Some of the risk factors for stroke cannot be controlled, such as your age or family history. But you can take steps to lower your risk by changing the factors you can control.
CDC-Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Some of the risk factors for stroke cannot be controlled, such as your age or family history. But you can take steps to lower your risk by changing the factors you can control.
CDC-Center for Disease Control and Prevention
There are 2 types of strokes:
1-Hemmoragic-a blood vessel that bursts in the brain causing lack of oxygen to be supplied to the area of the brain (a lobe) where the vessel ruptured. Lack of oxygen to any area of the body tissue=starvation to the tissue; where in this case is the brain=a stroke.
2-Blockages-These blockages caused by the following: blood clots, athero-sclerosis, a common disorder, it happens due to fat, cholesterol, with even tar from smoking, or other substances that build up in the walls of the arteries forming hard structures called plaque and in time creating a blockage in the vessel interfering with blood supply providing oxygen to tissue and if blocked in the brain=high probability of a stroke occurring if not taken care of. “Recommended related to Heart Disease” by Web MD which states that atherosclerosis is the key cause of heart attacks & strokes including it’s the number one killer in the United States. Risk Factors for atherosclerosis include high blood pressure (b/p)=arteriosclerosis, blood level of high bad cholesterol (LDL), blood level of low good cholesterol (HDL), smoking, diabetes, and history of heart attacks in your nuclear family. Definitely a healthy diet, having exercise in your life, and your weight within the therapeutic body mass index level will help prevent, if not treat, atherosclerosis.
The Risk Factors of this disease, especially diet & sedentary lifestyle:
The problem with being overweight or obese, as measured by weight and height, is that it raises our risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. But did you know that being obese can actually increase our risk of getting cancer and may even worsen our chances of surviving after a cancer diagnosis? In fact, the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II showed significant increases in cancer occurrence in people who are the most overweight. This link is stronger in some cancer types –including breast cancer after menopause, and cancers of the colon and rectum, pancreas, kidney, esophagus, endometrium — that can be associated with a major increase in risk.
Being obese appears to be a problem for cancer survivors as well. Studies have shown worse survival for obese women with breast cancer; obese men with prostate cancer are more likely to have an aggressive form of cancer and it is more likely to come back after surgery. In light of this more recent data, the American Cancer Society recently released new healthy living guidelines for cancer survivors.
The relationship between body weight and cancer becomes more alarming when we consider just how many people in the United States are overweight or obese. Today, only 1/3 of adults are at a healthy body weight for their height. Another 1/3 are considered “overweight” and the remaining 1/3 are in the “obese” category. (About 17 % of children and adolescents are obese). These rates are 300% higher than in 1980.)
AMERICA wake up we have to turn this around for the better unless we don’t care about making this the home of the best country to live in a better one for all. We need to get healthier people especially if you have a condition, illness or disease that will let you but always get clearance by your doctor before making changes; to maintain your safety.
In a few years, obesity will replace smoking as the number one preventable cause of many common cancers, according to Professor Jeffrey M. P. Holly, Ph.D. With a grant from American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), Professor Holly is examining how fatty acids affect the actions of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), which may promote cancer. He is also looking at two phytochemicals that may interfere with the actions of IGFs and form part of a diet to prevent cancer.
Obesity results from a long-term energy imbalance that increases a person’s storage of fat and circulating levels of fatty acids. These higher levels of fatty acids can cause resistance to insulin, which is a hormone essential to regulating the body’s metabolism. Insulin resistance has been associated with the development of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.
IGFs work in the body in a similar way to insulin. For a long time, Professor Holly, a Clinical Sciences Professor at the University of Bristol, U.K., has studied how these similar substances affect metabolic conditions such as diabetes. But for the past few years - as more recent research has shown that IGFs may be an important risk factor for colon, prostate and premenopausal breast cancer - he has looked at how obesity increases cancer risk through effects upon secretion and action of insulin and IGFs.
Recently, he and his research colleagues realized that “no one had looked at what effect eating fatty foods has on IGFs, especially now that we know that IGFs may be related to nutrition-dependent cancers.”
Focus on Two Fatty Acids
With funding from AICR (American Institute of Cancer Research), Dr. Holly and his research team have begun a series of experiments on malignant and healthy breast cells. They will see what impact the most abundant circulating fatty acids - palmitate and oleate - have on these cells by way of the production and activity of IGFs. Palmitate is a saturated fatty acid, while oleate is an unsaturated fatty acid.
“We’re looking at three aspects of these cells’ functions: their metabolism, their growth and their survival,” said Dr. Holly. “For cancer to develop, cell growth and survival are critical.”
Normally, when a cell becomes damaged, it is genetically programmed to die prematurely. This process is called apoptosis.
IGFs, however, interfere with apoptosis. “IGFs are known to be the most potent, powerful signal in the body telling the cells not to commit suicide,” said Dr. Holly. “If there is too strong an IGF signal in the body, damaged cells may live and grow into tumors. That’s the most plausible link between high IGF levels and high rates of some cancers.”
Palmitate and oleate are known to affect insulin-related metabolic conditions differently. Palmitate appears to make the body more resistant to insulin, while oleate reduces resistance to insulin. But it is too early in Dr. Holly’s two-year experiment to know how the two fatty acids affect actions of IGF.
The Flavonoid Effect
As part of his AICR-funded project, Professor Holly will see whether two flavonoids - epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), found in green tea, and luteolin, found in olive oil - affect the growth of both the malignant and healthy cells. He will expose the cells to the flavonoids under various conditions to determine how strong their influence is.
Professor Holly chose to examine flavonoids as possible cancer-preventive agents in this obesity-related study because the fat we consume is not our body’s only source of fatty acids. Our bodies have the ability to make some of their own fatty acids when needed. In fact, certain cancers, like breast cancer, tend to make huge amounts in order to maintain their growth rate. Flavonoids are known to inhibit this process. This inhibition may partly explain why a diet high in vegetables and fruits protects against cancer in many studies.
Professor Holly suggests that the benefits of eating a lot of vegetables and fruits may be negated by a high-fat diet, because there would be a surplus of fatty acids to feed cells.
Although his research project is in a preliminary stage, the investigation is important because it could show how certain diets, especially those low in fat, can help prevent cancer. His study may also demonstrate that some diets may be more beneficial for people undergoing cancer treatment.
“Most treatments, like radiation therapy and chemotherapy, encourage cancer cells to die,” said Dr. Holly. “If we can manipulate the environment within the body to make cell death easier, these therapies may be more effective. One way to do this may be to turn off some of the signals from IGFs that encourage malignant cells to survive.”
Obesity is associated with increased risks of the following cancer types,&possibly others as well:
Esophagus/Pancreas/Colon and rectum/Breast (after menopause) /Endometrium (lining of the uterus)/Kidney/Thyroid/Gallbladder
One study, using NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data, estimated that in 2007 in the United States, about 34,000 new cases of cancer in men (4 percent) and 50,500 in women (7 percent) were due to obesity. The percentage of cases attributed to obesity varied widely for different cancer types but was as high as 40 percent for some cancers, particularly endometrial cancer and esophageal adenocarcinoma.
A projection of the future health and economic burden of obesity in 2030 estimated that continuation of existing trends in obesity will lead to about 500,000 additional cases of cancer in the United States by 2030. This analysis also found that if every adult reduced their BMI by 1 percent, which would be equivalent to a weight loss of roughly 1 kg (or 2.2 lbs) for an adult of average weight, this would prevent the increase in the number of cancer cases and actually result in the avoidance of about 100,000 new cases of cancer.
***Come back tomorrow for Part 2 and see case studies that support this article with how to try to prevent this through living healthier habits, healthy dieting, and balancing rest with exercise. You may just want to take a peek, hope I see you tomorrow.***
“I saw many people who had advanced heart disease and I was so frustrated because I knew if they just knew how to do the right thing, simple lifestyle and diet steps, that the entire trajectory of their life and health would have been different.”
Dr. Mehmet Oz (cardiothoracic surgeon & The host of The Dr. Oz Show)
Now knowing the anatomy and physiology of the heart let’s now understand more about cardiac disease in how they develop and in how it effects the engine of the body, being the heart and other areas of the body. If eating unhealthy or living unhealthy habits or even overweight to obese these are the problems that can arise regarding the cardiac system alone:
AMERICA wake up or else we will just continue increasing high in the following problems we already have at home and make life, especially for many, unbearable. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is of considerable concern because of what harm it can do to the HEART, BRAIN, and KIDNEYS if it remains uncontrolled: 1- Heart=Angina to Heart Attack (infarction) 2- Brain=Transient Ischemia Attack (TIA) to a stroke 3- Kidneys=Reducing blood suppy to kidneys causing the kidneys to secrete RENIN into the blood. This enzyme breaks down angiotensin from the plasma protein (a powerful blood constrictor in the blood ) making the blood pressure higher. It stimulates aldosterone release in our blood stream that promotes sodium and water retention in the blood ,= increases your B/P more due to how it works.
These 3 organs with conditions are all due to obstruction of blood flow to the organs and due to the effect of Hypertension (HTN). High blood pressure climbs, and the heart must work or pump harder=things that happen to our engine: One, the heart muscle tissue eventually thickens and the heart becomes ENLARGED causing it not to do its job properly causing it to go in time into failure. Two, is stress to the heart = lack of oxygen = chest pain or myocardial infarction (heart attack). When we stress the heart out=overworked, lack of oxygen to the heart tissue happens = pain as a symptom (we call it Angina that can be reversed) and if it continues it can lead to a heart attack = scarring to the heart = damage done to the heart that’s not reversible. Also with constant HTN which can cause constriction of vessels in the brain this can cause the same stress but with different symptoms, the brain with uncontrolled HTN can cause lack of oxygen to the brain = headache which if not resolved can lead to a TIA (reversible) or stroke (scarring to the brain, not reversible). All of these responses are made worse by low potassium intake and high sodium intake orally (in a lot of cases these conditions could have been controlled via diet, exercise with balancing it with rest and check up with a doctor (cardiac especially).
2 – Arteriosclerosis or Atherosclerosis both = CAD (Coronary Artery Disease)
This is a common disorder, typically affecting men over age 50 and women as well but possibly earlier. People are at higher risk if they have a personal or family history of coronary artery disease (heart disease) or cerebrovascular disease (stroke), diabetes, smoking, hypertension (high blood pressure), or kidney disease involving hemodialysis. Than live healthy if you want to live longer and not get these risks or even if you do have them already than be compliant in reaching your optimal level of health with the disease. If no history and not diagnosed yet with any of these but want to prevent it live healthy, if you’re not. Arteriosclerosis is hardening of the arteries, which occurs with aging (wear and tear from also practicing bad habits that takes over years allowing this to form not just due to age; that’s why most books state it happens later in life. As opposed to adults not too many with cardiac disease young). Atherosclerosis is a form of arteriosclerosis but this is the lipid related arterial lesion, is the major disease responsible for the principle clinical complications = BLOCKAGE in the arteries. Definitely affected if already with high cholesterol and fats in the diet and of course smoking from tar build up in the vessel. Over time CAD can weaken the heart muscle also causing the heart to go into decompensation causing symptoms of chest pain=angina to even a heart attack. This may lead to heart failure, a serious condition where the heart can’t pump blood the way that it should. Even an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, can also develop that if it gets worse could lead into cardiac arrest. The CDC states under CHF (congestive heart failure) “Diseases that damage your heart—including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes—are common causes of heart failure. Smoking; being overweight; eating foods high in fat, cholesterol, and sodium; and physical inactivity also increase your risk of developing heart failure.” Let’s wake up America with health and practicing good habits to decrease your risk of developing these diseases.
High Cholesterol levels — High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of heart attacks. Cholesterol is transported through your blood in two ways: the low density lipoprotein (LDL), which transports cholesterol to the cells that need it, and the high density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the healthy cholesterol that reduces your risk for heart attack. Having high LDL levels raises your risk of having heart disease by 20%. Losing 11-20 pounds can help you significantly reduce your cholesterol level so you prevent blockage from occurring preventing heart attack and atherosclerosis.
A sedentary lifestyle and lifetime lack of exercise seems to be major contributing factors for getting arteriosclerosis and heart-disease onset; see how they all interrelate with one causing another people.
Starting to get it? That based on how healthy you live in many cases is the determining factor of how you turn out regarding disease, but there are non-modifiable risk factors to disease (not controllable) = 1.) Age 2.) Sex (Ex. A higher amount of cases with HTN are males vs. females). 3. Race (Ex. African American have a higher count in HTN than Caucasian) 4. Heredity.
Modifiable Risk Factors (things you can change that effect diseases) = 1- weight 2- smoking 3 – living conditions 4 – diet 5 – The health & unhealthy habits you practice.
How to prevent these cardiac conditions all listed above, don’t live the type of life that’s unhealthy, at least on a regular basis (if at all occasionally live unhealthy – Ex. eating fast foods) to decrease the chances of developing these cardiac conditions that are high in America now and have been for several years. Need help and guidance in how to go about this; then you are on the right website. The answer to prevention or treatment of cardiac disease is in changing or modifying your diet, if it’s unhealthy 100% or just partially. The answer includes exercise (from just walking fast or if you like working out, even better) and if needed medication your doctor will decide that, particularly cardiac – the specialist for this area. All these changes can modify your blood lipid profile = cholesterol control, which helps increasing your heart to a better tolerance with activity, stress and simply functioning. Recommended is going to a cardiologist for people diagnosed with heart conditions or your general practitioner with any illness/disease before making changes to help guide you towards the right choices. Your doctor can help you in determining which prevention or treatment plan is best for you.
Bad Foods high in cholesterol too avoid = Fast foods, whole fat dairy products = milk/cheese/ butter/mayonnaise/bacon/processed deli meats/salad dressings/shortening.
The key is to living a healthy life overall. This consists of diet, exercise or activity and healthy habits learned and practiced routinely in your life that will help prevent or assist you in treating cardiac disease. The better we treat ourselves regarding health the higher the odds we will live a longer life. It is pretty simple. There is not just one food to eat or one type of exercise to do or one healthy habit to keep you healthy, there are choices. Come onto my website which is no fee, no charge, no hacking, just letting you check us out to look further in understanding how to take a shape for your life with Dr. Anderson and even myself as your personal health coach in helping you learn what healthier habits or changes you want for a healthier way of living. It allows you to make all the decisions in what you want to do regarding what to eat (diet) using the 4 food groups, what to do as exercise/activity, and what healthy habits you want to add in your life, that you may not be doing at this time. We just provide the information and healthy foods in your diet, and you decide if you want it. You make all the choices. Wouldn’t you want less disease/illness for yourself and for others throughout the nation including the future generations? Thank you for taking the time to read my article to how we can help you get healthier and make a healthier USA. Click onto and I hope to hear from you soon.
America lets wake up & get healthier by being a therapeutic weight for our height, eating healthy in our diet, doing some form of exercise/activity daily and practicing healthy habits routinely to decrease disease with treating ourselves to things that aren’t the most healthy OCCASIONALLY to become better for now for ourselves and future generations that would help our health care economy as a whole. Learn about the heart (our engine of the body) and how cardiac diseases can be prevented or even decreased in degree.
Obesity statistics
Let us first understand how the heart functions. For starters think of a car, without the engine the car won’t move unless pushed in neutral but the engine is still not working at all. Well, the body can’t work at all if the heart isn’t working=dead. Right? We can’t live without the heart but more importantly you can’t function actively and productively with a one that is diseased not cared for or just severely diseased. We need to take good care of our bodies especially if diseased already, that includes your heart.
Looking at the anatomy and physiology of the heart it will help us understand in how it functions. For starters the heart is like an engine in having chambers (2 on the top called atriums and 2 on the bottom called ventricles), 4 chambers to be exact (sort of like a 4 cylinder car). It also has valves, in allowing our blood to go in and out of the heart. They are located before the entrance of the blood entering the heart on the left and right upper chamber, between the upper and lower chambers (atriums & ventricles), at the beginning of arteries and veins involved in moving blood throughout the heart and to or from the lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, in allowing the blood to leave the heart with oxygenated blood to now go throughout the body (like oil/gas entering and leaving the engine which allows it to work).
Now getting down in how the heart works. First take our blood, in particular our red blood cells are the cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout our body; the body without enough oxygen in the body tissues=cellular starvation. We can’t survive without oxygen sent to our tissues=food to our tissues (Ex. poor circulation to any tissue of the body = pain and if not resolved it will go into necrosis = death of the tissue, like in a diabetic that has poor circulation to the toes/foot that has pain/numbness and unresolved = necrosis to amputation). So your blood, in particular the red blood cells, need to transport oxygen (O2) to and take carbon dioxide (CO2) from our tissues in the body and refill up with more 02 and release C02 (O2 used up by our tissues) that takes place at the lungs. This process is done constantly in the body to feed our tissues O2 (by RBC’s picking up 02 upon inhalation), with tissues releasing CO2 picked up by the RBC’s that take the CO2 to the lungs in release it from our body completely via breathing=exhaling but only done due to the heart beating allowing the blood to circulate and recirculate throughout the body and get more 02 from our lungs (just like the engine how the engine works to allow fuels, oils to circulate throughout the engine and other areas of the car to allow the car overall to function). In review, our bodies oxygen is the food to our tissues in keeping them alive through our red blood cells (RBC’s) that carry the O2 to the tissues but there through a working heart and lungs only (one organ cannot live without the other). There has to be a systemic way we allow this to work and this is through the heart, lungs, and RBC’s (3 systems that connect with each other). The heart = right side deals with more C02 blood which is blood returning to the heart to get more 02 going first via the Rt. side of the heart to the Rt. and Lt. pulmonary artery, each of which carries blood to the lungs for 02 and C02 exchange to occur. This is for getting more 02 in our RBC’s with allowing them to release C02 at the lungs and then return them to the left side of the heart to be sent through both Lt. chambers of the heart to our blood stream to utilize the new 02 in our RBC’s to our body tissues. This is a 24hr/7days a week job for our red blood cells, lungs and heart in functioning to keep the human body alive.
In simpler terms this is how it works: The blood that needs to be refreshed with more 02 when it enters the right (Rt.) atrium coming from a vessel that brings back mainly carbon dioxide in the blood from the toes and the brain that was mainly used up by the tissues and those RBC’s need to be reoxygenated with higher levels of oxygen for the RBC’s to deliver 02 again to tissues. It first goes to the Rt. atrium & fills up to its max level simultaneously while the left (Lt.) atrium is filling up to its max level. When the Rt. atrium is ready to drop its blood max level into the Rt. ventricle below it the valves open between the chambers simultaneously dropping the blood to the Rt. Ventricle (Lt side does the same thing) but only the Rt. side ends up going to the lungs through a Rt. and Lt. pulmonary artery to get more oxygen to send it to the highly oxygenated side of the heart, being on the left side. The job the Rt. side of the heart does is this, it just goes from the Rt. side of the heart to our lungs and back to the heart on the Lt. side through the 4 pulmonary veins to the L atrium; so the path or distance for the Rt. side of the heart to do its function is a short distance = it gets your used up oxygen in the red blood cells (that are high in carbon dioxide) to get more oxygen by going through the Rt. side of the heart sending them to the lungs where they get more O2 and then they are sent back to the Lt. side of the heart. This is the Rt. side of the heart’s function.
Now let us look at what the Lt. side of the heart does in function. The RBC’s reoxygenated leave the lungs and sent via the 4 pulmonary veins to the Lt. side of the heart reaching the Lt. atrium thus carries a high 02 level in the RBC’s (this blood just came directly from the lungs where O2 and CO2 exchange for the RBC’s took place). Next the RBC’s go to the Lt. ventricle to our Aorta that sends this high oxygen level of RBC’s out to all our tissues as food to prevent starvation of the tissues). Again, when the valves open between the chambers and allowing this blood to fill up in the lower chambers called the Rt. and Lt. ventricles it is simultaneously done also including the valves that open and close in the the pulmonary artery and the aorta that is in the Lt. ventricle sending RBC’s out to our circulatory system high in O2 to be utilized by our body tissues.
So the way it works with both sides of the heart is the Rt. side sends blood of highly carbon dioxide blood (RBC’s) to the lungs to get re-oxygenated through 2 vessels from the Rt. side of the heart to the lungs that sends this re-oxygenated RBC’s through 4 vessels to the Lt. side of the heart and it reaches the Lt. side of the heart which sends this highly oxygenated blood throughout the top and bottom of the Lt. side of the heart to the aorta that sends this blood throughout our body tissues. When this oxygen is used all up from dispensing it out to tissues the C02 is taken back from the tissues by RBC’s that replace it with O2, this process starts all over again with these RBC’s that returned to the heart. Ending line the right side of the heart is for higher levels of carbon dioxide in the blood (used up blood) to get more oxygenated whereas the left side of the heart sends higher levels of O2 throughout the body all the way to the toes (a harder job=muscle mass of the left side of the heart works out more than the right making the left side of the heart a bigger muscle vs the right side.
Now knowing the anatomy and physiology of the heart let’s now understand more about cardiac disease in how they develop and in how it effects the engine of the body, being the heart and other areas of the body. Part 2 will be covering if eating unhealthy or living unhealthy habits or even overweight to obese these are the problems that can arise regarding the cardiac system alone: Come back tomorrow to learn more about problems that can arise from overweight to obese.
“Cardiac arrest is reversible in most victims if treated within a few minutes. It’s critical to recognize the symptoms and act quickly.”