standards in the world; and stopping violative and dangerous toys at the ports and in the marketplace before they reach children’s hands. These combined efforts continue to foster the confidence of American families as they prepare to shop for toys this holiday season.”

Child & Family Services (child-familyservices.org)