Here’s what experts recommend for de-stressing after a hectic holiday season:

Adults young and old know the holiday season presents an exhausting array of physical and emotional demands that, for many, can bring about lingering stress and anxiety.

To cope with stress during the holiday season, a large number of pet owners say they turn to their petfor comfort, but even this may not be sufficient for getting rid of persistent worries.

If you’re still dealing with holiday-related stress and anxiety into the new year, it’s important to take steps to de-stress. Reducing stress after the holidays can help ensure your mind and body are in the right state to stay healthy and cultivate good habits for self care.

Some tips on de-stressing:

  • Meditate. Quieting the mind and relaxing the body is goal of meditation. Even as little as one minute of mediation can be beneficial, says Jordan.
  • Put down your devices. The blue light emitted from digital devices like iPhones, iPads, and laptop can impair your “fight or flight” mechanisms, says Jordan. For a more restorative night of sleep, avoid using devices two hours before going to bed.
  • Take walks. Sitting for long periods can lead to low energy, but getting up and walking around (even just for a few minutes) can help boost your energy and problem-solving levels.
  • Get outside. Take 15 minutes during lunch to go outside and get some sun. Getting outside — even on cloudy winter days — has been shown to help combat seasonal depression.
  • Get to bed early. Sleep deprivation can impact our body’s de-stressing ability, memory compiling, and hormone cycling functions. Try to get to bed early — no later than 10:00 PM. Even as little as ten minutes of extra sleep per day can be a boon to your health.


After Christmas day relax and unwind!

Remember that Christmas is your holiday too, those after giving the party or those after going to the party with getting ready for it and even those who had to work the holiday and want to relax now. Play some relaxing music, perhaps seasonal carols, and burn some scented candles, incense or aromatherapy oil. Take a relaxing hot bath to unwind.

Music always help anyone relax; turn off the hard rock or hard metal and this is why:

  • Calm music can reduce stress and anxiety by soothing the mind and emotions. It can help a person enjoy a clearer perspective about life and its stresses and strains.
  • If a distressed or disabled person listens to calm music, it promotes communication and coordination. This helps to improve the person’s quality of life.
  • Research shows adult cancer patients enjoy a better quality of life as music therapy can reduce emotional distress due to their ailment.
  • Elderly people can relieve their depression and also boost their self-esteem by listening to calming music.
  • Stresses of life can have an adverse impact on your mood, making you snappish and irritable. You can improve your mood by listening to music!

Stress can take its toll on your skin:

Stress can take its toll on your skin and leave it feeling dry and irritated. Hydrating ingredients, including hyaluronic acid and squalane can help calm the situation. Cue , with ceramides, squalane and shea butter it’s the skincare equivalent of giving your complexion a hug. If your skin is feeling temperamental, we recommend swapping this in for your usual face cream for a few days.

Sleep and rest its your Christmas time too the day of and after!



Put your feet up, warm by the fire, drink, be merry and safe at the sametime!   ENJOY THE HOLIDAY AND THE SEASON!  Don’t forget to be extra loving to the pets of the families!!  Love you Teddy amd miss you Pumpkin and T.J.!!  ALL dogs are so COOL!  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL including God’s creatures!


How to have a safe Christmas day and in the season holiday!

Safety in the house with decorations:

Turn off and unplug decorations when leaving the house or going to bed.

Use decorations that have safety certification labels.

Use battery-operated candles to avoid shock or fire

Inspect electrical connections before use

Here a few tips to stay healthy in December:

Light Your Tree, but Not on Fire: Christmas trees are reported to cause 200+ structure fires annually. Pick a flame retardant tree or a live, healthy tree with fresh green needles that don’t fall off easily. Make sure to keep all trees at least 3 feet away from all heat sources.

Deck the Halls Safely: Fires caused by decorative lights account for $7.9 million in property damages annually. Use safe lighting that’s tested, rated and stamped with the (UL)) label. Make sure your lighting isn’t frayed and that you use only 3 sets of lights per extension cord.

Cook with Care: 2/3 of all holiday fires start in the kitchen. Don’t leave your pots and pans unattended!

More tips regarding your diet:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Stay away from tempting foods and eat slower
  • Wear clothes that can keep you warm
  • Avoid sugary drinks and foods
  • Drink more water
  • Visit your doctor regularly to diagnose health problems before they become worse




“As host/hostess, Yes, you may be in charge of the food, decorations and guest list, but you can’t fully control everything.

Dr. Potter suggests letting a bit of that control go by reaching out to ask for help if you need it. Something as simple as a couple of people bringing some side dishes or putting someone on dishwasher duty can take a level of stress off you. And remember, you can’t be everywhere at once and take care of everyone all the time. Once you get the main preparations done, let the party unfold and run on its own.

“It’s also important to remember that as the host, you’re responsible for things like providing the space and maybe the food. However, everybody at the party is responsible for themselves for making sure that they have a good time,” says Dr. Potter.  Dr. Potter is a psychologist,PsyD.”

Cleveland Clinic (https://health.clevelandclinic.org/holiday-anxiety)

How to still have fun being the hostess & host with the anxiety low this holiday season!

Just because you’re the host/hostess, doesn’t mean you have to shoulder everything yourself. Communicate with your partner and see what they can do to help you out.  My husband, for instance, wants to help, but we have different ideas about what goes into hosting a party.

Ways to make your Christmas, Hanukkah, or whichever party as hostess/host and keeping the anxiety low but the fun high!

1. Cook Ahead!

The most important thing anyone can do to make it through the constant coming and going of holiday house guests is to prepare as many foods in advance as possible. Be it freezable soups, ready-to-bake cookies or preparing your main dish for Christmas dinner the night before, you will be very thankful that you did the work during a quieter stretch of days.

2. Keep a Well-Stocked Pantry

Stock up on foods that your house guests can help themselves to, such as dry goods for breakfast or late-night snacks. You don’t have to make everything (or anything) from scratch: Buy some good granola, nut butters, jams, a quality loaf of bread, spiced nuts. If you want to be a little “extra”, then put everything out in a basket with bowls, spoons and napkins so your guests can find everything easily and help themselves. This goes for beverages, too: keep your fridge stocked with bottled water, seltzer or soda, and make a full pot of coffee in the morning so people can pour their own. If you are in the mood to make something, we love these crumbly streusel-topped jam bars because you can make them a few days in advance and they can sit out at room temperature.

3. Leave a Welcome Note

If you’re hosting guests from out of town, in addition to leaving a few essentials in their room like clean towels, an alarm clock, a hairdryer and basic toiletries, write them a note with helpful tips for their stay. Maybe it’s where to find the nearest coffee shop or lunch spot, your wifi password, instructions for the TV, or a few suggested activities – either way it will make your guests feel welcome (and save you from answering these questions later).

4. DIY a Guest Room if You Don’t Have One

If you don’t have the luxury of a designated guest room, try to make your guest’s “room” feel as welcoming as possible. So, whether it’s an air mattress in your office or a sofa in the living room, dress it up like a real bed. Designate a “nightstand” for them (this can be a cleared-off table or book shelf or a stack of books) and set out an eye mask or ear plugs if your guest is sleeping in a common area. Also, investing in an inexpensive folding screen goes a long way for giving your guest a little privacy. It can easily be folded up and stored when you’re not hosting.

5. Free Up Closet Space

If you have guests staying with you, especially if you don’t have a separate guest room (see #4), free up some space in a closet for them to stash their things. Tight on closet space? Then set out a foldable valet stand (we like this sleek, lightweight gold one) and an empty basket for dirty laundry.

6. The Little Things Make a Difference

Be it fresh flowers and a carafe of drinking water on your guest’s nightstand, a scented candle in the entryway or bathroom (caution: don’t over-do it on the scented candles), peaceful music playing in the morning, a spare phone charger on the dresser or a full jar of fresh-baked cookies in the kitchen, these little touches will stand out.

7. Skip the Paper Napkins and Plates

It’s the holidays – this is the time of year for real silverware and linen napkins for a group of 15 or less. If you don’t have enough for the crowd you’re expecting, then rent them from a nearby rental house (it’s cheaper than you think AND they wash them for you) or check out a thrift shop and go for the mismatched look. We love these inexpensive, but chic, dinner plates and flatware from Ikea.

8. Invest in a Coat Rack. It’s Worth It.

If you’re hosting a large crowd for the holidays and you don’t have spare closet space, then consider renting or buying an inexpensive coat rack for guests to hang their coats. Your guests don’t want to rifle through a pile of jackets at the end of the night just as much as you don’t want everyone’s coats on your bed.

9. Stock Each Bathroom with Plenty of Toilet Paper

And avoid someone having to make the awkward ask mid-party.  For those with septic tanks inform those with a cute Holiday Season Party sign stating only toilet paper in the toilet to prevent toilet clogs!  I know I have one and use only single toilet paper!

10. Create a Timeline for the Big Day

If you’re hosting the whole family for holidays or you are having a cocktail party for 50, plan out your “run of show” a few days in advance. This should include everything from when to pop the roast in the oven to when to light the candles.

11. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

As much as we’d like to believe that we can do it ALL, everyone needs a little help now and then. Appoint a family member to do the vacuuming or set up the glasses on the bar. If you’re preparing a big feast, ask a friend to help people find a drink when they arrive or hang up their coats so you can attend to the food in the kitchen.

12. Deep Breaths

While this is supposed to be the most “wonderful time of the year”, the holidays are stressful. Take a moment for yourself before and amidst the chaos. Whether it’s a glass of wine on the couch or screaming into a pillow in your bedroom, try to relax! If you skip one of the appetizers or the pie crust gets a little too burnt, no one will remember. If you are relaxed, your guests will be relaxed.


  1. Keep Valuables Secure 
  2. Monitor Alcohol Consumption 
  3. Protect Your Property 
  4. Manage Guest List Effectively 
  5. Have a Plan for Handling Disruptions 

A Few Tips for dueing your holiday parties this holiday season by CPI.

CPI (https://cpisecurity.com/blog/cpis-guide-to-hosting-holiday-parties-without-compromising-safety/)

Concerns with parties for this winter holiday season!

Below are five identified strategies to deal with family conflict throughout Christmas and New Years:
  1. Communicate in a positive manner. …
  2. Although easier said than done, try to be objective and void of emotion when negotiating with others. …
  3. Respect each other’s point of view. …
  4. Negotiate and compromise.
  5. Remember there is Covid 19 still going around; so limit the amount from 20 to 30 to about 10 or 15 people.

As the winter holidays approach, employees tend to deal with more distractions than usual. Planning dinners, hosting out-of-town family members, purchasing gifts and figuring out the logistics of other festive activities can easily cause people’s minds to wander when they’re at work. From a health and safety perspective, it’s worth considering how these issues affect workers on the floor, on site, on the road or at home.

Infection Prevention

Wash those hands before and after eating; before touchng food and after laying out the food, host/hostess don’t forget with soap the Purell (hand sanitizer)  in the bathroom and at the sink in the kitchen if not already; it can’t hurt to make that a regular habit at home.


People are more likely to be fatigued during the holiday season due to extra tasks and responsibilities—like last-minute shopping before or after their shift, decorating their house, or going to school plays. As a result, fatigue can pose a big problem regardless of whether or not employees are engaging in high-risk work.

Injuries in the workplace occur most often when they’re not expected and are more likely to happen when employees are tired or run down. So, although fatigue is a complex issue that lacks a single easy solution, it might be a good idea to consider longer breaks or alter work schedules to help compensate for seasonal fatigue.

Rushing and frustration

In addition to holiday stress in employees’ personal lives, many industries face their busiest times leading up to the end of the year. The added pressure in the workplace can affect employees’ emotional state, causing them to rush or become frustrated. These states may cause employees to unintentionally create hazards, miss something vital, lack patience with delicate procedures or become short-tempered. When rushing or frustrated, people are more likely to slip, trip or fall, bump into colleagues and machinery, or forget to perform small but vital tasks.

It should also be noted that some companies fail to live up to the “safety first” slogan during the holidays. Orders and production are important, but not at the cost of someone’s health or life. It’s important for management to make it clear to employees—through actions as much as words—that their safety is more important than rushing through a job.

Ladder safety

Taken by the holiday spirit, employees may choose (or be asked) to decorate the workplace. With ladders being used more frequently around the holidays, it’s important to provide a refresher on ladder safety. For example, people should ensure the ladder’s stability before use, keep three points of contact at all times and never place a ladder on a surface other than the ground. It’s also worth mentioning that decorating is much easier and safer to do if the task is not left to one person. That’s because they might be more inclined to rush or ignore the need for three points of contact in order to carry bulky decorations up the ladder.

Electrical safety

Many electrical incidents happen over the holidays. In fact, thousands of people are treated each holiday season after sustaining an electric shock or being injured in an electrical fire. These incidents are often caused by carelessness and misuse of (sometimes old and faulty) decorations. Ensure that any decorative lights have been tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory, are undamaged and don’t overload the sockets. Employees should also be reminded about the importance of unplugging decorations for the night and never using electric lights on a metallic tree.

Slips, trips and falls

If corridors and rooms are free of decorations and cables throughout the year, people are likely to become complacent and fail to notice when suddenly there is something in their way. Holiday lights and decorations should be clearly visible and kept out of the way to prevent tripping.

But there are many other ways for people to slip and fall during the holidays. Snow, ice and rain are the main culprits, especially because they’re coupled with shorter, darker days that make it easier for people to miss or misjudge a step when walking outdoors. Snow and ice should be removed promptly from areas where people will be walking. Safety managers should also consider providing new or additional mats to stop snow and water from being brought inside working areas.

Food safety

Nobody wants to see employees get sick before the holidays. However, some workplaces don’t take adequate precautions when ordering and storing party platters for their staff holiday gatherings. Food handling guidelines must be followed whenever food is being prepared, stored and distributed.Be extra mindful of food-related allergies and make sure that anything with allergens is labeled appropriately and kept separately from other foods. If employees are contributing to potlucks or baking for their colleagues, remind them of the need to communicate the use of common food allergens.

Drunk and drowsy driving

Work and family gatherings are often an opportunity for people to have a few drinks—but it’s imperative that nobody is allowed to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. No employer wants their workers involved in a car crash. When organizing an event where alcohol is served, it’s a good idea (and a gesture of goodwill) to pay for workers’ taxis. There are also various charities and companies that drive people home in their own cars, thus preventing unnecessary worries and logistical problems concerning vehicles being left somewhere overnight.

To reiterate the problems of fatigue above, you should treat drowsy driving with the same level of conviction as drunk driving because it is also risky and most people are so complacent with driving tired that they don’t even give it a second thought. And the combination of a late night and a couple of drinks compounds the risk to disastrous levels. For more on drowsy driving, take a look at this free webinar on how to deal with worker fatigue.

Prepare for the winter hazards

While the holidays are an exciting time, people are more likely to fall ill or be involved in a workplace incident if they don’t keep their minds and eyes on task. Provide longer breaks when possible to combat fatigue, ensure ladder safety is adhered to, discuss relevant holiday safety topics during toolbox talks to fight human error, and be diligent about everyone’s safety when ordering food and consuming alcohol.

If you don’t have enough time to prepare relevant winter safety materials or design presentations for safety meetings, there are free materials available that outline the most common holiday hazards and provide information on how to avoid them. Many people think they’re safe enough already, but they care deeply about the safety of their loved ones, so such ready-made materials can encourage workers to take winter safety more seriously if they’re designed with their families in mind. For example, a holiday safety activity booklet for children or a brochure for them to take home may make them think twice about certain hazards themselves.

It’s important to consider that safety doesn’t only apply to the workplace. If training and culture are strong in an organization, safety becomes a state of mind and not an item on a to-do list. So when the winter holidays get nearer, it’s time to take some additional training out of storage and remind workers that safety doesn’t take a vacation just because they do. After all, holidays are supposed to be a joyous time and everyone wants to make it through the season incident-free.

Remember COVID including the FLU and its bright to keep the amount down to 15 or less with family that have been vaccinated as opposed not vaccinated with all feeling fine or just do home testing for covid and if negative go to the party but if positive stay home.  We have the colds and the flu going around  especially with cold weather and people staying inside the over the past 3 years decreasing their defenses!  STILL BE CAREFUL THIS HOLIDAY FOR BOTH YOU & YOUR FAMILY/FRIENDS !!


“You might be alone on Christmas for different reasons, such as the death of a loved one, living far from relatives, or because of social isolation. If you have social anxiety disorder (SAD) and don’t have close relationships with family or friends, loneliness at Christmas could be particularly hard.

In general, there are three ways to cope with being alone at Christmas. First, you can address your mental state and how it is contributing to your loneliness. Second, you can find things to do at Christmas that make you feel less alone. And third, you can plan ahead so that you are not alone this time next year if you don’t want to be.

Christmas is the perfect day to take the time to appreciate what you have in life, be it good health, a place to live, or food on the table. Having gratitude will also help you to move past anxiety, as you learn to live in the present moment and be mindful of your surroundings. One way to practice gratitude is to write down three things you are grateful for on this day.

What if you’re plagued by negative thoughts? If you feel like you don’t know how to cope with being alone, ask yourself, “What would I do if I did know how to cope?” You have more power over your thoughts and how they make you feel than you think.

You can choose to feel lonely because you are alone, or you can choose to feel grateful for the positive things in your life. Reframing your negative thoughts is the basis of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an effective treatment for social anxiety disorder.

One way to cope with being alone on Christmas is to actually go out and do something productive. Rather than spend the day at home alone, find something that you can do that fits with your mindset and mental state for the day. “

Very Well mind (https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-cope-when-you-are-alone-at-christmas-3024301)


Ways of deciding how to spend your Christmas Eve & Christmas day if alone!

1 – Let’s start with the obvious. Dive into a book.

Picking up a book (whether it’s a Christmas story, one of the seven reads that help Oprah through tough times, or a gripping thriller), can help you escape into an entirely different reality, and one that you don’t usually have time to explore. Didn’t plan ahead? Download a reading app (psst, Harlequin relaunched a great one for steamy reads) and try out a buzzy best-seller, indulge in a juicy romance novel, or make your way through some of Oprah’s Book Club picks. (We also hear these podcasts have some pretty good suggestions, too.)

2 – Be your own version of jolly old Saint Nicholas.

Spread some cheer this holiday season—with a few small acts of kindness. Whether you have a few bucks or a hundred-dollar bill, consider giving to one these hardworking organizations:

  • First Book is a nonprofit that provides new books and learning materials to children in need, while Reach Out and Read works with a network of nurses and doctors to distribute books to children living in low-income homes at their regular checkups.
  • Achilles International has paired over 150,000 disabled athletes with able-bodied athletes to help them be more active and participate in mainstream sports.
  • Feeding America is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, which is comprised of more than 200 food banks around the country and feeds more than 46 million people each year.
  • Toys for Tots, a program run by the United States Marine Corps, distributes holiday toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them.
  • Covenant House is an organization that provides housing and resources to homeless youth in 30 cities across the United States.
  • The USPS’s annual Operation Santa program, which is going digital for the first time, allows people to fulfill wish lists from kids in need that are addressed to Santa.

On a tight budget? Try volunteering instead. While many in-person volunteer opportunities are out of the question due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there are plenty of virtual volunteer opportunities: Volunteers for Hire Heroes USA help veterans and military spouses excel in their careers by conducting mock interviews and offering general career advice; Tarjimly is a nonprofit with a free app that connects refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers with multilingual volunteers via video chat; Be My Eyes is a free app that connects visually impaired people who need assistance with everyday tasks (think: reading an expiration date) with sighted volunteers through live video chat; and StoriiTime is a free service that connects children with seniors for a virtual story hour.

“Sharing stories will help you realize you aren’t alone and there is always someone we can find connection with. It just might be in the least expected ways,” says Eryn Eddy Erickson, a speaker specializing in topics of self-care and creativity. Hey, you never know…the gift of your company may be that person’s Christmas miracle.

3 – Binge all those shows you’ve had no time for.

Haven’t caught up on The Bachelorette? Not enough vacation days to watch Emma Corrin in The Crown or escape to Schitt’s Creek? Surround yourselves with friends, even if they are on your television. There’s a definite comfort in allowing yourself to just put on some fuzzy socks and commit to not changing out of your flannel pajamas all day.

4 – Sweat a little.

While your gym might not be open and it could be too cold for a run, consider starting your morning by streaming a workout video or yoga class. After all, as you’ve heard before, exercise increases endorphins, which will help you start your day with your mood already elevated.

5 – Visit a nearby church, if that’s your thing.

“Instead of being cooped up in your home watching reruns of others enjoying the holiday, why not take a trip to a local church,” suggests Ireland. “Spiritual moments have a way of taking your mind off of your needs and centering you on your many blessings,” he says. (Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many churches have shifted to virtual services and events, so be sure to check with your local church to see what they’re offering on Christmas Day.)

6 – Reminisce or create new memories.

Enjoying the holidays is partially about reliving memories, even if you can’t be with the people you made them with, explains Dr. Jeremy Nobel, founder and president of the Foundation for Art and Healing, whose signature initiative is the UnLonely Project, which addresses the health challenges of loneliness and social isolation.

Nobel recommends compiling old holiday photos into a collage (you can do so digitally on sites like Shutterfly, or whip out those scissors). Or, try writing in your journal about your memories. Another strategy is going for a walk and taking new pictures that bring back the feelings of those cherished moments, like that of a local park where sledding happened. Sharing those pieces of art with friends and family–even when they are not present physically–can allow you all to feel connected, says Nobel, who is also a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health.

“If you’re spending Christmas alone, it can be tempting to pull the covers over your head, isolate, or even go on a bender, but maybe it’s better to consider making a memory that gives you joy in the midst of what may be a painful day,” says Ashley Abercrombie, author of Rise of the Truth Teller.

7 – Soak in some self-care.

According to Pinterest, the platform has recorded a 44% increase in searches for meditation, a 60% increase in searches for gratitude, and a 42% increase in searches for positivity just in 2020–meaning that while you might be physically alone, there are tons of people who also need some self-care this holiday season. To turn your home into a spa, treat yourself to an at-home facial and whip up a bunch of DIY treatments, like a sugar lip scrub, a hydrating face mask, and a repairing hair mask. (More of a DIY disaster than master? Check out our list of the best pampering gifts and the best self-care subscription boxes.)

8 – Listen to a joyful playlist, without the carols.

Have you heard? Music is a scientifically-proven way to boost your mood, thanks to the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine (which regulates pleasure) and serotonins (which contributes to wellbeing and happiness). So, try creating your own soundtrack “for a festive me-day” or rock out to this happy songs playlist. (Pro tip: Try Stack your songs days in advance so when the morning comes all you have to do is press “play.”)

9 – Try a well-being activity   

Despite the twinkling lights and endless eggnog, holiday cheer isn’t always guaranteed—which is why you might want to have some mood-boosting activities on hand. Maybe that’s knitting a cozy blanket, working on a challenging jigsaw puzzle, or coloring, which is a known stress buster. (These are some of our favorite coloring books for adults.) You could also look on the Pinterest app, which offers a variety of emotional well-being activities. Simply search for #pinterestwellbeing to jump into exercises for feeling gratitude and self-compassion, along with other interactive practices that could help you lift your spirits.

10 – Change your mental narrative.

“Loneliness is a liar. Acknowledging that you are alone for the holidays in no way indicates that no one cares about you or that you will forever be alone,” says Erickson.“There are people in this world that want your time and attention,” she says. Erickson suggests those alone on Christmas combat negative self-created narratives with truth and opportunity. Here’s the truth: You’re alone on Christmas and that’s okay.

Next, give some thought to the choices or situations which led to spending the holidays alone. “If it’s a decision that you understand or agree with, you can find comfort in the reasoning behind it,” says Nwoke.

“If it’s a situation or decision you’re not happy with, reflect on this and how you’d like to approach it differently. Either way, you have the power to choose how you want things to be moving forward.”

11 – Play an online game.

Using technology to connect with others can give us the illusion we are with someone else psychologically, even if we are physically apart, says Donghee Yvette Wohn, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) assistant professor of information systems. This feeling can be generated without even looking at the other person, like playing an online game with someone else. Think: Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, or even something simple, like Words with Friends.

12 –  Could always help at as a Volunteer to help out organizations in your community.  Help feed the homeless on the holiday as a example, get involved and occupy your time.  Before you know it you will enjoy what your doing or the time is up to go home and you will feel better inside that you used your time selfishly and wisely.  If you decided to stay home and rest the day than there is nothing wrong with that either.  Just enjoy your day alone or not; its is based on your preference.

No matter what you do, volunteering is a selfless act that will help transform the lives of many people over the holiday season. If you’re in the US, you can search for volunteering opportunities on the Corporation for National and Community Service’s website, and in the UK you can search on sites like Do-It.org

The holidays can be tough. For every Brady Bunch-type family who began making elaborate plans exactly five months ago as Coronavirus pandemic restrictions eased, there’s many more who find the whole thing extremely overwhelming.

If you’ve just suffered a loss, for example, or if you’re unable to be around family – being alone for Christmas can be a pretty tough time. Others might have work obligations, family disputes or simply a lack of funds to hop on a flight home.

If this sounds like you, the most important thing to remember is that you should be patient and gentle with yourself. If you’re feeling low or not in the mood to celebrate, that’s absolutely fine. Just because it’s Christmas, doesn’t mean everything in your life has to be wrapped up in a tightly knotted bow and sparkling under candlelight.

And most importantly, have a happy, healthy festive holiday!