Stress versus Health especially since this disaster of COVID-19!

One way of looking at life is whatever challenges comes your way know you will survive and for any losses you may experience when looking back on them take the positive aspects or memories not the negative that builds a bad effect on you (Ex. Insomnia to depression to high blood pressure to alcoholism to drugs).   A positive effect can be as simple as a smile when reflecting memories, which FYI allows less frowning that will cause less wrinkles on the forehead, as we get older.  Sometimes it’s not that simply and when it gets harder take up a constructive way of dealing with it (Ex. Work out at your level, walking, singing, go to a comedy movie, get together with friends go out, and do anything that gets your mind off of the stress and even out of your body through work out at the gym to just biking or walking.).

For starters stress is a body reaction to CHANGE.  How to you look at change?  Easy, positive!  It may not appear easy at first but try to look at this change as a sense of difficulty yet a challenge with a victory in the end, if approached right.  Let us take the following challenges, for example –  Having a child leave home for college or marriage, losing a home with this economy, a loss of a friend or family member in your life:  How do you look at these experiences positive?

Well for the child I would be so happy for her or him starting college life with my worries but know I raised her or him well and if he makes mistakes on the way he will learn to get up off the ground and fix them knowing he can come to me or dad whenever he has the need or if we sense a problem we would address it (Its part of life=growing up).  Another aspect to look at regarding this stress is there is loss in the parent role so fill up that loss with a new hobby, or get active in whatever organization you are in (Ex. Church, Temple, School, to just taking up ceramics or do more traveling with your spouse and friends).   I had my falls with the stresses that I have come across but got up every time to stand again, some quicker than other times.  If I can do it so can you.

How do you deal with losing a home or a job with this economy now; well appreciate the good memories you had when you had the home and pick up starting a new life elsewhere with making it a journey down the yellow brick road leading you to where the rainbow is at the end; don’t look at it as a loss.  As for the job you once found a job position and will find another in few weeks to few months depending on the Corona Virus and great economy we have since our last election.

Dealing with losing a family member or friend, again, the way I look at it is I appreciate the time I had with her or him and know they haven’t left me in spirit (if deceased).   If the person is still living know there are reasons for everything; whatever the cause was for the reason for the relationship parting and when out of my control I think of how I had a good friendship as opposed to never having one with that individual.  I accept that nothing lasts forever or indefinitely, with appreciating the time I may have had with the person.  Ending note is I look at life this way, whatever positive entity comes in my life may be taken away from me and appreciate every moment you spend with that person or thing in your life that you love so much (including my life span that only upstairs knows how long that time factor will be but I try to live a life at its healthiest optimal level with practicing positive behavior which is knowing whatever stressors come my way there is always someone worse off and with God I can face anything.

If I don’t deal with stress like this than I can expect complications that may arise, just like for anyone else who looks at challenges coming their way in a negative sense.  You commonly see stress become a negative experience when a person faces continuous challenges/stressors without relief or relaxation between the them.  The ending result is the person becomes overworked and stress-related tension builds.  Stress that continues without positive resolution at some level can cause a condition called distress, which is a negative stress reaction.

The physical reactions that happen to your body due to negative stress:

-Elevated high blood pressure –Headaches –Chest Pain –Upset Stomach   –Insomnia –Grinding of the teeth –Jaw Tension –Teeth grinded down –Irritability –Anger –Panic episodes –Vasoconstriction to our vessels   causing increases to the heart rate –Decreases sex drive –Depression (Research even suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.)

Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion a year. WOW !                    

The lifetime prevalence of an emotional disorder is more than 50%, often due to chronic, untreated stress reactions.

Remember, Stress is a normal part of life.  Many events that happen to you and around you — and many things that you do yourself (Ex. Work 40 to 60 hrs a week in a highly stressful job, like a staff nurse) – this will put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.  You can also cause the stress to impact your body with first just signs and symptoms (s/s) developing, that are listed above, but without relief of the stress these s/s can lead you into a disease/illness forming or even make the diagnose (s) you already have even worse.

Many signs and symptoms pick up when exposed to continual stress or stresses that just build up on top of each other causing some people in developing unhealthy habits, poor dieting, and the lack of desire to be as active as they were which in turn develops conditions that would not have occurred if this negative behavior didn’t happen over a long period of time.

This behavior with the stress or stresses you are experiencing increases the probability of health conditions starting to take place in your body or if you’re with certain diagnoses already the stress can possibly impact your body by worsening the condition.    The conditions that can develop from any age of being under continual stress over a period of time are:

-ADD or ADHD –Panic disorders –High blood pressure –Anti-arrhythmias -Cardiac Disease -Diabetes 1 or Diabetes 2  -Stroke –Irritable Bowel Syndrome –Weight Gain/Obesity –Fibromyalgia –Complex Regional Pain Syndrome –ETOH -Depression and so much more.

 How to bypass developing conditions that can be caused from the long constant stress or stresses you experience? One method is fight back (fight or flight), and when it gets really difficult don’t turn to bad heath patterns in your life to deal with the stressors turn to a healthy diet, keeping a healthy weight for your body mass index (BMI) so you can deal better with fighting the stressors in your life (if not sure what your BMI is check online to find out how to calculated it, it is for free), and practice healthy habits.  You may be saying how to I even go about that or maybe it’s easy for me but not true.  Let me shine some light on this topic.  I was there many times before and found a resolution to help deal better with my stresses through a change in eating and I lost 22 lbs. and still I am trying with being physically challenged at this moment to get to my optimal shape.  If you want to check out how to deal effectively with your stress and live a healthier life for prevention of complications.

Do what it best for you and the people in your community or country.  Go outside when you need to shop for foods or things needed at the house for you and the family.  If you have Covid without question stay home. If someone at home has covid positive quarantine that member in a room and have people in the house negative use the home covid tests to check that their still negative as well as feeling well before going out.  When going out wear a mask.


“In 2011, the Kawasaki Disease Foundation declared January 26 the first National Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day in the United States, and they presented the resolution before the 111th Congress, 2nd Session.  The Kawasaki Disease Foundation chose this date because, on January 26, 1961, Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki of Japan had his “aha” moment when he saw his second patient with the telltale signs of what would later be named Kawasaki disease (KD). KD is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in U.S. children, but with effective treatment, only a small percentage of KD patients have lasting coronary artery damage.”.

Kawasaki Foundation (



National Kawasaki Disease Day

Kawasaki disease (KD), also known as Kawasaki syndrome, is a severe illness characterized by inflammation of blood vessels throughout the body that primarily affects young children and infants. Kawasaki disease is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children. Although about 80 percent of patients are under five years of age, older children and teenagers can also get KD, but this is uncommon. KD is more common in boys than girls, and the majority of cases are diagnosed in the winter and early spring. KD is not contagious.

The disease is named after Tomisaku Kawasaki, a Japanese pediatrician who first described the illness in the medical literature in 1967. Although it is more prevalent among children of Asian and Pacific Island descent, KD affects people of all racial and ethnic groups.

It is estimated that more than 4,200 children are diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease in the U.S. each year. The cause of KD is unknown, although an agent, like a virus, is suspected. There is no currently accepted scientific evidence that KD is caused by carpet cleaning or chemical exposure.

There is no specific test for KD; doctors make a clinical diagnosis based on a collection of symptoms and physical findings.


Kawasaki disease symptoms usually appear in three phases. Early symptoms of KD include:

Phase 1

  • A fever that is often higher than 102.2 F (39 C) and lasts at least five days
  • Bloodshot eyes (conjunctivitis) without a thick discharge
  • A rash on the main part of the body (trunk) and/or in the genital area
  • Red, dry, cracked lips and an extremely red, swollen tongue (strawberry tongue)
  • Swollen, red skin on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Phase 2

In the second phase of the disease, the symptoms may include:

  • Peeling of the skin on the hands and feet, especially the tips of the fingers and toes
  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain

Phase 3

In the third phase of the disease, signs and symptoms will slowly fade away unless complications develop. Patients experiencing Kawasaki disease may experience tiredness, irritability and low energy for as long as eight weeks post the initial diagnosis.

Treatment and Complications

To reduce the risk of coronary artery complications, treatment for KD shall be started within ten days of the onset of symptoms. Most KD patients will recover from KD without any lasting heart damage; however, without treatment, about 25% of KD patients will develop abnormalities of the coronary arteries. Treatment for KD may include:

  • Gamma globulin (to lower the risk of coronary artery problems)
  • Aspirin (to treat inflammation, decrease pain and joint inflammation, as well as reduce the fever)

Kawasaki treatment is a rare exception to the rule against aspirin use in children but only when given under the supervision of your child’s doctor. Children who develop coronary artery abnormalities may be required to continue taking aspirin for six weeks or longer to prevent clotting. Taking aspirin has been linked to Reye’s Syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that can affect the blood, liver, and brain of children and teenagers after a viral infection. Children who develop chickenpox or the flu during aspirin treatment may be required to stop taking aspirin.


” An estimated 300,000 children in the U.S. — that’s 1 in 250 kids — are affected by some form of JA. This disease takes a unique physical and emotional toll on kids, often resulting in debilitating pain and feelings of loneliness or depression. JA can make it especially challenging for kids to say Yes — Yes to playing, Yes to hanging out with friends, Yes to spending time with family, Yes to being a kid!”

Arthritis Foundation  (



Types of Juvenile Arthritis




Juvenile arthritis (JA) is not a disease in itself. Also known as pediatric rheumatic disease, JA is an umbrella term used to describe the many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions or pediatric rheumatic diseases that can develop in children under the age of 16. Juvenile arthritis affects nearly 300,000 children in the United States.

Although the various types of juvenile arthritis share many common symptoms, like pain, joint swelling, redness and warmth, each type of JA is distinct and has its own special concerns and symptoms

Types of Juvenile Arthritis

  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Considered the most common form of arthritis, JIA includes six subtypes: oligoarthritis, polyarthritis, systemic, enthesitis-related, juvenile psoriatic arthritis or undifferentiated.
  • Juvenile dermatomyositis. An inflammatory disease, juvenile dermatomyositis causes muscle weakness and a skin rash on the eyelids and knuckles. 
  • Juvenile lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. The most common form is systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE. Lupus can affect the joints, skin, kidneys, blood and other areas of the body. 
  • Juvenile scleroderma. Scleroderma, which literally means “hard skin,” describes a group of conditions that causes the skin to tighten and harden.
  • Kawasaki disease. This disease causes blood-vessel inflammation that can lead to heart complications. 
  • Mixed connective tissue disease. This disease may include features of arthritis, lupus dermatomyositis and scleroderma, and is associated with very high levels of a particular antinuclear antibody called anti-RNP. 
  • Fibromyalgia. This chronic pain syndrome is an arthritis-related condition, which can cause stiffness and aching, along with fatigue, disrupted sleep and other symptoms. More common in girls, fibromyalgia is seldom diagnosed before puberty. No known cause has been pinpointed for most forms of juvenile arthritis, nor is there evidence to suggest that toxins, foods or allergies cause children to develop JA. Some research points toward a genetic predisposition to juvenile arthritis, which means the combination of genes a child receives from his or her parents may cause the onset of JA when triggered by other factors.pain or stiffness when moving joints Swelling in the jointsUnfortunately it is not a simple one or two tests to diagnose. The diagnostic process can be long and detailed. There is no single blood test that confirms any type of JA. In children, the key to diagnosis is a careful physical exam, along with a thorough medical history.

How Juvenile Arthritis is diagnosed:

  • In the morning or after resting Warm or tender joints Limited range of motion (your child’s ability to move his or her joints)
  • Juvenile Arthritis symptoms:
  • Causes of these arthritis illnesses:

What is Juvenile Arthritis Treatment?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for juvenile arthritis, although with early diagnosis and aggressive treatment, remission is possible. The goal of treatment is to relieve inflammation, control pain and improve the child’s quality of life. Most treatment plans involve a combination of medication, physical activity, eye care and healthy eating.

Juvenile Arthritis Self Care

An important part of JA treatment is teaching the child the importance of how to follow the treatment prescribed by the healthcare team. Self care also involves helping the child address the emotional and social effects of the disease. Self management encompasses the choices made each day to live well and stay healthy and happy.


“1. Don’t Forget to Drink Water – One of the best things you can do for your health is to drink optimal amounts of water every day. Water plays a big part and it can keep you healthy during the winter.
2. Avoid Stress Situations – Studies have linked high stress levels to making a person more susceptible to catching colds and flu. Try to minimize your stress by working reasonable hours at your job and use your free time to rest and relax alone or with friends and family. Develop healthy habits and avoid stress!
3. Eat Healthy – Eat food which is rich with vitamin C. It will help you keep your immune system strong and healthy during the winter. Try to include more fruit and veggies such as lemons, kiwifruit, capsicum and broccoli in your everyday meals.
4. Sleep Well – The average person needs 6-8 hours of sleep per night. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your body is extremely vulnerable to illness. Sleep is very much like fuel that recharges your batteries!”


Keeping healthy this winter season in preventing weight gain!

A woman walks her dog along a lane after a snowfall in Elham, south east England February 11, 2013. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor (BRITAIN - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY ANIMALS)

A woman walks her dog along a lane after a snowfall in Elham, south east England February 11, 2013. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor (BRITAIN – Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY ANIMALS)


ARROWHEAD0125c2 -- Duluth Todd McFadden (left) and an unidentified competitor ride side by side during the 2012 Arrowhead 135 ultramarathon. Todd McFadden photo

ARROWHEAD0125c2 — Duluth Todd McFadden (left) and an unidentified competitor ride side by side during the 2012 Arrowhead 135 ultramarathon. Todd McFadden photo

So what’s the solution?

For starters here are four simple ways to avoid winter weight gain:

  1. Stock up your kitchen cupboards

Keep your store cupboard stocked with staples such as cans of tomatoes, spices, beans and pulses, dried wholewheat pasta, wholewheat cereals, noodles, couscous and dried fruit. Keep some extra bread in the freezer if there’s space. That way, you’ll be able to create a quick and nutritious evening meal, such as a lentil or vegetable soup or stew, at short notice. You’ll save money and avoid the temptation to order a high-calorie takeaway.

  1. Exercise more

When the outside temperature drops, it’s easy to give up on outdoor exercise. In winter, we stop doing calorie-burning outdoor activities like short walks and gardening. But reducing the amount of physical activity you do is one of the biggest contributors to winter weight gain.

Cold weather and shorter days don’t mean you have to abandon exercise completely. Instead, rearrange your schedule to fit in what you can. You don’t need formal exercise to burn calories.

A brisk walk can be revitalising after being indoors with the central heating on, and it’ll also help boost your circulation. Put on some warm clothes and jog around the neighbourhood or start a snowball fight with the kids. Most leisure centres have heated swimming pools and indoor tennis and badminton courts. If you’d rather stay at home, buy some dance or workout DVDs, and always walk up the stairs at work rather than using the lift. “These little things can make all the difference when it comes to avoiding that pound of weight gain over winter,” says Porter.

  1. Drink smart

It’s important to consume hot drinks throughout winter as it will help you keep warm. However, some hot beverages are high in calories. Milky, syrupy coffee shop drinks and hot chocolate with whipped cream can add a lot of calories to your diet. A Starbucks medium caffe mocha, for instance, contains more than 360 calories. Stick to regular coffee or tea, or ask for your drink to be “skinny” (made with skimmed milk). Also, limit your alcohol intake as much as possible.

  1. Get your winter greens

Eating a wide variety of foods ensures you get a range of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Don’t get stuck eating the same food every day.

Look out for root vegetables, such as swedes, parsnips and turnips, and winter veggies such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and artichokes. They’re filling as well as nutritious so will help you to resist a second helping of trifle.

Other ways you can create a winter wellness plan that works for you:

  1. Bring out the crock pot! Emphasis slow cooked, warm, moist meals this season.
  2. Soups are a perfect match for the cold, dry days.
  3. We gravitate toward richer foods in the winter for good reason — we need to stay warm, lubricated and healthy.  Allow yourself to indulge in high quality dairy, nuts and seeds, dried fruits, organic meats, and healthy fats — you can feel satisfied without jumping on the sugar train.
  4. With the increase in heavier foods, be sure to increase spices and foods that help keep digestion lively. Many of these foods and spices have the added benefit of boosting your immune system because they are antibacterial. Try adding dark leafy greens, berries, garlic, onions, ginger, cumin, oregano, and cinnamon to your recipes whenever you can.
  5. Pay attention if your skin feels tighter these days; you may need to switch to a hardier natural moisturizer like cocoa butter.
  6. Use humidifiers to keep the air you are breathing moist.
  7. If you use a neti pot to help keep your sinuses clear,  swab your inner noise with a q-tip dabbed in coconut oil or olive oil when you are done to be sure you don’t over dry that area.
  8. Be proactive about preventing ear infections.  Warm up garlic oil (sold in natural health food stores) to body temperature and put a dropper full into each ear canal.
  9. We breathe a lot more indoor air in the winter, so be especially careful to keep it clean and free of toxins. Rotate an air purifier into different rooms.
  10. Let indoor green plants help keep your air clean and fresh.
  11. Diffuse essential oils to increase the negative ion count in your air (shown to help mitigate the effects of seasonal affective disorder).
  12. Prioritize sleep and follow the sun’s lead. As the days get shorter, shift your sleep routine toward going to bed earlier and to allow your body more hours to rest and repair.
  13. Keep physically active during the winter to bolster mental health and physical immunity.
  14. If you are a walker or runner, invest in a set of cold weather workout clothes so your can keep up your routine as the temperature dips.
  15. Shift to indoor activities : yoga, stretching, dance, toning and aerobics can all be done via a DVD in your living room.
  16. Join a gym or group workout class to keep connected and accountable to getting your workout in.
  17. Get social! Stay connected to others, even as your activities shift more and more indoors. Join a moms’ group or book club that meets regularly.
  18. Replace outdoor kid’s outings with indoor ones, like book time at the library or trips to the museum.
  19. Strengthen your body’s defenses by keeping your gut healthy.  Consume foods that have natural probiotics (like yogurt, kefir, miso soup, cultured vegetables, sauerkraut), or take a high quality supplement.
  20. If you take fish oil supplements, shift to cod liver oil supplements for the winter. These have the added benefit of vitamin A and D (great for months when our access to vitamin D producing sunshine is limited).
  21. Finally, make a Feel Good menu specifically for winter. Take a moment to brainstorm all the things you can do in winter that you enjoy, that feel indulgent, and that make you happy. Keep this list posted and draw from it to make your days more special and when you need a little extra pampering

A better diet, a little more exercise – healthy living is easy if you take it one tip at a time.  ALWAYS check with your doctor before making changes in your diet, exercise and any other activities of your daily living to prevent any injuries.  Prevention to accidents or injury are always are part of prevention and going to the doctor always help to make change for any changes we make in our lives especially with diseases we might be dealing with.


“Is your car ready for winter travel? It’s not too late to winterize your car. Check out these car care tips to prepare you for winter driving:

  • Check your tires and replace with all-weather or snow tires, if necessary.
  • Keep your gas tank full to prevent ice from getting in the tank and fuel lines.
  • Use a wintertime fluid in your windshield washer.
  • Make an emergency kit to keep in your car. Include water, snacks, first-aid kit, blankets, flashlight, extra batteries, portable cell phone charger, and emergency flares.

Follow these tips to keep your home safe and warm:

  • Check your heating systems.
  • Clean out chimneys and fireplaces.
  • Closely monitor any burning fires or candles.
  • Check your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.
  • Remove ice and snow from walkways to prevent slips and falls.
  • Keep an emergency kit in your home that includes flashlights, extra batteries, a first-aid kit, extra medicine, and baby items.
  • If you lose power, your kit should also include food and water for three days for each family member, warm clothing if you have to evacuate, and toys and games for children.”

Community Health of Central Washington (

The winter is far from over; be safe and healthy the rest of the cold season!



We all know in many states this winter so far has been nothing but for some areas in the U.S., just take Boston, but know winter isn’t over and February hasn’t even hit yet!  The CDC recommends the following to stay safe and healthy in the winter:

“Winter storms and cold temperatures can be dangerous. Stay safe and healthy by planning ahead. Prepare your home and vehicles. Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on older adults.

Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us may not be ready for its arrival. If you are prepared for the hazards of winter, you are more likely to stay safe and healthy when temperatures start to fall.

Prepare Your Home

Staying inside is no guarantee of safety. Take these steps [PDF – 344 KB] to keep your home safe and warm during the winter months.

  • Winterize your home.
    • Install weather stripping, insulation, and storm windows.
    • Insulate water lines that run along exterior walls.
    • Clean out gutters and repair roof leaks.
  • Check your heating systems.
    • Have your heating system serviced professionally to make sure that it is clean, working properly, and ventilated to the outside.
    • Inspect and clean fireplaces and chimneys.
    • Have a safe alternate heating source and alternate fuels available.
  • If you do not have working smoke detectors, install one inside each bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home, including the basement. Test batteries monthly and replace them twice a year.
  • Prevent carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning emergencies.
    • Install a battery-operated or battery backup CO detector to alert you of the presence of the deadly, odorless, colorless gas. Check or change the battery when you change your clocks in the fall and spring.
    • Learn the symptoms of CO poisoning: headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion.

Prepare Your Vehicle

Get your vehicle ready for cold weather use before winter arrives.

  • Service the radiator and maintain antifreeze level.
  • Check your tires’ tread or, if necessary, replace tires with all-weather or snow tires.
  • Keep the gas tank full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines.
  • Use a wintertime formula in your windshield washer.
  • Prepare a winter emergency kit to keep in your car in case you become stranded. The kit should include:
    • Cell phone, portable charger, and extra batteries.
    • Items to stay warm, such as extra hats, coats, mittens, blankets, or sleeping bags.
    • Food and water.
    • Booster cables, flares, tire pump, and a bag of sand or cat litter (for traction).
    • Compass and maps.
    • Flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries.
    • First-aid kit; and
    • Plastic bags (for sanitation).

Prepare for Emergencies

Be prepared for weather-related emergencies, including power outages.

  • Stock food that needs no cooking or refrigeration and water stored in clean containers.
  • Ensure that your cell phone is fully charged.
  • When planning travel, be aware of current and forecast weather conditions.
  • Keep an up-to-date emergency kit, including:
    • Battery-operated devices, such as a flashlight, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio, and lamps.
    • Extra batteries.
    • First-aid kit and extra medicine.
    • Baby items; and
    • Cat litter or sand for icy walkways.
  • Protect your family from carbon monoxide (CO).
    • Keep grills, camp stoves, and generators out of the house, basement, and garage.
    • Locate generators at least 20 feet from the house.
    • Leave your home immediately if the CO detector sounds and call 911.

Take Precautions Outdoors

Outdoor activities can expose you to several safety hazards, but you can take these steps to prepare for them:

  • Wear appropriate outdoor clothing: wear a tightly woven, preferably wind-resistant coat or jacket; inner layers of light, warm clothing; mittens; hats; scarves; and waterproof boots.
  • Sprinkle cat litter or sand on icy patches.
  • Learn safety precautions to follow when outdoors.
    • Work slowly when doing outside chores.
    • Take a buddy and an emergency kit when you are participating in outdoor recreation.
    • Carry a cell phone.

Do This When You Plan to Travel

When planning travel, be aware of current and forecast weather conditions.

  • Avoid non-essential travel when the National Weather Service has issued advisories.
  • If you must travel, inform a friend or relative of your proposed route and expected time of arrival.
  • Follow these safety rules if you become stranded in your vehicle.
    • Make your vehicle visible to rescuers. Tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna, raise the hood (if it is not snowing), and turn on the inside overhead lights (when your engine is running).
    • Move anything you need from the trunk into the passenger area. Stay with your vehicle unless safety is no more than 100 yards away.
    • Keep your body warm. Wrap your entire body, including your head, in extra clothing, blankets, or newspapers. Huddle with other people if you can.
    • Stay awake and stay moving. You will be less vulnerable to cold-related health problems. As you sit, keep moving your arms and legs to improve circulation and stay warmer.
    • Run the motor (and heater) for about 10 minutes per hour, opening one window slightly to let in air. Make sure that snow is not blocking the exhaust pipe—this will reduce the risk of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.

Be ready to check on family and neighbors who are especially at risk from cold weather hazards: young children, older adults, and the chronically ill.

If you have pets, bring them inside. If you cannot bring them inside, provide adequate, warm shelter and unfrozen water to drink.

No one can stop the onset of winter. However, if you follow these suggestions, you will be ready for it when it comes.”

So be safe this winter by being prepared!


“January is National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month. Harsh winter days offer thrill-seekers a playground of opportunity to participate in extreme sports, such as snowboarding, skiing, heli-skiing, and snowmobiling. The high velocity, living on the edge sense of adventure makes these sports appealing. There are physical risks associated with such activities, injuries, especially concussions and other traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Sports and recreational activities contribute to about 21% of all traumatic brain injuries among American children and adolescents.”

DOC Direct Orthopedic Care (