“I really believe the only way to stay healthy is to eat properly, get your rest and exercise. If you don’t exercise and do the other two, I still don’t think it’s going to help you that much.”
Mike Ditka – Former coach of The Chicago Bears
Archive | August 2013
Obesity and how it only slows down LIFE in America, of all ages.
For so many years America has been warned about being overweight/unhealthy but still today the majority of Americans (all age groups) are obese, up to 2/3 of our country. To the point it affects so many people in the U.S. that even our politicians have to ban certain drinks or foods to the public since many can’t make the better choice on their own for the healthier decision but instead too many people are taking foods/drinks that are high in sugar/calories or fat or carbohydrates not in moderation which in time, in large amounts, causes preventable diseases like cardiac (blockages in the vessels), endocrine (Diabetes II) with many other diseases as a ending result, in time. No matter if you are in a high or low income bracket, there are affordable foods that you can have in your diet while gradually increasing to 30 minutes of exercise daily or every other day in your life, of course in time. It’s just like watching TV, you just have to fit it in your life and in time it will become a regular part of your activities of daily living with not making you feel as if this is a burden. If you want to live a longer life, help decrease disease in our country then make a move whether young, mid-age or even older. It is like a wound that our society over generations allowed to happen, in time (in particular the food industry creating the choice for you). At first America didn’t know any better but now in this era we have the knowledge and know what is right and wrong. The ending result is 2/3 of our country is obese now, do we want to continue making this wound larger to a point that disease overtakes our mental awareness in allowing us to become healthier? We already have caused a large number of obesity but like all wounds, time heals most wounds (If not completely than to a degree, referring primarily to the older age group, either age group it would show improvement, and in America the wound is a large one). We are now in a technology that knows what foods high in fat, high in sugar, high in carbohydrates, high in calories on a daily basis-in large amounts-for yours meals and snacks can cause. The ending result is obesity but we are a stronger nation in all colors, races, ages, and sexes with knowing the key in what to do. Do you want a better fit body, family, and even country? Then take the action NOW for the healthier choice. Be a part in playing a role not just for yourself but the next decade & generation to be healthier by being a mentor in the right direction for health, which will help Americans in their lives all around (including our health care system, decreasing the people in it=patients). I and so many others want the ending result of living healthier; which will only decrease the spread of disease caused by being obese to reach a lower percentile which is gradual but would impact all in a positive path, only if our society takes action with better eating and routine exercise by everybody. The people making up America are so vitally important in helping to decide where the health of the present and future is going for our people in America. Should it take our government to make the move (finally after so many years)? Slowing down the obesity epidemic by performing preventative measures, getting into physical activity and preparing time to make healthy meals, can improve your life with contributing to the effort to improve our society overall. You can even involve family, friends, colleagues, and join the outcome in time to a community of people with a health conscience, making our home a healthier America: less disease/more quality to life. I hope you take part with me and take a peek at my website healthy usa.tsfl.com. I lost 22lbs already and I’m not obese by the body mass index. Join me and go to healthyusa.tsfl.com. No charge, no fee, no gimmick, no donations and no hacker. It’s just you obtaining information about how to live your life healthier, even your family or friends, if their interested. You can get involved in being healthier with you possibly spreading this great news to make a healthier USA for all age groups. Thank you for your time and I hope I have spread some light on someone. When I made this a routine in my life it got so EASY.
We must pay greater attention to keeping our bodies and minds healthy and able to heal. Yet we are making it difficult for our defences to work. We allow things to be sold that should not be called food. Many have no nutritive value and lead to obesity, salt imbalance, and allergies.
David Suzuki (an environmental activist and host of the television show The Nature of Things. He has also worked as a geneticist, nature writer, and university professor.)
Why the body needs salt (Sodium), how it works in our body & why too much in your diet is bad.
First we’ll cover how water, electrolytes, proteins work in the body to understand how sodium (being a electrolyte) is so important with our health. Then, we will cover how to use sodium therapeutically in our diet with knowing how it can impact your future health. It will include covering prevention actions (interventions) that will help you have a higher probability of dodging the bullet in getting the problems that high sodium intake alone can cause. The article will cover the adverse effects to the body when sodium is taken in high amounts. Also, informing for people already with disease (s) or illness (s) secondary actions (interventions) to take that will help you understand how high sodium blood levels can make the diagnose you have worse, if your sodium intake daily is too much in your diet.
Let us first understand the basics of the human body: a large percentage of body weight is composed of water that is containing dissolved particles of organic and inorganic substances vital to life. A young adult male is about 60% water whereas a female is 50%. Than the percentage of the body weight, that is WATER, declines with age. Since fat contains little water, the more obese a person gets the smaller the percentage of water weight is in that person. Salt is what we call sodium (NA) + chloride (Cl)=Sodium chloride =NaCl, which are both an electrolytes. Water is distributed throughout the body, but in compartments that are inside our cells, outside of our cells (being plasma), and in our tissues. In these compartments with the water are electrolytes but in varying amounts. The largest percentage of water in our body is inside the cells. The body fluid in us is constantly being lost and replaced for normal body processes to occur. If we eat daily food and fluids the body easily maintains the compartments in balancing the water and electrolytes in our body (remember the compartments are in the cells, outside of cells, and in the tissues). We know the body receives water to these different compartments through our diet in what we eat (foods & liquids) and through the metabolism (break down) of the those foods & liquids=nutrition that we eat and through the body tissues. There are ending products from the metabolism (break down) of tissues in our body and our foods and fluids through digestion causing our body to have an ending result of toxins in the body but are body gets rid of them if functioning within normal limits. Two vital processes that do this which demand continual expenditure of water in removal of toxins is: 1.) removal of body heat by vaporization of water via the lungs and the skin(perspiration). 2.)excretion of urea and other metabolic wastes by the kidneys dumping them in our urinary bladder; the stool also in our GI tract plays a role in this removal of metabolic wastes in evacuation.
Solid foods such as meats and vegetables contain 60 to 90% water . Note the normal daily replacement of water roughly equals the normal daily loss with an entire body functioning properly. The volume of water used in these processes varies greatly with external influences such as temperature and humidity.
All body fluids contain chemical compounds. Chemical compounds in solution may be classified as electrolytes or nonelectrolytes based on their ability to conduct an electric current in the solution. Electrolytes are either positive, which is a charged particle called an cation (electric current=Na+); or negative which is not a charged particle called an anion (no electric current=Cl-). This is why you’ll see an electrolyte banner or board up in the front of chemistry class or just in your chemistry book (a positive or negative sign after every abbreviation of each element). It’s letting you know if it is + or -. Proteins are special types of charged molecules. They both have a charge that is dependent on the pH of the body fluids. A normal pH in our plasma is 7.35 to 7.45 and at this level your proteins exist with a net negative charge. In our bodies compartments, when imbalances happen regarding fluids, electrolytes or proteins problems occur; acidity and alkalinity distribution in the body becomes effected.
What does this all mean?
There are 3 main mechanisms for fluid and electrolyte movement in the body to help in maintenance of acid and base balances throughout the human body which are diffusion, osmosis, and filtration. Through these mechanisms transfer of water and electrolytes take place dispensing them in the body where they are needed.
Electrolytes account for most of the osmotic pressure of the body fluids (this pressure is the concentration of solids in a compartment). Electrolytes are VITALLY important in the maintenance of acid and base (alkaline) balancing in all cells to all the plasma to every tissue region of the body. These 3 mechanisms of delivery that balance the fluids and electrolytes in our body you need to have working correctly; but when the body ends up getting imbalances of electrolytes or fluids over a long period of time certain illnesses or diseases can arise. If a system fails in our body, this can put the electrolyte and fluid balance off causing health problems in our body; take for example. kidneys that play a major role in removing toxins from our bloodstream by pulling them out of the blood vessels that filter through the kidneys and allows the organ to dump the toxins into our urinary bladder where we excrete them. When we void, the more yellow the urine means the higher the amount or concentration of toxins is in the urine and that was dumped in the urinary bladder by proper kidney function. So if disease like renal (kidneys )failure occurs than this messes up the entire process of balancing the acid and base fluids in the body by allowing the toxics to stay in our body which causes them to be dumped elsewhere, like in our tissues=the body is trying to compensate. This will cause yellowing to the sclera, skin, etc… which we call jaundice and if not repaired you will die sooner in life.
Now, let us get in the specifics of the electrolyte sodium chloride and health. Table salt is made up of the elements sodium and chloride – the technical name for salt is sodium chloride. Your body needs some sodium to work properly. Na in our body plays important roles and works with potassium. It helps with the function of nerves and muscles. It also helps to keep the right balance of fluids in your body. When Na gets high concentrated (in blood=hypernatremia) our body reacts by allowing more water in that compartment (ex. Plasma) to balance out the electrolyte and fluids in that compartment to prevent complications. Your kidneys control how much sodium is in your body. If you have too much and your kidneys can’t get rid of it, sodium builds up in your blood (hypernatremia). This can lead to health problems. In healthy individuals, the kidneys respond to excess sodium by flushing it out in the urine. Unfortunately, this also removes potassium. If potassium levels are low, the body tries to hoard it, which also means hanging onto sodium. Water follows sodium, leading to an increase in the amount of water in the body and the volume of blood in circulation. Excess sodium blunts the ability of blood vessels to relax and contract with ease causing your vessels to vasoconstrict which increases pressure in your vessels=high blood pressure (B/P)and may also overstimulate the growth of heart tissue. Blood pressure climbs, and the heart must work harder=stress to the heart. When we stress the heart out=overworked, lack of oxygen to the heart tissue happens=pain (we call it Angina that can be reversed) and if it continues can lead to a heart attack (scarring to the heart). Also with constant high B/P with constriction of vessels in the brain this can cause the same stress=headache which if not resolved can lead to a stroke (scarring to the brain). All of these responses are made worse by low potassium intake.
In some people, especially those already diagnosed with high blood pressure, heart failure, or impaired kidney functioning, the kidneys hang onto sodium no matter what, further complicating the disease they have and worsening their health.
One way to flush sodium out of the body is by getting more potassium. An interesting report from the Trials of Hypertension Prevention suggests that changing the balance between these two minerals can help the heart and arteries.
High blood pressure can lead to other health problems, especially uncontrolled.
Most people in the U.S. get more sodium in their diets than they need. A key to healthy eating is choosing foods low in salt and sodium. Doctors recommend you eat less than 2.4 grams per day. That equals about 1 teaspoon of table salt a day. Reading food labels can help you immensely in seeing accurately how much sodium is in prepared foods of your meals you eat.
Most of the focus on sodium and potassium centers on their effects on the kidneys, blood vessels, and heart. But these minerals affect every part of the body, including the relentless breakdown and buildup of bone. A diet high in sodium increases the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. This loss is especially prominent when calcium intake is low, as it is for so many Americans. Loss of calcium can contribute to osteoporosis, the age-related weakening of bones=easier fractures and brakes in bones.
One way to combat the problem is by taking in more calcium from food or supplements. Getting more potassium, in the range of the recommended 4,700 mg a day, can also help.
To be sure, there is more to bone health than sodium and potassium. Heredity, lack of exercise, hormone levels (low testosterone in men, low estrogen in women), and a dearth of vitamin D and vitamin K can also weaken bones. But it’s good to know that a positive change made for your heart is doing good things elsewhere in the body.
One way to prevent or fight high blood pressure and keep the heart healthy is to boost the amount of potassium you get while at the same time reducing your sodium intake. (Note: Check with your doctor before boosting your intake of potassium. Although it’s a good strategy for many, it can be harmful to people with kidney disease or heart failure, or those who are taking certain kinds of diuretics, or “water pills.”) Recommended if with any disease get clearance from your m.d. before making changes in your diet, activity, and any health habits (especially if a cardiac, renal, diabetes diagnosis)
The best way to get more potassium and less sodium is by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, fish, homemade foods, and low-salt versions of prepared foods. You can top the 4,700-milligram mark for potassium and stay under 800 mg of sodium by having regular oatmeal, orange juice, and coffee for breakfast; a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and milk for lunch; baked halibut, a baked potato with the skin, and a spinach salad with half an avocado for dinner; and some peanuts, raisins, a banana, and low-sodium V8 in between. The potassium-to-sodium ratio of this menu is 14 to 1. Best way to figure out the amount of sodium or potassium in your diet is count what the label of the food your eating states is in a serving and document it up in 24hrs and add it up. Add in some exercise and, though you aren’t living like people in the Stone Age, you might have arteries as healthy as they had.
To know what primary (prevention) or secondary management of diseases or illnesses caused by or effected by sodium blood levels in the body with learning how to control and take proper sodium intake as best as possible this can be accomplished by eating a healthy diet (low sodium), practice healthy habits, and even lose weight if necessary. Doing this will let you reach your optimal level of health. Need a little help than go on to my website healthyusa.tsfl.com/ and let Dr. Anderson with his book “Dr. A’s habits of health” and myself as your health coach in directing you and giving you the knowledge in how to eat sodium healthy, how to lose weight by living healthy habits and eating healthy not just for 3 mths or a year but for life with being able to treat yourself to snacks and foods occasionally, not the healthiest. Through Dr. Anderson’s book you will learn about all 4 food groups in how to eat the foods (including sodium), when to eat the foods, what portion sizes to use, with learning even about diseases and illnesses that can occur through poor habits in diet, activity, and even learn more. This program is giving you the steps that can lead you in the right pathway of how to control your life with reaching your optimal level of heath. You make the choices of what changes you want to make, no one else. There is no fee, no donations, no hacking, and no obligation on your part other than just to take a peek and see if what we can provide is what you would like. It can help you with keeping your sodium low or within normal limits and reaching a healthier life which could impact even others around you especially your family and friends. If this occurs and this news spreads throughout America it would make our country much healthier which we could use for now and in the future. This is not a recruiting organization but a company that can help you and many others live a better and possibly longer life. Hope I have helped you in someway dealing with sodium in your diet. Also, I hope to hear from you both with your comments in the articles you read on my blog with visiting the website in taking the right step to reach the optimal level of your heath including learning methods that help you deal the best with maintaining a good sodium blood level in your body to decrease diseases and illnesses in your life, particularly cardiac.
Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.
Hans Selye (Austrian-Canadian endocrinologist, 1907-1982)
What is stress and its effects on our Health.
One way of looking at life is whatever challenges come your way know you will survive and for any losses you may experience when looking back on them take the positive aspects or memories, not the negative that builds a bad effect on you (Ex. Insomnia to depression to high blood pressure to alcoholism to drugs). A positive effect can be as simple as a smile when reflecting memories, which FYI allows less frowning that will cause less wrinkles on the forehead, as we get older. Sometimes it’s not that simply and when it gets harder take up a constructive way of dealing with it (Ex. Work out at your level, walking, singing, go to a comedy movie, get together with friends go out, and do anything that gets your mind off of the stress and even out of your body through work out at the gym to just biking or walking.).
For starters stress is a body reaction to CHANGE. How to you look at change? Easy, positive! It may not appear easy at first but try to look at this change as a sense of difficulty yet a challenge with a victory in the end, if approached right. Let us take the following challenges, for example – Having a child leave home for college or marriage, losing a home with this economy, a loss of a friend in your life: How do you look at these experiences positively? Well for the child I would be so happy for her or him starting college life with my worries but know I raised her or him well and if he makes mistakes on the way he will learn to get up off the ground and fix them knowing he can come to me or dad whenever he has the need or if we sense a problem we would address it (Its part of life=growing up). Another aspect to look at regarding this stress is there is loss in the parent role so fill up that loss with a new hobby, or get active in whatever organization you are in (Ex. Church, Temple, School, to just taking up ceramics or do more traveling with your spouse and friends). I had my falls with the stresses that I have come across but got up every time to stand again, some quicker than other times. How do you deal with losing a home with this economy? Appreciate the good memories you had when you had the home and pick up starting a new life elsewhere with making it a journey down the yellow brick road leading you to where the rainbow is at the end; don’t look at it as a loss. Dealing with losing a friend, again, the way I look at it is I appreciate the time I had with her or him and know they haven’t left me in spirit (if deceased). If the person is still living know there are reasons for everything; whatever the cause was for the reason for the relationship parting and when out of my control I think of how I had a good friendship as opposed to never having one with that individual. I accept that nothing lasts forever or indefinitely, with appreciating the time I may have had with the person. Ending note is I look at life this way, whatever positive entity comes in my life may be taken away from me and appreciate every moment you spend with that person or thing in your life that you love so much (including my life span that only upstairs knows how long that time factor will be but I try to live a life at its healthiest optimal level with practicing positive behavior which is knowing whatever stressors come my way there is always someone worse off).
If I don’t deal with stress like this than I can expect complications that may arise, just like for anyone else who looks at challenges coming their way in a negative sense. You commonly see stress become a neg- ative experience when a person faces continuous challenges/stressors without relief or relaxation between the them. The ending result is the person becomes overworked and stress-related tension builds. Stress that continues without positive resolution at some level can cause a condition called distress, which is a negative stress reaction. The physical reactions that happen to your body due to negative stress:
-Elevated high blood pressure –Headaches –Chest Pain –Upset Stomach –Insomnia –Grinding of the teeth –Jaw Tension –Teeth grinded down –Irritability –Anger –Panic episodes –Vasoconstriction to our vessels causing increases to the heart rate –Decreases sex drive –Depression (Research even suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.)
Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually. The lifetime prevalence of an emotional disorder is more than 50%, often due to chronic, untreated stress reactions.
Stress is a normal part of life. Many events that happen to you and around you — and many things that you do yourself (Ex. Work 40 to 60 hrs a week in a highly stressful job, like a policeman) – will put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. You can also cause the stress to impact your body with first just signs and symptoms (s/s) developing, that are listed above, but without relief of the stress these s/s can lead you into a disease/illness forming or even make the diagnose (s) you already have even worse.
Many signs and symptoms pick up when exposed to continual stress or stresses that just build up on top of each other causing some people in developing unhealthy habits, poor dieting, and the lack of desire to be as active as they were which in turn develops conditions that would not have occurred if this negative behavior didn’t happen over a long period of time.
This behavior with the stress or stresses you are experiencing increases the probability of health conditions starting to take place in your body or if you’re with certain diagnoses already the stress can possibly impact your body by worsening the condition. The conditions that can develop from any age of being under continual stress over a period of time are:
-ADD or ADHD –Panic disorders –High blood pressure –Anti-arrhythmias -Cardiac Disease -Diabetes 1 or Diabetes 2 -Stroke –Irritable Bowel Syndrome –Weight Gain/Obesity –Fibromyalgia –Complex Regional Pain Syndrome –ETOH -Depression and so much more.
How to bypass developing conditions that can be caused from the long constant stress or stresses you experience? One method is fight back (fight or flight), and when it gets really difficult don’t turn to bad heath patterns in your life to deal with the stressors turn to a healthy diet, keeping a healthy weight for your body mass index (BMI) so you can deal better with fighting the stressors in your life (if not sure what your BMI is check online to find out how to calculated it, it is for free), and practice healthy habits. You may be saying how to I even go about that or maybe it’s easy for me but not true. Let me shine some light on this topic. I was there many times before and found a resolution to help deal better with my stresses through a change in eating and I lost 22 lbs. and still I am trying with being physically challenged at this moment to get to my optimal shape. If you want to check out how to deal effectively with your stress and live a healthier life for prevention of complications that stress can cause go to healthyusa.tsfl.com/. You will learn both through Dr. Anderson and his book “Dr. A’s habits of health” and myself, as your health coach, with how to use Medifast in your diet with certain foods you normally eat in your diet also. This will help you in dealing with stressors as well as boost up your health with losing weight and learning healthy habits in living. It is surely more than just dieting which is not only for 3mths or ½ year or even 2 years but its learning for life how to eat healthy with occasionally treating yourself to treats or favorite meals to lose weight and maintain it for life, to where it just becomes a part of your life and it doesn’t feel like dieting. It also is a program showing you behavior to learn by living healthier habits with explaining how it helps your body. Through Dr. Anderson’s book you will learn about all 4 food groups in how to eat the foods, when to eat the foods, what portion sizes to use, with learning even about diseases and illnesses that can occur through poor habits in diet, activity, and more. This program is giving you the steps that can lead you in the right pathway of how to control your life with reaching your optimal level of heath. You make the choices of what changes you want to make, no one else. There is no fee, no donations, no hacking, and no obligation on your part other than just to take a peek and see if what we can provide is what you would like. It can help you with conquering your stresses in life and reaching a healthier life which could impact even others around you especially your family and friends. If this occurs and this news spreads throughout America it would make our country much healthier which we could use for now and in the future. This is not a recruiting organization but a company that can help you and many others live a better and possibly longer life. Hope I have helped you in someway dealing with any stress in your life. Also, I hope to hear from you both with your comments on the articles you read on my blog with visiting the website in taking the right step to reach the optimal level of your heath including learning methods that help you deal the best you can with stress.
TAKE A PEEK-healthyusa.tsfl.com;)
People with normal metabolism upon awaking and before breakfast are able to maintain blood glucose levels in the AM ranging from 60 to 110mg/dl. After eating food the non-diabetic’s blood glucose may rise to 120-140 mg/dl after eating (postprandial), but these then rapidly return back to normal. The reason for this happening is you eat food, it reaches the stomach, digestion takes place during digestion the stomach brakes down fats, carbohydrates, and sugars from compound sugars to simple sugars (fructose and glucose). Than the sugars transfer from the stomach into the bloodstream causing an increase in sugar levels. Now, your body uses the sugar it needs at that time throughout the entire body for energy and if still extra sugar left in the bloodstream that isn’t needed at that time to be utilized it now needs to go somewhere out of the bloodstream to allow the glucose blood level to get back between 60-110mg/dl. That extra glucose first gets stored up in the liver 60-80% and then gets stored in our fat tissue=fat storage=weight increase. Unfortunately this doesn’t take place with a diabetic since there is very little or no insulin being released by the pancreas and over time due to the high blood glucose blood levels (called hyperglycemia) problems arise in the body over years. When diabetes occurs there is a resolution and you have the disease the rest of your life. You need to control your glucose level. 2 TYPES OF DIABETES: a.) Diabetes I b.) Diabetes ll. We have risk factors that can cause disease/illness; there are unmodified and modified risk factors. With unmodified risk factors we have no control in them,which are 4 and these are: Heredity, Sex , Age, Race. Now modified risk factors are factors we can control, 3 of them that you can control is your weight, diet and health habits (which play a big role in why many people get diabetes II). Look at what the Mayo Clinic (www.mayoclinic.com /health/diabetes)says about risk factors:
Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, genetic factors can play a role. Your risk of developing type 1 diabetes increases if you have a parent or sibling who has type 1 diabetes. Based on research, we also know that genes account for less than half the risk of developing type1 disease. These findings suggest that there are other factors besides genes that influence the development of diabetes. We don’t know what these factors are, but a number of different theories exist. Environmental factors, such as exposure to a viral illness, also likely play some role in type 1 diabetes. Other factors that may increase your risk include: The presence of damaging immune system cells that make autoantibodies. Sometimes family members of people with type 1 diabetes are tested for the presence of diabetes autoantibodies. If you have these autoantibodies, you have an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes. But, not everyone who has these autoantibodies develops type 1.
Dietary factors. A number of dietary factors have been linked to an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, such as low vitamin D consumption; early exposure to cow’s milk or cow’s milk formula; or exposure to cereals before 4 months of age. However, none of these factors has been shown to cause Race. Type 1 diabetes is more common in whites than in other races. Geography. Certain countries, such as Finland and Sweden, have higher rates of type 1 diabetes.
Researchers don’t fully understand why some people develop prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and others don’t. It’s clear that certain factors increase the risk, however, including:
Weight. The more fatty tissue you have, the more resistant your cells become to insulin.
Inactivity. The less active you are, the greater your risk. Physical activity helps you control your weight, uses up glucose as energy and makes your cells more sensitive to insulin. Exercising less than three times a week may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.
Family history. Your risk increases if a parent or sibling has type 2 diabetes.
Race. Although it’s unclear why, people of certain races — including blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Asians — are at higher risk.
Age. Your risk increases as you get older. This may be because you tend to exercise less, lose muscle mass and gain weight as you age. But type 2 diabetes is also increasing dramatically among children, adolescents and younger adults.
Gestational diabetes. If you developed gestational diabetes when you were pregnant, your risk of developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes later increases. If you gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds (4 kilograms), you’re also at risk of type 2 diabetes.
Polycystic ovary syndrome. For women, having polycystic ovary syndrome — a common condition characterized by irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth and obesity — increases the risk of diabetes.
High blood pressure. Having blood pressure over 140/90mm Hg is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
Abnormal cholesterol levels. If you have low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol, your risk of type 2 diabetes is higher. Low levels of HDL are defined as below 35 mg/dL.
High levels of triglycerides. Triglycerides are a fat carried in the blood. If your triglyceride levels are above 250 mg/dL, your risk of diabetes increases.
Any pregnant woman can develop gestational diabetes, but some women are at greater risk than are others. Risk factors for gestational diabetes include:
Age. Women older than age 25 are at increased risk.
Family or personal history. Your risk increases if you have prediabetes — a precursor to type 2 diabetes — or if a close family member, such as a parent or sibling, has type 2 diabetes. You’re also at greater risk if you had gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy, if you delivered a very large baby or if you had an unexplained stillbirth.
Weight. Being overweight before pregnancy increases your risk.
Race. For reasons that aren’t clear, women who are black, Hispanic, American Indian or Asian are more likely to develop gestational diabetes.
The key not to get diabetes is taking Prevention Measures (especially regarding type II) but even diagnosed with diabetes there are measures you can take in helping to control the glucose and decreasing the chances of increasing the side effects of what it can cause to the human body organs overtime especially cardiac disease, kidney disease, neuropathy, retinopathy to blind from having hyperglycemia frequently over years; in time it thickens the blood making circulation difficulty effecting tissues furthest from the heart= feet/lower extremities where skin ulcers occur for not getting enough oxygen to the tissues in the feet or lower extremities that can lead to necrosis causing amputation of toes to foot to below knee amputation to even above knee amputation. It also increases chance of heart attack and stroke. PREVENTION first and CONTROL second when diagnosed with DM, is so vitally important.
So help control your diabetes through diet (eating a low glucose or sugar diet=1800 to 2000 calories a day as your m.d. prescribes for you), weight (get in therapeutic weight range), and practice healthy habits. My blog can help those in wanting to prevent diabetes by helping you lose weight by eating 6 low glycemic meals a day which allows low fat, low carbohydrates, low sugar keeping your baseline glucose at a steady level and low sugar level more on a regular basis with still treating yourself to occasional high glycemic meals when you’re in ideal weight. Follow this plan and in the first week eating like this I lost 5lbs or more and in the second week another 5lbs and since 1 to 2 lbs. per week . If you don’t, you put your diet 3 days back. To learn more about healthy habits in your life with diet, some exercise, and how to reach your ideal weight like I am doing come to my website healthyusa.tsfl.com . This would definitely benefit you in prevention but if diagnosed with diabetes always check with your doctor regarding diet, activity, and new health habits you may start, especially through this program and make the alterations you need to do as your m.d. recommends. Recommended is have your m.d. give you clearance to start this program if diagnosed with DM. I lost 22lbs already and I’m not obese by the body mass index. Join me and go to healthyusa.tsfl.com. No charge, no fee, no gimmick, no donations and no hacker. It’s just obtaining information about how to live your life healthier, even your family or friends (if interested) get involved in being healthier with possibly spreading this great news to make a healthier USA for ALL age groups. Thank you for your time and I hope I have spread some light on someone. When I made this a routine in my life it got so EASY since I put health before my taste buds desires. It took time for not cheating with the food but it worked.
“Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.”