Archive | May 2014

Quote for Tuesday

“Great ideas originate in the muscles.”

Thomas A. Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb

Proper dieting and regular walking How it helps the human body stay healthy

First diet doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on a struggle eating special foods. Diet can simply mean that the foods that your eating and if done regularly eating foods HIGH in FAT, CHO (carbohydrates), CALORIES, and SUGAR you will also be high in your weight count unless you are working out extensively since it allows you to burn off the excess in FAT, CHO, CALORIES and SUGAR that the body doesn’t need. What also plays a role is your activity and this does not include your regular activities of daily living (so work doesn’t count even if you are in a job constantly on your feet, like possibly a Doctor, a traffic controller, or even a Nurse, like myself for over 25 years, in hospital settings…). So some form of exercise, not having to be aerobic but if you do more power to you, it has to be done daily or every 2 to 3 times a day. Why and how does this help the body?

Is there anyone out there like myself that had nice legs but in time became bigger where you went from having 2 tone frankfurter legs ( nice and juicy) to 2 fat sausages looking well done (cellulite kicking in) causing you to cover them up with only fitting into dark leggings. Well I resolved this problem and it didn’t take vigorous working out either. It took discipline with the understanding of how the body works in creating pounds of additional fat/cellulite on the body due to diet and not doing routine or any exercise. My arms, abdomen, face with the neck (to some degree) started looking better through my diet change. I increased my metabolism and kept it at a steady rate=6 small low glycemic meals a day which takes into account the amount of fats, CHOs, sugars, calories and small HIGH PROTEIN meal sizes that you eat. The ending result when eating high glycemic meals and even large portion low glycemic meals causes fat storage in the body=cellulite, which we see in time. This is due to meals that are too high in calories, fat, sugars, CHO’s. Most adult Americans are overweight (over 60%) this is because many eat more than what the body needs for energy at that one time. After the energy that is needed by the body at that time is used from that meal then the extra energy=free circulating glucose in the bloodstream gets stored somewhere in the body causing an increase in fat storage on the body=Increase in the body weight. Keep in mind ladies after 40 y/o pre and actual menopause occurs at sometime. This causes the metabolism to slow down even more which in turn causes an increase in the chance of putting weight on at the abdomen, legs, & hips. Our fuel for the body is FOOD&one of the ending products making up our fuel is glucose & when used in excess=a large meal, you store a lot of glucose away=fat storage=Wt. gain. For further info go to my web page. 1

Another key in keeping healthy and even toning up muscles, especially in the legs is WALKING. This activity helps the body in 2 major ways (without doing major work-outs). One it helps the human body in both toning it (particularly the legs) and losing weight. Than 2 it helps prevent certain diseases, especially if you are still young adolescence or a young adult aged without disease at this time .

What physical activity does (even just walking briskly for 1-2 miles a day or 2-3x a week on a routine basis) will help in weight and health. Other than regular activities of daily living, like walking, burns calories, increases your good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases your unhealthy triglycerides. This helps prevent certain cardiac diseases; like blockages in the arteries=arthrosclerosis or strokes due to blockages or even helping someone already diagnosed with it by maintaining it with other RX methods (Ex. Meds, diet, etc…). Walking and even jogging improve circulation in the legs, and proper circulation helps ward off the development of varicose veins. Exercise also reduces overall high blood pressure and strengthens your entire circulatory system.The higher in the intensity of the activity the higher in number of calories you burn which includes CHO’s. Activity/Exercise causes your metabolism to increase giving you an extra boost of energy (can even boost up the sex life, you have that extra energy) I have even increased my activity outside at home using the pool and walking with my sweetheart & dogs on our 2+ acres which makes a nice walk for all. It has proven to me that it has improved my sleep from doing the activity at least 4 to 6 hours, if not earlier, before sleeping, since it does increase your metabolism causing you to be more awake at first. Activity in your life can only benefit you,Remember to check with your general practitioner before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns/diseases. If you want to learn more about how to diet with exercise (not necessarily intense workout) and make yourself healthier with even getting others involved to do the same than join me at my website and read the information it provides and see if this is something you would want. No fee, no charge, no donations or hacking. I hope you join me; if I can do it, you can do it. All it takes is a little drive in wanting to feel and even look better for yourself and others being a good mentor (for children, spouse, family, and friends, etc…) to spread healthiness in the USA. It would benefit everyone (even our healthcare) in time=less disease/illness for the next era and even generation to come. Thank you for your time 2.


“Partially hydrogenated oils, the primary dietary source of the fats, have been shown to raise “bad” cholesterol. Reducing the use of trans fats could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths from heart disease a year, the FDA said.”

Lifescript healthy living for women

What is Junk Food.

Junk food is simply what it states. Its Junk. What is consisted in junk food either too high in fats, trans fat, high sugar contents=high in calories, and carbohydrates that are processed which are simply this: foods that were processed or refined to make them more consumer-friendly and easier to transport, but have been stripped of most — if not all — of their nutrients and fiber along the way. Carbohydrates provide energy for the body, particularly for the brain and the nervous system. An enzyme called amylase (from the liver) that helps break down carbohydrates into blood sugar, or glucose, which the cells of your body absorb for energy (our fuel for the body) that it needs at that time and whatever glucose it doesn’t need at that time we can’t get rid of it as waste but instead it gets stored in the body. Where? Well first the liver but if a large meal or just a moderate to small meal high in carbs or starches the liver can’t store all that so than it goes to the fat tissue to be stored=weight gain. Remember sugars or calories get broken down to further simple sugars and even some fats depending on its make up. So if sugar is primarily the ending result of what foods are made up of unless sugar & fat free than know the size of the meal plays a part in controlling your weight. Since depending on the amount of sugar per meal will determine how much sugar will need to be stored in fat tissue after the glucose that needs to first be utilized by the body at that time of digestion than second the liver does its maximal storage and the remaining sugar in the blood that goes into fat tissue storage is determined by the size or the portion of the meal you have with how healthy it is. If it is fast food than consider it unhealthy especially if fried (no healthy energy). So what is the answer here if you want to look good and eat fast foods at times (from pizza to buffalo wings to onion rings) you have to eat that way in moderation = occasionally. If you are in your body mass index weight range with exercising on a regular basis than your even ok to eat fast food 2 times a week but if you eat this food constantly your still building up risk factors to prone you to cardiac, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, to cancers.

If you don’t know your BMR than Calculate Your BMR

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator – Free From Fitness® Magazine


Examples of processed carbohydrates include most baked goods, white breads, pastas, snack foods, candies and non-diet soft drinks. Other examples of processed carbohydrates are bleached, enriched wheat flour and white sugar. Because these foods have been stripped of their nutrients and fiber, they are often referred to as “empty calories.”

Effect on Health

As our bodies try to digest the huge amounts of starches and simple sugars in a meal that is dominated by processed carbohydrates, hormone production, such as that of insulin, fluctuates dramatically. This causes blood glucose levels to experience spikes and dips, a situation that may increase the risk of developing chronic illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In addition, our bodies are ill-equipped to handle the array of artificial flavorings, colorings and preservatives that are frequently part of the processing of refined carbohydrates. Know when your glucose levels dip rather than stay at a steady rate by eating 5 to 6 HEALTHY meals a day and one being lean in meat and green in vegetables. This won’t allow your sugar to spike and dip causing excess of glucose not needed to be utilized or store in the liver that will cause weight gain by storing in your fat tissue. If you regularly eat only 3 meals a day you cause the spike and dip of glucose putting yourself at high risk for this to occur in you unless you have a high metabolism naturally.


Instead of getting your carbohydrates from processed or refined foods, choose to get your carbohydrates from foods like beans, legumes, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, whole-grain pasta and other grains that may be unfamiliar to you, such as quinoa, whole oats and bulgur. These alternatives are becoming easier to find in mainstream grocery stores. Not only will these sources of carbohydrates help to protect you from a range of chronic diseases, but they will also make your meals more enjoyable and interesting.

Need assistance to reach this kind of an eating pattern with learning more about HEALTHY foods for the body that you should be eating out of the 4 food groups (that includes each group letting you know what is lean, leaner, and leanest)? Than you have come to the right blog; go to and peek at what we can provide for you at no fee/charge, no donation, no obligation with guaranteed no hacking. You will see what Dr. Anderson with his book “Dr. A’s healthy habits” and myself as your health coach in assisting you in anyway you need it and to learn how to eat healthy in aiding you to develop healthier habits in your lifestyle forever not just diet for 3 or 6 or 12 months than put the weight all back on again. You make all the choices in what you want regarding foods, drinks, snacks and desserts or just learn about healthy foods through Dr. Anderson’s book to get the knowledge in what healthy dieting and healthy habits are that you make a part of your life. If you want to lose weight or prevent disease or illness in your life and even pass it down to your children to be passed down to further generations this is the a good pathway to follow. You reach that goal through learning proper healthy dieting, healthy habits and exercise with balancing it with rest. Hope I hear from you and have given you another aspect of how to look at your health and even your friends and family. For if we all thought this way, fast food businesses wouldn’t be the number one place in restaurant industry but at the bottom with our health care system better for all in our society as a whole showing a lot less disease/illness (since a lot of cardiac, obesity, diabetes II, and some cancers with more diseases are self inflicted due to our dieting and activity level of many American citizens.). We can make a change and our society has done so before. As the old saying history repeats itself time and time again, so can our society for the better of everyone.


“About half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer.”

American Cancer Society



What Is Cancer? Part 2

Differences between tumors are as follows:

Benign Tumors ones are the following:

Encapsulating (the big answer to resolution of a tumor like this is this a tumor that is surgical to remove or can radiation or chemo decrease the size of it to nothing).

Non metastasizing-meaning it hasn’t spread anywhere.

Well – Differentiated-meaning easy to detect.

Slow – growing (just what is says)

Malignant Tumors ones are the following:


Know that carcinogenesis is the process of inducing a malignant tumor in an animal or human. Much of the research in carcinogenesis resolves around deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the influence of carcinogens on DNA, and the genes that are involved in differentiation (of this growth vs normal tissue of the body) and control of cancerous cell growth.

There is viral and chemical carcinogenesis. Both RNA and DNA viruses have been identified as causing natural and experimental tumors. Research has shown herpes viruses are DNA viruses. For almost every herpes group there is some experimental or epidemiological evidence linking it to human malignancy. Example Epstein-Barr viruse has been associated with Burkitt’s Lymphoma in West African children and nasopharyngeal cancer among Asian populations. Herpes simplex virus-1 has been linked to oral cancer and herpes simplex virus-2 to cervical cancer. All herpes viruses share a characteristic ability to remain latent within the body over long periods. Although they may be found throughout the body, CMV (cytomegaloviruse) infections are frequently associated with the salivary glands in humans and other mammals. Other CMV viruses are found in several mammal species, but species isolated from animals differ from HCMV in terms of genomic structure, and have not been reported to cause human disease.

The RNA viruses, also called oncoviruses or retroviruses induce leukemia, lymphoma, and mammary tumors in animals. To complete their natural cycle, these viruses must manufacture a viral DNA that is then integrated into the host cell DNA. To do this they produce an enzyme and the enzyme is able to use RNA as a template to produce DNA. Since these viruses can remain latent in a cell for long periods of time, it is only by identifying the enzyme or the viral DNA that scientists are able to detect cells infected with these viruses. This enzyme has been identified in some human leukemia and lymphoma cells.

In addition, approximately 20 oncogenes have been identified with these RNA viruses and some of these oncogenes have also been detected in human bladder cancer cells, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and promyelocytic leukemia.

There is also radiation carginogenesis. There is external radiation; take Leukemia which was the first cancer related to radiation exposure that was seen in the atomic bomb survivors. Within 6-8 years after the bomb, the incidence rates of leukemia increased to levels well above those seen in the Japanese population who were not exposed. The peak was highest from 1950 to 1952, at which time the incidence was 116:100,000, as compared with 3-4:100,000 to the unexposed population.

Internal Emitters – One of the most famous classics is that of the luminescent instrument – dial painters. The paint was used to create luminescent faces on watches and clocks containing radium. While painting, the workers licked the brushes and thus ingested the radium. Radium, when ingested is deposited in bone and tends to remain there.) Among this group, bone cancer or osteogenic sarcoma, a rare tumor, became prevalent. With this type of knowledge it led to limitations on surface testing of atomic weapons. Atomic weapons contain radioactive compounds that can become deposited in the bone.

Ultraviolet radiation or the Sunlight – One of the most obiquitous forms of radiation that every person is exposed to is the sunlight. Ultraviolet rays do not penetrate deeply. Most statistics on cancer do not include skin cancer due to it being treatable (the easiest cancer to treat on average). Another more dangerous type of cancer is melanoma that has been linked to sunlight exposure.

Tumor classification shows because the study of tissues originates with the study of their development in the embryo, the class of the tumor is often based on the tissues from which the tumor is derived.

Grading the cancer, besides classifying the tumor according to the tissue origin the pathologist will classify it looking at other characteris- tics. This aspect is Grading the cancer from level 1 or 2 or 3 or 4. If cells of classification in the tumor look like the mature cells of the tissue than the tumor is well differentiated=Grade 1. This type of tumor generally has a better prognosis compared to a tumor that is poorly differentiated or does not resemble the tissue from which it originated. Sometimes a poorly differentiated tumor is called anaplastic. An anaplastic tumor would have the highest grade of 4. Remember even though tow tumors might be similarly classified and have identical grades, in two different individuals the tumors might act differently. Because each patient is unique, has a different history, different immune responses, and different reserves, similar tumors might act very differently.


A definitive diagnosis of cancer can only be made after an examination of tissue obtained from a surgical procedure or biopsy. Biopsies can be excisional, meaning the whole lesion is removed, or incisional in which only part of the presumptive tumor is removed. Specimens can also be obtained from a needle biopsy. In this a core of tissue is drawn up in a needle. Cytological examination of exfoliated cells, as done in a pap smear, can lead to a presumptive diagnosis of cancer but often a surgical biopsy will be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Often the patient undergoes many other diagnostic tooling procedures besides the biopsy in the attempt to determine the nature and extent of the illness=from blood tests, diagnostic x-ray studies, and endoscopic procedures. These tests with the biopsy done are used to evaluate the extent of the disease in the patient. This process of determining the extent of tumor in an individual is called staging.


Cancer treatment can be surgery, chemo or radiation or even all 3.




“About half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer.

The risk of developing many types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person’s lifestyle, for example, by staying away from tobacco, limiting time in the sun, being physically active, and eating healthy.”


What is Cancer?

Cancer can be a simple disease or a monster to the body and let us first start reviewing the basics of cancer to understand this sentence.

The body is made up of trillions of living cells.  Normal body cells grow, divide to make new cells, and die in an orderly fashion.  During the early years of a person’s life, normal cells divide faster to allow the person to grow.               After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries. 

The pathophysiological responses of a patient with cancer are frequently determined by the size and extent of the tumor and by the presence or absence of metastases.

Cancer starts when cells in a part of the body start to grow out of control. Cancer cell growth is different from normal cell growth. Instead of dying, cancer cells continue to grow and form new, abnormal cells. Cancer cells can also invade (grow into) other tissues, something that normal cells cannot do. Growing out of control and invading other tissues are what makes a cell a cancer cell. Cells become cancer cells because of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) damage.

DNA is in every cell and it directs all its actions. In a normal cell, when DNA is damaged the cell either repairs the damage or the cell dies. In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired, but the cell doesn’t die like it should. Instead, the cell goes on making new cells that the body doesn’t need. These new cells all have the same damaged DNA as the first abnormal cell does=cancer cells.

The normal cells of a human body=Our red blood cells (our iron and cells that provide nutrition to our tissues by feeding oxygen to all our tissues),             white blood cells (fight infection off our body-part of immunity system), and platelets (controls our clotting of the blood) all are taken over by the cancer cells especially if the cancer is primarily in the bone or metastasized to the bone since this organ in the human body produces all our blood cells in the bone marrow and the cancer in that causes the bone marrow to make cancer cells which is hard to cure especially if your cancer in the bone is at grade 3 or 4.   If a patient’s cancer is grade 1 or 2 its much easier to treat to possible completely cure. 

Again cancer can be a simple disease or a monster.

People can inherit abnormal DNA (it’s passed on from their parents), but most often the DNA damage is caused by mistakes that happen while the normal cell is reproducing or by something in the environment. Sometimes the cause of the DNA damage may be something obvious like cigarette smoking or sun exposure. But it’s rare to know exactly what caused any one person’s cancer. In most cases, the cancer cells form a tumor.

Some cancers, like leukemia, rarely form tumors. Instead, these cancer cells involve the blood and blood-forming organs and circulate through other tissues where they grow. Neoplasms or “new growths” are relatively autonomous (independent).  This means that the growth and its behavior are more or less independent of the host (the normal body functions).

 Neoplasms have been defined as benign or malignant; cancer is a common synonym used to refer to a malignant neoplasm.  The difference between a benign and malignant neoplasm depends on its behavior in the host.  Now if the neoplasm stays localized, enlarges slowly, is homogeneous in appearance, and can be resected or removed, then it is benign. 

On the other hand, if the neoplasm spreads or metastasizes to other areas of the body, infiltrates and causes the destruction of normal tissue, left untreated, will kill the host, then the neoplasm is considered malignant (it takes over in the body).

If a large tumor is occupying the oral cavity, then the patients will have problems with ingestion that might lead to an altered immune-responsiveness. 

If the tumor is in the large colon, then obstruction of the lumen, changes in bowel habits, and GI bleeding can occur. 

In addition, if tumors are large they often outgrow the blood supply, which leads to necrosis and bleeding. 

However, all the above changes are relatively late signs; the tumor would be quite large for a patient to exhibit these effects.  Most small tumors are painless and symptomless. 

In one sense this is unfortunate.  If small tumors were painful, perhaps more patients would seek earlier treatment and tumors could be treated more successful being diagnosed before they are large.


“With the close link between hearing health and overall wellness, we must raise awareness about how to effectively prevent, diagnose and treat hearing loss,”says David Smriga, M.A., president of AuDNet, Inc.

says David Smriga, M.A., president of AuDNet, Inc.


Options for hearing loss Part 3

But the options for improvement are many.

No matter what effects you are experiencing due to hearing loss or the source of your condition, the next steps are obvious. Contact your family doctor, specialist, audiologist, or other hearing care professional to get your hearing tested. You will be surprised how many options are available to help you regain as much of your lost hearing as possible.

There are options you can do towards prevention of hearing loss. You can start with keeping your ears cleaned routinely with having the doctor checking your ears every 6 months to yearly. You can even live healthier and being able to control what your body is exposed to in eating better foods of the 4 food groups, perform exercise in your routine life, if not daily then 2-3 times a week (from walking fast to working out in a gym). You can also keep your weight in a therapeutic range (all factors in prevention of diabetes II, and high B/P that can cause hearing loss.). At the same time, do not smoke or expose yourself to a lot of second hand smoking or a lot of extremely loud noises from work areas to concerts without wearing ear plugs for safety. You can also keep your ears cleaned with having the doctor check your ears every 6 months to yearly. So there are things you can do to help prevent hearing loss.

If you need help in being given the knowledge in how to lose weight, knowing what foods are lean to leaner to leanest out of the 4 food groups, understanding exercise being a part of daily living, how all 3 interact with each other and making this a part of your regular life not just a few months to a year then you came to the right blog. This is provided through a Dr. Anderson and myself as your health coach. You can order Dr. Anderson’s book “Dr. A’s healthy habits” with providing foods to help you lose the excess of weight, you make all the choices. I needed to lose weight and lost 22 lbs. So if you want to prevent hearing loss with so many other diseases and illnesses go to and join me. Take a peek for no charge, no obligation and no hacking. I hope you have learned something new from my blog. Recommended to check with your md on any changes with diet or exercise especially if diagnosed already with disease or illness for your safety.

References: 1-World Health Organization.

2-Torre P 3rd, Cruickshanks KJ, Klein BE, Klein R, Nondahl DM. (2005). The association between cardiovascular disease and cochlear function in older adults.
