“From landmarks to online communities, neighborhoods to news anchors, this annual groundswell unites millions of people for a common goal: the eradication of heart disease and stroke.

Wear red to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and help save lives. Why? Because losing even one woman to cardiovascular disease is too many.

Heart attack and stroke are life-or-death emergencies — every second counts. If you think you or someone you’re with has any symptoms of heart attack or stroke, call 911 immediately.”

American Heart Association – Go Red (https://www.goredforwomen.org/en/get-involved/give/wear-red-and-give)

Red Day and what its all about!


This holiday can be traced all the way back to 2002. This is when the day was established by the American Heart Association and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Every year since its inception, this campaign has continued to reach a higher audience. This has resulted in greater awareness about heart disease and how it affects women.

National Wear Red Day isn’t an official holiday, so government buildings, post offices, and businesses remain open on this day. On this day, many people wear red to promote heart-health awareness among women. Some people also use this day to raise money for various heart-related charities such as the American Heart Association. On social media, many people will use the hashtag #GoRedWearRed to help bring attention to the day.

People wear red as a way to bring attention to the problem of heart disease in women. Many women wear red dresses (or other clothing too in red), the identifying symbol for the day. Health organizations hold seminars and public outreach events to educate people about prevention and screening of heart disease.

It’s also a good day for women to get their numbers checked. Having your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood sugar and BMI checked is a good way to find out if you’re at risk for developing heart disease.

Some Heart Disease Facts that could help many lives and possibly open some eyes to see the doctor at least yearly:

  • Heart disease kills one woman every 80 seconds
  • Every year, 30% of the deaths among women in the U.S are caused by heart attacks and strokes.
  • 64% of women who die suddenly from heart disease will have no prior symptoms
  • High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and smoking all contribute to heart disease
  • Physical inactivity also is a contributing factor to heart disease

All women face the threat of heart disease. Knowing the symptoms and risks unique to women, as well as eating a heart-healthy diet and exercising, can help protect you.

Heart disease is often thought to be more of a problem for men. However, it’s the most common cause of death for both women and men in the United States. Because some heart disease symptoms in women can differ from those in men, women often don’t know what to look for.

Fortunately, by learning their unique heart disease symptoms, women can begin to reduce their risks.

What is actually Heart Disease mean? 

Conditions of the heart including structural and functional abnormalities which is pretty much all the heart illnesses and all the diagnosis(s).  This is HTN, heart attack, heart failure, Coronary Heart Disease, Atrial fibrillation, etc…

Biggest factor in preventing heart disease is staying healthy, great eating habits, letting your primary care doctor know family cardiac history especially in the nuclear family which will guide the M.D. in knowing what to look for in particular from assessments to tests yearly.






Cardiovascular disease is the term for all types of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels, including coronary heart disease (clogged arteries), which can cause heart attacks, stroke, congenital heart defects and peripheral artery disease.Relying on false assumptions can be dangerous to your heart. Cardiovascular disease kills more Americans each year than any other disease. But you can boost your heart smarts by separating fact from fiction. Know the facts; one in three Americans has cardiovascular disease, but not all of them are senior citizens, the way to know if you have high blood pressure is to check your numbers with a simple blood pressure test. Early treatment of high blood pressure is critical because, if left untreated, it can cause heart attack, stroke, kidney damage and other serious health problems, a heart attack can be silent in some cases there are symptoms and many times not specific, treating diabetes can help reduce your risk for or delay the development of cardiovascular diseases, leg pain felt in the muscles could be a sign of a condition called peripheral artery disease-PAD and know as soon as possible, get moving with a plan approved for you by an MD! Research shows that heart attack survivors who are regularly physically active and make other heart-healthy changes live longer than those who don’t.”



“When we think of the month of February, we normally envision hearts – romantic, platonic, familial – of the Cupid variety that surround Saint Valentine’s Day. Another focal point this February (and every year) is American Heart Month, which spotlights the major impact that cardiovascular health has on Americans’ lives. American Heart Month is designated to raise awareness about heart conditions and urge Americans to lower their risk for developing heart disease.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease.  Heart attacks are a major category of heart disease – someone in the United States has a heart attack every 40 seconds.”

Penn State Dickinson Law (https://dickinsonlaw.psu.edu/)



“Alagille syndrome can often be difficult to diagnose because it has signs and symptoms similar to those of other liver diseases, such as biliary atresia. There are several ways to diagnose Alagille syndrome, such as liver function tests, heart evaluations, eye exams, ultrasounds, and genetic testing.  Alagille syndrome can develop by chance with no history of the disease in the family. However, in up to 50% of cases, the disease is passed down from a parent.”

AlagilleSyndrome.com  (https://alagillesyndrome.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh5vN_q3j_AIVF_rICh0a1A5VEAAYASAAEgID4fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


“It’s estimated that 6 out of 10 Americans suffer from a chronic disease, and 4 of those 10 suffer from two or more. These diseases include: type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke, heart disease, cancer, chronic kidney disease and chronic lung disease.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Top Health Challenges in America!

Chronic Diseases in America

10 people

4 IN 10                                                              6 in 10

Adults in the U.S.                                         Adults in the U.S.

Have two or more                                         have a chronic disease     

The CDC; states Chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes—are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. They are also leading drivers of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual health care costs.

Most chronic diseases are caused by key risk behaviors:

  • Tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Poor nutrition, including diets low in fruits and vegetables and high in sodium and saturated fats.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Excessive alcohol use.

These behaviors can lead to conditions such as high blood pressure or obesity, which raise the risk of the most common and serious chronic diseases.

The top 10 leading causes of death are still heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and cerebral vascular diseases, chronic lower respiratory diseases, kidney disease, alzheimer’s disease, suicide, unintentional injuries and influenza and pneumonia.

1. Heart Disease

Number of deaths per year: 635,260

Percent of total deaths: 23.1 percent

More common among:

  • men
  • people who smoke
  • people who are overweight or obese
  • people with a family history of heart disease or heart attack
  • people over age 55

Remember the heart is our engine to our body; without the engine we die!  Heart disease runs into many other problems that would not develope without heart disease!

Tips in helping a person live longer and probably more productive with even possibly happier life:

Lifestyle changes can prevent many cases of heart disease and other diseases, such as the following:

  • Quit smoking.
  • Eat a healthier diet.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, five days a week.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.


“Anger can be a common emotion among people experiencing major depression. You may feel angry at the world, angry about events from your past, or even angry at yourself. This anger can be intense and difficult to control, to the point that it worsens your depression and affects your personal and professional relationships”.

Very Well Mind (https://www.verywellmind.com/connection-between-depression-and-anger)



Depression & Anger


Depression versus Anger —What does it all mean & What do I do?

Getting the blues  or down in the dumps now and than in one thing but staying in the blues or down in the dumps just sinking deeper over a long period of time can be diagnosed as clinical depression. Clinical depression presents many forms and symptoms. It is not something just to be brushed off, assuming it will rectify itself in a while. One of the most common symptoms noted when a person suffers from clinical depression is anger. Whether it’s uncontrollable anger toward oneself or outward aggression toward others, it’s clinically proven that depression and anger run hand in hand.

Do you find yourself feeling angry more often than usual, or more often than not, depression could be to blame. Anger is a common symptom of depression, which can lurk beneath the surface of any man, woman, or child as well.

Depressive disorders come in many different types, but each type has its own unique symptoms and treatments. Major depression, the most common type of a depressive disorder, is characterized by a combination of symptoms (see symptom list) that interfere with the ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and enjoy once pleasurable activities. Such a disabling episode of depression may occur only once but more commonly occurs several times in a lifetime. Mental health professionals use this checklist of specific symptoms to determine whether major depression exists or not. Depression is also rated by your diagnosing physician or mental health professional in terms of its severity — mild, moderate, or severe. Severe depression is the most serious type. A less severe type of depression, dysthymia, involves long-term, chronic symptoms that do not disable, but keep one from functioning well or from feeling good. Many people with dysthymia also experience major depressive episodes at some time in their lives. Another type of depression is experienced as a part of bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness. Not nearly as prevalent as other forms of depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes: severe highs (mania) and lows (depression). Sometimes the mood switches are dramatic and rapid, but most often they are gradual. When in the depressed cycle, an individual can have any or all of the symptoms of a depressive disorder. When in the manic cycle, the individual may be overactive, overtalkative, and have a great deal of energy. Mania often affects thinking, judgment, and social behavior in ways that cause serious problems and embarrassment. For example, the individual in a manic phase may feel elated, full of grand schemes that might range from unwise business decisions to romantic sprees.

Risk Factors:

Numerous risk factors can lead to feelings of depression and anger in an individual. Some of these risk factors include but are not limited to: loneliness, financial strain, unemployment, alcohol or drug abuse, marital or family problems, or lack of a social support network. Depression and anger can also be influenced by childhood trauma, or it can be hereditary.



Anger manifested with depression is no ordinary anger. It can be all-consuming feelings of anger and hatred against one’s self, others or the situation that is causing the depression. One of the first signs of depression in a teenager may be a sudden onset of uncontrollable anger. In turn, constant feelings of anger can also trigger a response of depression. Also anger noted with depression are a tendency to turn away from family and friends, poor performance at work or school, lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, insomnia and hopelessness

Not everyone who is depressed or manic experiences every symptom. Some people experience a few symptoms, some many. Severity of symptoms varies with individuals and also varies over time.


  • Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
  • Decreased energy, fatigue, being “slowed down”
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
  • Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
  • Appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
  • Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
  • Restlessness, irritability
  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain.Symptoms of Mania (for Bipolar Disorder)
  • Unusual irritability
  • Decreased need for sleepGrandiose notions
  • Increased talking
  • Racing thoughts
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Markedly increased energy
  • Poor judgment
  • Inappropriate social behavior

What to do about it:

Depression often won’t improve without support from a trained mental health professional unless you know how to look at life in a positive way and know the results won’t always be in your favor.  Try to put what is best for others and not always best for you. Therapy can have a lot of benefit for anger, too — though it’s certainly possible to learn to control anger on your own.

1. Count down

Count down (or up) to 10. If you’re really mad, start at 100. In the time it takes you to count, your heart rate will slow, and your anger will likely subside.

2. Take a breather

Your breathing becomes shallower and speeds up as you grow angry. Reverse that trend (and your anger) by taking slow, deep breaths from your nose and exhaling out of your mouth for several moments.

3. Go walk around

Exercise can help calm your nerves and reduce anger. Go for a walk, ride your bike, or hit a few golf balls. Anything that gets your limbs pumping is good for your mind and body.

4. Relax your muscles

Progressive muscle relaxation calls on you to tense and slowly relax various muscle groups in your body, one at a time. As you tense and release, take slow, deliberate breaths.

5. Repeat a mantra

Find a word or phrase that helps you calm down and refocus. Repeat that word again and again to yourself when you’re upset. “Relax,” “Take it easy, and “You’ll be OK” are all good examples.

6. Stretch

Neck rolls and shoulder rolls are good examples of nonstrenuous yoga-like movements that can help you control your body and harness your emotions. No fancy equipment required.

7. Mentally escape

Slip into a quiet room, close your eyes, and practice visualizing yourself in a relaxing scene. Focus on details in the imaginary scene: What color is the water? How tall are the mountains? What do the chirping birds sound like? This practice can help you find calm amidst anger.

8. Play some tunes

Let music carry you away from your feelings. Put in earbuds or slip out to your car. Crank up your favorite music and hum, bop, or sashay your anger away.

9. Stop talking

When you’re steamed, you may be tempted to let the angry words fly, but you’re more likely to do harm than good. You may something you regret that some would never forgive you; remember its easy to say I forgive you but most don’t forget it including they may forget all the good you did in some cases.  Pretend your lips are glued shut, just like you did as a kid. This moment without speaking will give you time to collect your thoughts.

10. Take a timeout

Give yourself a break. Sit away from others. In this quiet time, you can process events and return your emotions to neutral. You may even find this time away from others is so helpful you want to schedule it into your daily routine.

11. Take action

Harness your angry energy. Sign a petition. Write a note to an official. Do something good for someone else. Pour your energy and emotions into something that’s healthy and productive.

12. Write in your journal

What you can’t say, perhaps you can write. Jot down what you’re feeling and how you want to respond. Processing it through the written word can help you calm down and reassess the events leading up to your feelings.

13. Find the most immediate solution

You might be angry that your child has once again left their room a mess before going to visit a friend. Shut the door. You can temporarily end your anger by putting it out of your view. Look for similar resolutions in any situations.

14. Rehearse your response

Prevent an outburst by rehearsing what you’re going to say or how you’re going to approach the problem in the future. This rehearsal period gives you time to role-play several possible solutions, too.

15. Picture a stop sign

The universal symbol to stop can help you calm down when you’re angry. It’s a quick way to help you visualize the need to halt yourself, your actions, and walk away from the moment.

16. Change your routine

If your slow commute to work makes you angry before you’ve even had coffee, find a new route. Consider options that may take longer but leave you less upset in the end.

17. Talk to a friend

Don’t stew in the events that made you angry. Help yourself process what happened by talking with a trusted, supportive friend who can possibly provide a new perspective.

18. Laugh

Nothing upends a bad mood like a good one. Diffuse your anger by looking for ways to laugh, whether that’s playing with your kids, watching stand-up, or scrolling memes.

19. Practice gratitude

Take a moment to focus on what’s right when everything feels wrong. Realizing how many good things you have in your life can help you neutralize anger and turn around the situation.

20. Set a timer

The first thing that comes to mind when you’re angry likely isn’t the thing you should say. Give yourself a set time before you respond. This time will help you be calmer and more concise.

21. Write a letter

Write a letter or email to the person that made you angry. Then, delete it. Often, expressing your emotions in some form is all you want, even if it’s in something that will never be seen.

22. Imagine forgiving them

Finding the courage to forgive someone who has wronged you takes a lot of emotional skill. If you can’t go that far, you can at least pretend that you’re forgiving them, and you’ll feel your anger slip away.

23. Practice empathy

Try to walk in the other person’s shoes and see the situation from their perspective. When you tell the story or relive the events as they saw it, you may gain a new understanding and become less angry.

24. Express your anger

It’s OK to say how you feel, as long as you handle it in the right way. Ask a trusted friend to help you be accountable to a calm response. Outbursts solve no problems, but mature dialogue can help reduce your stress and ease your anger. It may also prevent future problems.

25. Find a creative channel

Turn your anger into a tangible production. Consider painting, gardening, or writing poetry when you’re upset. Emotions are powerful muses for creative individuals. Use yours to reduce anger.

The bottom line

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, if you find your anger turns to aggression or outbursts, you need to find healthy ways to deal with anger.  It is much better to take a step in controlling it rather than sitting around doing nothing.  For if your like that all the time would you like to be around people like that on your day off to relax.  I would think no.  If you don’t control it you may loose a lot you have in your life now and regret it later going to depression!  It is not worth it.

If these tips don’t help, consider talking with your doctor. A mental health specialist or therapist can help you work through underlying factors that may contribute to anger and other emotional issues.


“The New York Times reported that mental health providers have experienced an increased demand for services and a resulting “disenfranchised grief,” defined as a sense of loss related to safety, goals, social connections, and activities, accompanied by a sense of not having a right to grieve these losses because others have it worse []. USA Today noted that mental health providers have reported a flood of new clients, an overwhelming need to train others, and increased demand to both help stressed coworkers and deal with tougher cases (i.e, more intimate partner violence, systemic racism, clients placing themselves at risk). Their workloads have resulted in teletherapy fatigue, and they have reported guilt regarding answers they could not give, people they had to turn away, potentially exposing loved ones to COVID-19, or for taking time off to recover from COVID-19. They also noted that they had lost their normal coping strategies, such as decompressing on the drive home, stopping to speak with colleagues between clients, and socializing with friends.”

National Library of Medicine (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8860255/)