“The American Cancer Society’s estimates for cervical cancer in the United States for 2022 are:

1-About 14,100 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed.

2-About 4,280 women will die from cervical cancer.

3-Cervical cancer is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 44 with the average age at diagnosis being 50 . It rarely develops in women younger than 20. Many older women do not realize that the risk of developing cervical cancer is still present as they age. More than 20% of cases of cervical cancer are found in women over 65. However, these cancers rarely occur in women who have been getting regular tests to screen for cervical cancer before they were 65.”

American Cancer Society (https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cervical-cancer/about/key-statistics.html)



“The United States Congress designated January as Cervical Health Awareness Month. More than 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, but the disease is preventable with appropriate screening.”
ASHA  American Society Health Association (https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/january-cervical-health-awareness-month)


“New Years Day is also the most hazardous day of the year for pedestrians. Not only are drivers potentially impaired, but those on foot can also ignore traffic lights or crosswalks. If you are walking, make sure to stay on pedestrian paths and observe traffic laws; only cross at crosswalks and try to remain in well-lit areas. If you are driving, take extra care to consider those on foot.  First of all, make sure to check your local regulations regarding personal use of fireworks. If it is illegal or if you are unfamiliar with how they work, leave them to professionals! If you still decide to use legal fireworks, make sure to keep children and pets away from the area – even sparklers, which are often used by kids, burn at temperatures of about 2000 degrees and can be incredibly dangerous. Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose at the ready.  Between fireworks, noisemakers and general revelry, pets can experience high anxiety on New Years Eve. Scared pets can bit or run and potentially get hurt, cause accidents or become lost. The best way to keep pets safe is to keep them indoors and comfortable; consider playing relaxing music to drown out any startling outside noises. ”

American Safety Council (https://blog.americansafetycouncil.com/new-years-eve-safety-tips/)


“Through August 2018, BSE surveillance has identified 26 cases in North America: 6 BSE cases in the United States and 20 in Canada. Of the 6 cases identified in the United States, one was born in Canada; of the 20 cases identified in Canada, one was imported from the United Kingdom.”

Centers for Disease Prevention and Control-CDC ( https://www.cdc.gov/prions/bse/bse-north-america.html)


“Translated as “sickness of disembarkment,” mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS) is the illusion of movement after movement has stopped. It is caused by exposure and then removal of movement. Many people deal with MdDS after air or sea travel. Typically, MdDS resolves itself within 24 hours. However, for some patients, it can last for months or years.”

Bon Secours (https://www.bonsecours.com/)


“This Christmas do 3 ways to actually rest over the holiday.  One don’t indulge! Most people go into all sorts of excess over the holidays. Too much turkey, TV all the time, Netflix binges, football binges, activity after activity, movies every day, etc. Take your pick! It’s certainly available during the holidays!

The reality is that while these things might feel like relief, they don’t really give you rest. The change of scenery might feel nice, and put your brain in a coma for a few days, but it won’t actually relax or reenergize you.

Instead of indulging, purposefully choose a few activities that actually refresh and restore you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

It’s ok to say “no”.   It is okay to tell yourself, “I don’t have to be at every neighborhood party or holiday gathering.”

As a good friend used to tell me: “Every once and a while, you need to relax enough to get bored.” We often find our most creative moments come when we are bored!

Doesn’t it sound nice to have evenings and weekends that aren’t just go, go, go, all the time? Decide what you’re going to say no to this year. This will allow you to find some space to just “do nothing” for an evening or two.

Lastly, find agreement. 

Make sure you don’t just decide how to rest all by yourself and leave your family members to fend for themselves! True rest isn’t individualistic but takes place in and with community.

So decide as a family what true rest looks like this season. Talk about it, be proactive, honor personality differences, and get on the same page about what’s happening over the holidays. It’s OK if everyone doesn’t do the same thing, just make sure you’re communicating well with those who matter most.”

Five Capitals (https://blog.fivecapitals.net/3-ways-to-make-sure-you-actually-rest-over-the-holidays/)

Rest and relief after Christmas so important!

Many people will find themselves burnt out after the festive season instead of refreshed and ready for another working year. It is very important to use the time you have off work to revitalise yourself, relax and spend quality time with your loved ones. This will have fantastic affects on your mindset going into the New Year. An essential aspect of winding down at this time of the year is through sleep and rest.

Sleep is an essential daily body function. Sleep boosts the immune system, repairs muscle and tissue damage, archives memories and helps sort through all the information processed throughout the day. Without enough sleep, we experience fatigue, attention and memory problems, and stress. It’s easy to skip the required amount of sleep during the festive period due to the stress and anxiety associated preparing food, buying presents and entertaining guests. But without enough sleep, alertness and attentiveness is affected, which will take away from your experience and enjoyment.

That is why it is just as important during the festive season, if not more, to make sure you get the recommended 7–8 hours of sleep per night. While you may not be at work, your body may be more physically exerted than it would be in non-holiday weeks, with the additional impact of alcohol and overeating. During this time you may also be more emotionally stressed, which is only intensified with lack of sleep.

Stress and Fatigue

Physical and mental exhaustion are both components of fatigue. Sustaining concentration, attention and alertness is profoundly affected by lack of sleep, symptoms that are unwanted all the time but especially when you want to enjoy yourself over the festive season. Feeling fatigued causes people to feel stressed; around this time of the year when people are already starting to feel overwhelmed, lack of sleep and fatigue will heighten it further and make for an unpleasant holiday.

Sleep and weight control

Sleep is an integral component of weight control. Studies have confirmed that even with healthy eating and exercise, if people do not achieve enough sleep they will have difficulty losing weight. With all the almost unavoidable overindulgences during the festive period, sleep will be an essential part of keeping the weight off.

The after-Christmas-lunch lullRest over the festive season

It is a natural biological function to feel sleepy at around 2pm every day. This is heightened after a big carbohydrate rich meal – or, in other words, by what you will be eating on Christmas Day! When you feel the post-lunch dip it is perfectly okay to have a 20–30 minute nap. Napping is a good way to improve alertness and performance if kept under an hour. This will give you some energy to get ready for the next celebration at Christmas dinner!



“Colds are minor infections of the nose and throat caused by more than 200 different viruses. Rhinovirus is the most common cause, accounting for 10 to 40 percent of colds. Other common cold viruses include coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).  A cold may last for about one week, but some colds last longer, especially in children, the elderly and those in poor health.  In the United States, colds account for more visits to the doctor than any other condition.  We also are all at risk for getting and spreading the flu. If you have asthma or other lung diseases, you are at higher risk of developing complications from the flu.  Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory infection.  It’s caused by one of three different viruses, although most serious illness is caused by flu strains A and B.  The best prevention is getting the yearly flu vaccine.”

American Lung Association (https://www.lung.org)