“Most of us can relate. Our lives are over-scheduled, over committed, and non stop. Especially folks with young kids or anyone working a full time job. Life is so full.  Best tip is this planning ahead, is that it breaks up the planning into little pieces that are stretched out over time. This way it doesn’t take a noticeable chunk out of your day or evening. You can relax and focus on party ideas at your leisure. It also gives wiggle room for any changes, adjustments, backup plans, new found inspiration, etc.   Its best if you can start planning do in 2-4 weeks in advance so if you haven’t started yet, start now.”

Oh My Creative (https://www.ohmycreativeparty.com/post/how-to-enjoy-hosting-parties-7-tips-to-stress-less)


“If shopping outside; park in a well-lit area and be sure to locate your keys before going to your car so you’re not distracted in the parking lot.  Always lock car and keep valuables out of view or in your trunk.  Traveling this holiday? Put a holiday hold on mail and newspapers.  Get an automatic timer for your indoor and outdoor lights.  If at home, avoid overloading electrical outlets, which may overheat and start a fire.  Keep candles or any other open flames at least a foot away from burnable materials.  If you’re not able to be home when a package will be delivered, ask a trusted neighbor to hold it for you.  Watch how much you drink; never drive tipsy.  If you can’t find a ride with someone who is sober, take public transportation, a taxi or a ride share.”

City of Boulder (https://bouldercolorado.gov/news/tips-staying-safe-during-holidays)



“Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in a decrease of approximately 13.2% in vehicle miles traveled nationwide, preliminary data indicates that motor vehicle fatalities across the country increased to a 12- year high of 38,680 deaths, up 6% from 2019.  New Jersey recorded 667 fatal collisions in 2021 resulting in 697 fatalities, a 21% increase in fatal crashes and a 19% increase in total fatalities compared to 2020.  In 2021, Driving While Intoxicated (drugs and/or alcohol) was listed as the contributing factor in 17.9% of those 697 fatalities.  In 2021, 27.2% of drivers involved in fatal crashes had been driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol at the time of the crash. A total of 8.9% of the 290 drivers involved in a fatal crash in 2021 tested positive for cannabis.”

State of New Jersey | Department of Law & Public Safety (https://www.njoag.gov/about/divisions-and-offices/division-of-highway-traffic-safety-home/impaired/)


“The National Guard has Participated in Every Major U.S. Conflict. National Guard would go on to become part of the greatest fighting force in the world, participating in every major U.S. conflict since 1636.   More than 50,000 National Guard Members Helped in the Hurricane Katrina Cleanup in 2005, National Guard Members Swear to Uphold Two Constitutions, Several Presidents have Served in the National Guard, Members of the National Guard are Helping with the U.S.’ Continued COVID-19 Response, There are Special Forces Units in the National Guard, regarding their service is they are “part-time” warriors, members of the National Guard still make a big commitment when they enlist, which includes agreeing to deploy for missions at home and abroad.  There Are Over 400,000 Members of the National Guard and are serving in places all over the world, there are currently over 100,000 Air and 300,000 Army National Guard members as of September 2020.”

USO (https://www.uso.org/stories/2934-10-need-to-know-facts-about-the-national-guard)


How the Army National Health Guard helped our health.

National Guardsmen were called on time and again to help out their fellow U.S. citizens, and they deployed to operations around the world, National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson told the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense yesterday.

The year 2020 was unprecedented and historic,” Hokanson said in written testimony.  National Guard members supported every combatant commander around the globe and met every mission here at home. On June 6, 120,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen were mobilized in support of overseas and domestic missions — one of the highest levels of National Guard support to our nation since World War II.

And National Guardsmen helped their fellow Americans in many different ways.

The coronavirus pandemic saw large numbers of Guardsmen called up, first to help in testing stations and later at vaccination sites. “The men and women of the National Guard served more than 7.6 million days in support [of] the COVID-19 pandemic – a mission that continues today,” the chief said. “They provided over 632 million meals to neighbors; distributed over 539 million pieces of personal protective equipment to essential workers; and tested or screened over 16.1 million people for the virus across the 50 states, 3 territories and the District of Columbia in 2020.

National Guardsmen manned fire lines in California where record-setting blazes endangered communities and caused a massive amount of damage. They also assisted during a hurricane season marked by a record number of named storms.

The homeland missions are only a part of the National Guard since the National Guard is also the military’s strategic reserve.

“The National Guard is the primary combat reserve of the Army and Air Force, and provides operational capability to the Space Force,” Kokanson said. “We provide enduring, rotational, surge and follow-on forces to meet any joint force mission. Today, thanks to the substantial investment in training, equipment and readiness by Congress and DOD leaders, we have become the most capable, professional, ready and combat proven National Guard in the history of the United States.”

The homeland missions are only a part of the National Guard since the National Guard is also the military’s strategic reserve.

“The National Guard is the primary combat reserve of the Army and Air Force, and provides operational capability to the Space Force,” Kokanson said. “We provide enduring, rotational, surge and follow-on forces to meet any joint force mission. Today, thanks to the substantial investment in training, equipment and readiness by Congress and DOD leaders, we have become the most capable, professional, ready and combat proven National Guard in the history of the United States.”

Two examples of this are the North Carolina Army National Guard’s 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, which deployed to Kuwait and Syria in 2020. When the Guardsmen returned from that deployment, they began supporting COVID-19 response efforts and civil disturbance missions. The Idaho Air National Guard’s 124th Fighter Wing deployed their A-10s and airmen to the region, as well. “The 124th’s deployment, the wing’s second-largest ever, required pilots, security forces, maintainers, medical personnel, special warfare tactical air controllers and staffers to support operations across two continents,” Hokanson said.

Guardsmen also work in other realms. The State Partnership Program is a long-standing program that pairs states with partner nations. The effort helps build capabilities and capacities in partner nations and allows nations to see how a democracy works with its military. “Improving the military, security and emergency response capacity of partner nations improves their resiliency, benefiting the entire international community,” the general said.

The Guard also manned posts along the U.S.-Mexico border. Guardsmen stood watch over the cyber world.

Therefore,  we must be ready to execute our three core missions: fighting America’s wars; securing the homeland; and building enduring partnerships that support our nation’s strategic objectives. Continued investment in the National Guard ensures we can meet today’s demands while preserving the capability, capacity and deterrence our nation needs against a broad spectrum of potential future threats.

As Alaska National Guardsmen continue to help communities in western Alaska impacted by the remnants of Typhoon Merbok, service members in Florida are preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Ian which actually hit Sept 28, 2022.

The National Hurricane Center is providing frequent updates on Ian’s progress.

In Alaska Sept. 17, 2022 Merbok hurricane/typhoon, National Guardsmen are supporting Operation Merbok Response as part of a joint task force that also includes members of the Alaska Naval Militia and the Alaska State Defense Force after Merbok’s remnants caused dramatic flooding across more than 1,000 miles of coastline in the state.

The National Guards response to Merbok: 164 Alaska service members assisting, 2,000-plus work hours,    125,000-plus pounds of debris removed,  & 16 communities serve.

I could go on writing a novel showing how the national guard was there for American citizens and out of America lending more than just a helping hand; so thank you for all you do!!





“If you’re a legit compulsive buyer, you aren’t as motivated by getting stuff on sale as you are by the urge to get stuff. “Compulsive buyers don’t usually check how they can save on items, nor do they enjoy their purchase,” explains Aviv Weinstein, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at Ariel University in Israel, and an author of numerous compulsive shopping and shopping addiction studies. “The thrill of buying changes after the purchase, and the motivation is often a relief of depression and anxiety, rather than pleasure.” April Lane Benson, Ph.D., psychologist and author of “To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Over Shop and How to Stop” says.”

NBC News (https://www.nbcnews.com)

Holiday or not there are shopping alcoholics, the holiday season & prices makes it easier to do.

shopaholic  shopaholic2

Shopping addiction actually has a technical term that is called Omniomania. This means compulsive shopping and is perhaps the most socially reinforced of the behavioral addictions. Shopping addiction is characterized by the widespread desire to shop and purchase items despite a need for such items or despite a necessary ability to afford such items. Consumerism is one of the biggest measures of social elite in America and this makes shopping addiction an even more widespread problem for many.

Shopaholics, also known as compulsive shoppers or shopping addicts, may actually be suffering from a psychiatric disorder known as compulsive buying disorder.

Compulsive buying disorder (CBD) sufferers have a sense of excitement before a purchase, an inability to resist the urge to shop and a rush or sense of reward while spending, despite any negative consequences of their actions. CBD is considered an impulse-control disorder. Just as with other impulse-control disorders such as drug and alcohol addiction and pathological gambling, for many compulsive shoppers the “high”of the spending spree is followed by a low, where the powerful euphoric feelings are replaced with those of distress, shame and guilt.

Shopping addiction is not a newfound disorder. It has affected millions of people for many years and dates back to as early as the 19th century. Friends and family members go out and shop together, people shop socially, people shop for something to do and people shop to fulfill negative emotions. An addiction to shopping leads to compulsive shopping that can result in many negative feelings. According to the US National Library of Medicine, over 5% of Americans are affected by compulsive buying disorder.

While some of us may enjoy the thrill of an occasional splurge or scoring a good deal, spending more than you bargained for during an annual holiday shopping spree doesn’t automatically make you a shopaholic. But that thrill, what some shopaholics describe as a high, helps drive compulsive shoppers to want more — excessive shopping, uncontrolled spending sprees and impulse buys are the defining characteristics of compulsive buying disorder.

People who suffer from compulsive buying disorder may also have feelings of anxiety or tension while they try to resist the urge to shop. And unlike those who compulsively shop without regret during the manic periods of bipolar disorder,  CBD sufferers often feel depressed or distressed for having given in to the urge and guilty over their growing debts after they’ve gone on a spree. But it can be those very feelings of distress, shame and depression that ignite the shopping addict to again seek the “high” that comes along with shopping, despite any negative consequences of their actions.

The different types of shopping addictions:

“The Compulsive Shopper”: The compulsive shopper runs on emotion. He/She shops for the euphoric high when angry, distressed, sad, or any other dominant emotion.
“The Trophy Shopper”: The trophy shopper will shop and shop until they find the perfect item, constantly one-upping themselves but never feeling ‘content’.
“The Image Shopper”: The image shopper is preoccupied with how everything they purchase looks to everyone around them. They love flashy and obvious purchases.
“The Bargain Seeker”: The bargain seekers cannot pass up a sale. They are mesmerized by discounts and find themselves purchasing items they don’t need just because they’re on sale.
“The Bulimic Shopper”: The bulimic shopper is stuck in a vicious cycle of purchase and return. They buy items they don’t need, return them shortly later, and then purchase more items only to return them later.
“The Collector”: The collector does not feel fully whole unless they have one item in each color or every part of a set of items.
These are not labels per say, but these different types of shopping addictions stand as a foundation for relatability.

zAs the weather cools and the air turns crisp, US retailers are once again facing challenges for the holiday-shopping season. The past couple of years saw severe, systemic supply chain disruptions and high case rates for COVID-19. However, the landscape is more nebulous this time. Consumer demand has softened, while inventory levels are higher than they’ve been in years, and company earnings continue to face scrutiny from Wall Street as some profits decline.

The average American has about three credit cards and knows how to use them — on average, a cardholder owes almost $16,000 on their plastic [source: Woolsey]. Compulsive shoppers have, on average, the same number of cards as the rest of us but the difference is that they’re more likely to maintain balances between $100 to $500 shy of each card’s maximum limit [source: Koran]. They shop excessively and impulsively, typically making their purchases on credit, stated by McKinsey & Company state.

The National Retail Federation, a trade group for the retail industry, said a record 196 million Americans shopped in stores and online over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, a 10% increase from last year.

RDI revolution.com states “Offline holiday sales still surpass online sales – and they’ve also grown rapidly. Overall US holiday retail sales reached $843.4 billion in 2021. That’s up from $691.7 billion in 2019!

In 2022, shockwaves from the pandemic will continue to transform consumer shopping habits. Inflation is one such impact, with the annual US inflation rate currently around double what it’s been for the past 40 years.

Retailers can expect shoppers to buy less this year. In fact, the rate of inflation in Q4 may be higher than the rate of holiday sales growth.”  (https://roirevolution.com/blog/2022-holiday-ecommerce-stats-trends-predictions/)

Meanwhile, US consumers continue to send mixed signals. Their sentiment about the economy remains historically low, and they still have concerns about inflation. They’re looking for savings by trading down and seeking value where they can find it. But many of them have cash to spend—and they say they’re not just willing but eager to spend and splurge. People in the United States are more excited for the holidays than they’ve been in years.’





“Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungus. There are literally dozens of different causes of pneumonia, grouped by the most common types.

Walking pneumonia, also known as atypical pneumonia, is caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria. It usually causes cold-like symptoms, in addition to a fever (often low grade) and a hacking cough. It is most common in school-aged children and young adults. , says Annette Cameron, MD, a Yale Medicine pediatrician.

Because this type of pneumonia typically causes milder symptoms, it may go undiagnosed for a while, especially if the child is able to participate in normal activities and isn’t as visibly sick as he or she would be with other forms of pneumonia. “And that’s why it’s called walking pneumonia,”.

Yale Medicine (https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/pneumonia)

Know the statistics of Pneumonia & that weather hot and cold temps can prone you to it!


Important facts to know about pneumonia via The American Thoracic Society (https://www.thoracic.org):

  1. Pneumonia is an infection of the lung.The lungs fill with fluid and make breathing difficult. Pneumonia disproportionately affects the young, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. It preys on weakness and vulnerability.
  2. Pneumonia is the world’s leading cause of death among children under 5 years of age, accounting for 15% of all deaths of children under 5 years old.There are 120 million episodes of pneumonia per year in children under 5, over 10% of which (14 million) progress to severe episodes. There was an estimated 935,000 deaths from pneumonia in children under the age of five in 2013.
  3. In the US, pneumonia is less often fatal for children, but it is still a big problem.  Pneumonia is the #1 most common reason for US children to be hospitalized.
  4. For US adults, pneumonia is the most common cause of hospital admissions other than women giving birth. About 1 million adults in the US are hospitalized with pneumonia every year, and about 50,000 die from this disease.
  5. While young healthy adults have less risk of pneumonia than the age extremes, it is always a threat.  Half of all non-immunocompromised adults hospitalized for severe pneumonia in the US are younger adults (18-57 years of age). Half the deaths from bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia occur in people ages 18-64.
  6. Older people have higher risk of getting pneumonia, and are more likely to die from it. For most geriatrics it harder for their body to fight infection overall and pneumonia terribly weakens the person’s overall system with many geriatrics already immune compromised in someway.

For US seniors, hospitalization for pneumonia has a greater risk of death compared to any of the other top reasons for hospitalization.

  1. Pneumonia is the most common cause of sepsis and septic shock, causing 50% of all episodes. Sepsis is so common today in acute hospitals that is has gone national to have what we call s “septic code” like how a cardiac arrest in hospitals is either “blue code” or still in some a “red code” (since most hospitals have a “red code” for fires in the hospital. This is how much sepsis is common.  Sepsis is hard to fight which can lead to SARS which in short is all systems in the body failing.  To give you some tangibility in how high let us go to a great resource, The World Health Organization (WHO).  They estimated that today the overall fatality rate for SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) patients at 14% to 15%, significantly higher than previous estimates. The agency estimated the rate for people older than 64 years to be more than 50%.  That is how serious the diagnosis sepsis/SARS can be, especially for geriatrics!
  2. Pneumonia can develop in patients already in the hospital for other reasons. Hospital-acquired pneumonia has a higher mortality rate than any other hospital-acquired infection.
  3. Pneumonia can be caused by lots of different types of microbes, and no single one is responsible for as many as 10% of pneumonia cases. For most pneumonia patients, the microbe causing the infection is never identified.
  4. Vaccines are available for some but not many causes of pneumonia. The influenza vaccine is effective for those strains circulating that year, so it should be taken again every year. The pneumococcal pneumonia vaccines are recommended for those in higher risk groups (children, immunocompromised individuals, and seniors).                                                             
  5. In the US and the rest of the world, viral pneumonias arethe leading cause of hospitalization of infants.  The World Health Organization has set a high priority on developing new vaccines and new therapeutic drugs to tackle these viral pneumonias that largely have no currently available vaccines or treatments. A.)Antibiotics can be effective for many of the bacteria that cause pneumonia.For viral causes of pneumonia, antibiotics are ineffective and should not be used.  There are a few or no treatments for most viral causes of pneumonia.  MD finds out by doing a culture. B.)Antibiotic resistance is growing amongst the bacteria that cause pneumonia.This often arises from the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in and out of the hospital. New and more effective antibiotics are urgently needed.
  6. Being on a ventilator raises especially high risk for serious pneumonia.Ventilator-associated pneumonia is more likely to be caused by antibiotic-resistant microbes and can require the highest antibiotic use in the critically ill population.
  7. Our changing interactions with the microbial world mean constantly developing new pneumonia risks.Emerging infections can lead to epidemics or pandemics, such as from avian influenza viruses (bird flu), severe acute respiratory system (SARS) coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, and more. Environmental reservoirs or sources can cause clusters of infection, such as Legionella pneumonia. Bioweapons can cause pneumonia such as from anthrax. Vigilance is needed to prevent pneumonia from becoming an even worse problem than it already is.
  8. Patients with pneumonia may need to be hospitalized or even go to the intensive care unit (ICU).After developing pneumonia, it often takes 6-8 weeks until a patient returns to their normal level of functioning and wellbeing.
  9. While successful pneumonia treatment often leads to full recovery, it can have longer term consequences.Children who survive pneumonia have increased risk for chronic lung diseases. Adults who survive pneumonia may have worsened exercise ability, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and quality of life for months or years.
  10. Pneumonia is a huge burden on our healthcare systems.In the US, pneumonia was one of the top ten most expensive conditions seen during inpatient hospitalizations.  In 2011, pneumonia had an aggregate cost of nearly $10.6 billion for 1.1 million hospital stays.
  11. The death rate from pneumonia in the US has had little or no improvement since antibiotics became widespread more than half a century ago.We are not yet winning the battle against pneumonia.
  12. Pneumonia does not have effective advocacy.It is not the subject of fund-raising walks or runs. It does not have a ribbon or other symbol around which people rally. It does not get the attention it needs from biomedical scientists or from research funders. More effort is needed now.
  13. CDC states in the  best to do is prevention like so many other good resources; CDC stated the following in prevention is the following:   You are more likely to get pneumonia if you smoke or have underlying medical conditions, like diabetes or heart disease. However, you can lower your chances by taking good care of your medical problems, and quitting smoking.



“The holiday season is fast approaching, which has many people feeling increased levels of stress, anxiety, sadness, and loneliness. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 38% of people said their stress increased during the holiday season, and a study from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) found that almost 64% of people with mental illness said the holidays made their condition worse.

While navigating family dynamics, financial issues, travel, and social gatherings can make it challenging to cope with these ups and downs, there are practical ways we can manage these feelings.”

David Bond, director of behavioral health at Blue Shield of California (https://news.blueshieldca.com/2022/11/30/here-come-the-holidays-tips-to-manage-holiday-stress)