6 IN 10 Adults in the US have a chronic disease.  4 IN 10 Adults in the US have two or more. “.

cigarette  soda and friesman lying back and listening to headphones      alcohol

Smoking, Poor Nutrition, Immobility (no exercise or regular mobility/exercise routine each day, drinking!



Top Health Risks in America:


Without going into a book on this since I could and not just one; According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) It’s estimated that 6 out of 10 Americans suffer from a chronic disease, and 4 of those 10 suffer from two or more. These diseases include: Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Kidney Disease and Chronic Lung Disease.


The people listed above have risk factors Heredity non=preventable risk, & preventable risk factors (what they can change) is changing to healthy diet, increasing exercise & changing life style.  If these changes are done highly likely the disease will get better to become extinct.  Continue to live the life style you are living and expect to stay right where you are or get worse to death; its simple to reverse its just disciplining your self in changes and the desire to want to do it.  I have been there and gone backwards but haven’t yet developed any of these diagnosis’s staying fairly healthy!  It’s up to you!

2.ETOH Substance Addiction and Abuse:

The opioid epidemic has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in recent years. Both prescription drugs and illegal street drugs have contributed to these losses.

In addition to opioids, alcoholism continues to be a problem. According to a study by the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, 8 out of 10 Americans suffer from alcoholism. Genetic factors coupled with high stress levels and socio-economic challenges are believed to contribute to these high numbers.

There are several national and local programs in place to help those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs or even both, including some that are free of charge.

3. Mental Health Issues

The second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 10 and 34, suicide is on the rise and claims a life approximately every 12 minutes. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention also reports that 25 million Americans currently suffer from depression. With that and other mood disorders, such as anxiety, on the rise, it’s never been more important to recognize the signs of poor mental health and seek diagnosis and treatment.

4-Lack of Vaccinations:

One of the reasons in general that certain diseases or illnesses could have been lower in counts including deaths if more vaccines were taken.  Many don’t take it because they just don’t get it.  The vaccine develops in all cases antibodies in the body against the antigen of the disease you are trying to prevent to get (Ex. Flu, etc…) and yes their is a slim chance of getting ill but in most all cases pt’s don’t get the disease or illness.  Wouldn’t it be better in a country and world where there is less disease and illness.

A recent report notes that 92% of HPV-caused cancers could have been prevented with a vaccine, yet just above half of the population of American teens have received it. In addition 2/3 of pregnant women have not received the two recommended vaccines for those expecting a baby. This causes unnecessary risk to both the mother and child.

Furthermore, in 2019, over 8,000 Americans died of influenza, which in most cases is preventable with an inexpensive (or even free), widely accessible flu shot.

History repeats itself obviously or we wouldn’t have statistics of HPV that is so high with how to prevent it just with a vaccine since 92% of HPV could have prevented cancers if the individual took the vaccine and than we have the flu that if most cases took the vaccine the 8000 deaths could have been lower.  Learn from this in taking COVID-19 vaccine since we still need an amount in the USA to take it and other areas as well.

5. Violence

Nearly 20,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of homicide in 2017, and those numbers are unfortunately not in rapid decline. Crime prevention, access to weapons, identifying real threats and addressing mental health issues can all help reduce these grim statistics of injury and death, in addition to building awareness surrounding safer lifestyle choices.  The CDC states in the United States, more than seven people per hour die a violent death. More than 18,800 people were victims of homicide and over 48,000 people died by suicide in 2018 alone.






“Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is usually an autosomal recessive inherited disorder.  Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is often due to mutations in the EVER1 or EVER2 genes on chromosome 17q25. The mutation decreases cell capacity to fight HPV infections.

The lesions usually start to appear during childhood and persist. About 7.5% of cases appear in infancy, 61.5% in children aged 5–11 years and 22.5% in puberty. The disease affects both males and females and people of all races.

Acquired epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a result of HIV infection, organ transplantation or a lymphoma.

Two clinical presentations: White, pink, reddish brown, dark brown or violet flat-topped papules and plaques with a scaly surface and irregular borders.  2-Verrucous or seborrhoeic keratoses-like lesions. These are raised brown warty lesions.”.

DernNet NZ all about skin (dernnetnz.org)

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) = Tree Man Syndrome

EV is an inherited genetic immune disorder. It makes people extremely susceptibleTrusted Source to human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and usually results in this type of infection becoming chronic.

Most people come into contact with HPV at some point, and having EV compromises a person’s immune function in a way that makes them more likely to develop the infection.

Over time, the infection causes skin growths, such as viral warts and pigmented, inflamed patches. In severe or extreme cases, a person may develop bark-like growths.

HPV is contagious and usually transmitted Trusted Source through skin-to-skin contact. A person can pass it on even if they experience no symptoms.


The most striking symptom of EV is bark-like growths of tissue, which most commonlyTrusted Source develop on the hands and feet. However, it is important to note that this is a severe presentation.

People with EV tend to develop:

  • small pink, white, reddish-brown, dark brown, or violet growths called papules, which may be raised and flat-topped
  • larger scaly, raised, or inflamed patches of skin called plaques, which may have irregular edges
  • raised brown growths called viral warts

The warts tend to occur in clusters of a few to more than 100 lesions each. They commonly form on areas exposed to the sun, including the:

  • hands, feet, earlobes and face

Larger plaques associated with EV tend to form on the:

  • neck, arms, legs, trunk

However, people with EV can experience symptoms anywhere, including the:

  • soles of the feet, armpits, external genitalia, palms


According to the GARD, approximately 61.5% of people diagnosed with EV develop symptoms in childhood, while some 22% develop them during puberty, and 7.5% do so in infancy.

EV is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, meaning that it results from mutations at specific locations on certain genes, and that the person has inherited the same mutations from both parents.

In about 10% of EV cases, the person’s parents were relatives.

Rarely, the condition can either be linked to sex, in the sense that the mutation developed on the X or Y genes, or it can be autosomal dominant — caused by a single mutated gene.

Also, acquired EV has developed in people with:

  • HIV
  • lymphoma
  • an organ transplant

According to the GARD, EV seems to occur due to a loss-of-function mutation in one of two adjacent genes, called EVER1/TMC6 and EVER2/TMC8.

These genes help facilitate the transportation of zinc in skin cells. Zinc, meanwhile, plays an importantTrusted Source role in immune function.


Though there is no cure for EV, some medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes may help make symptoms more manageable and reduce the chances of complications.

  • Systemic or topical retinoids: These medications may help prevent an HPV infection from spreading and reduce skin inflammation. Taking 0.5 to 1.0 milligrams of acitretin daily for 6 months may be the most effective treatment.
  • Interferon-alpha: This contains a natural compound that reduces cell growth and division, especially in cancer cells. It can also helpTrusted Source treat viral infections.
  • Cholecalciferol: This medication is similar to vitamin D.

Lifestyle changes made with this diagnosis:

  • Sun avoidance or protection: Avoiding sun exposure, covering up as much as possible, and wearing sunscreen may help prevent skin cancer from developing.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking increasesTrusted Source the risk of developing several types of cancer and reduces overall immune function.

Types of Surgery:

  • Cryotherapy: This involves freezing off growths.
  • Laser surgery or electrosurgery: These employ either lasers or high-frequency electrical currents to remove or destroy growths and other lesions.

If a growth is cancerous, a doctor may recommend surgery to remove it. In some cases, this requires a skin graft.

Lesions will continue to develop throughout a person’s life.


“Auto-brewery syndrome, or gut fermentation syndrome, is a rare condition that results in the production of ethanol (i.e. alcohol) through endogenous fermentation in the gastrointestinal (GI) system.1 This means that after a person consumes carbohydrate-rich foods, they can become intoxicated without actually drinking alcohol.1″.

American Addiction Centers (alcohol.org)

Auto-brewery syndrome

Most of us only experience drunkenness — and the ensuing “rough morning” — after having had a few stiff drinks. While the alcohol may give us a pleasant “high” at first, the hangover is a harsh reminder that our bodies do not appreciate heavy partying all that much.

There are, however, people who experience intoxication and hangovers without drinking a significant amount of alcohol, or even without ingesting alcohol at all.

These people have a rare condition called auto-brewery syndromeTrusted Source or gut fermentation syndrome, in which pure alcohol (ethanol) is produced in a person’s gut after they have eaten carbohydrate-rich foods.

An excess of Saccharomyces cerevisiae — a type of yeast — in the gut is the main culprit, which leads to the fermentation process that produces ethanol.

However, researchers note that the spontaneously-produced alcohol would not be enough to land someone a drink-driving charge since it would not lead to high enough levels of blood alcohol.

However, a variation of this condition may have more severe effects.

Since the liver typically processes ethanol, people whose liver does not function properly may experience a form of auto-brewery syndrome in which the alcohol accumulates and lingers in the system for longer.

Some symptoms that accompany this condition include belching, chronic fatigue syndrome, dizziness, disorientation, hangovers, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

All of these symptoms can further impact a person’s mental health and physical well-being. In an interview for the BBC in the United Kingdom, a person with auto-brewery syndrome explained how the condition affected them before they received a diagnosis:

“One minute I’m fine the next drunk suddenly.  Then at times after a some carbs I ate I would be vulgar and goofy; which took over a course of days.  I would be normal and bam I’m drunk.”.

Fortunately, most people can manage auto-brewery syndrome through dietary changes; by switching to foods with low carbohydrate and high protein content. A further step in treating this condition involves taking antibiotics and antifungal therapies.





Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system and other organs in the body and limits the ability to breathe over time. .In the lungs, the mucus clogs the airways and traps germs, like bacteria, leading to infections, inflammation, respiratory failure, and other complications. “

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

What is cystic fibrosis?



Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. The body produces thick and sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas. Cystic fibrosis (CF) can be life-threatening, and people with the condition tend to have a shorter-than-normal life span.

What is this disease?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time.

In people with CF, mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene cause the CFTR protein to become dysfunctional. When the protein is not working correctly, it’s unable to help move chloride — a component of salt — to the cell surface. Without the chloride to attract water to the cell surface, the mucus in various organs becomes thick and sticky.

In the lungs, the mucus clogs the airways and traps germs, like bacteria, leading to infections, inflammation, respiratory failure, and other complications. For this reason, minimizing contact with germs is a top concern for people with CF.

In the pancreas, the buildup of mucus prevents the release of digestive enzymes that help the body absorb food and key nutrients, resulting in malnutrition and poor growth. In the liver, the thick mucus can block the bile duct, causing liver disease. In men, CF can affect their ability to have children.

Symptoms of CF

People with CF can have a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Very salty-tasting skin
  • Persistent coughing, at times with phlegm
  • Frequent lung infections including pneumonia or bronchitis
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Poor growth or weight gain in spite of a good appetite
  • Frequent greasy, bulky stools or difficulty with bowel movements
  • Male infertility

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease. People with CF have inherited two copies of the defective CF gene — one copy from each parent. Both parents must have at least one copy of the defective gene.

People with only one copy of the defective CF gene are called carriers, but they do not have the disease. Each time two CF carriers have a child, the chances are:

  • 25 percent (1 in 4) the child will have CF
  • 50 percent (1 in 2) the child will be a carrier but will not have CF
  • 25 percent (1 in 4) the child will not be a carrier and will not have CF

The defective CF gene contains a slight abnormality called a mutation. There are more than 1,700 known mutations of the disease. Most genetic tests only screen for the most common CF mutations. Therefore, the test results may indicate a person who is a carrier of the CF gene is not a carrier.

Diagnosing cystic fibrosis is a multistep process, and should include a newborn screening, a sweat test, a genetic or carrier test, and a clinical evaluation at a CF Foundation-accredited care center. Although most people are diagnosed with CF by the age of 2, some are diagnosed as adults. A CF specialist can order a sweat test and recommend additional testing to confirm a CF diagnosis.

Read the CF Foundation’s clinical care guidelines for diagnosing CF.

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry, in the United States:

  • More than 30,000 people are living with cystic fibrosis (more than 70,000 worldwide).
  • Approximately 1,000 new cases of CF are diagnosed each year.
  • More than 75 percent of people with CF are diagnosed by age 2.
  • More than half of the CF population is age 18 or older.




“It’s inevitable that when kids mix — returning from camp or heading back to school — germs spread. And in a pandemic year fueled by the delta variant, some of those germs may cause COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advice for keeping your child protected from this highly contagious version of the coronavirus now and this fall: Mask up in schools and other crowded venues, and make sure everyone age 12 and older in the family gets a COVID-19 shot.”

NPR.org (WAMC Northeast public radio)

How to make the end of the summer better and safer the kids!

We’ve all had to adjust to and accept pandemic living.  When it comes to addressing canceled trips, playdates and a drastically different summer overall, the key is to take a direct approach and not sugarcoat things.  Kids are smart. So, give them a little credit during those tough parent-child conversations.  The most important thing to remember when you’re talking to your child is that it’s not necessarily what you say, but how you say it. You need to be direct and to the point. Let them know the reason behind why they can’t do the things that they use to.  It is also the same for adults but the majority have the key factors already major enough in knowing how to deal with it.  It is harder on the child.

To help your child understand why being around a lot of people isn’t a good idea right now, she suggests an approach like this.

“Nearly all children can remember being sick at some point in their lives, and germs are something that most children can understand the concept of. Start a discussion with your child about how germs are very tiny and when they enter our bodies, they make us sick.  Explain what covid is, how you get it but most important is how to prevent it.  They have been saying it for months to social distance and get the VACCINE!

Physical distancing can be a difficult concept for some children to understand.  You can also use items to illustrate how far six feet away really is. Use their toys, the length of a pet or even their favorite foods to show the distance (for example, six medium pizzas equal six feet).  Kids notice everything. So, they’re bound to notice when people are too close and know when someone is wearing a MASK!

It’s hard for little kids to resist touching things (Ex. public things like a public toilet, public counter, etc…). They can’t help it.  Kids explore their world through touch. If you think about babies, they’re putting everything in their mouths.  Parents urge your little ones including the little ones they play with to not touch their face.

Should your child struggle with the concept of not touching things, their face or others, try not to get upset. If you respond in a negative way like angry or anxious, it will only make your child more anxious and forgetful due to there reaction of your negative reaction to them.  You want them to remember this in not touching their face.

Washing the hands and using purex or something like it to help keep the hands clean!