Archive | May 2016


Look at the average American diet: ice cream, butter, cheese, whole milk, all this fat. People don’t realize how much of this stuff you get by the end of the day. High blood pressure is from all this high-fat eating.

Jack LaLanne


“The medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many more problems are through healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved to move, yet we now use the energy in oil instead of muscles to do our work.”

David Suzuki (born March 24, 1936  is a Canadian academic, science broadcaster and environmental activist.



An eye opener on Heart Disease that should be rare & cured.

heart disease in women  mornal heart

It is still the number one killer even greater than cancer in both men and women today. This disease should be rare do to a lot of cardiac disease is inflicted upon humans through being overweight through just bad healthy habits practiced. Obesity can cause diabetes II, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. High blood pressure is called the “silent killer” because it often has no warning signs or symptoms, and many people don’t realize they have it. That’s why it’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly. The good news is that you can take steps to prevent high blood pressure, or to treat it if it is already high.

What we can do is make some changes in our living. We westerners create an increase in diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. AMERICA WE NEED TO WAKE UP AND MAKE A CHANGE. TO THE MAIN CULPRITES we are talking about sugars and fat (OUR DIET). GLUCOSE and LIPIDS!. The typical American diet is consisted and loaded with sugar and fats. Lack of exercise and stress doesn’t help the situation. Get peace of mind through again making changes in your life if you are striving to become healthier. Let’s look at cholesterol = 2 types HDL and LDL. LDL is the bad cholesterol. Know if your LDL is type A or type B. If you have a high HDL level and a low LDL that is good but ask your doctor to see if you can get a blood test checking both type A and type B of your cholesterol that will give you the knowledge if you need to take an action. Go to to see the different number ranges of both men and women on their levels and more. Just knowing your cholesterol level isn’t enough but does give the doctor some direction. Knowing if your type A or type B LDL helps even more with knowing your risk of heart disease.

Cholesterol only becomes a problem if the LDL gets too high with high pattern type B which is worse with stress and smoking and processed foods in high amounts eaten. Particles called lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood. There are two kinds of lipoproteins you need to know about: LDL and HDL. The plasma lipoprotein particles classified under high-density (HDL) and low-density (LDL) lipoproteins enable fats to be carried in the blood stream.

-Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol make up the majority of the body’s cholesterol. LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol because having high levels can lead to a buildup in the arteries and result in heart disease.

-High-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol absorb cholesterol and carry it back to the liver, which flushes it from the body. High levels of HDL, or “good” cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and apoB is among the major proteins of very low-, low- (LDL), and intermediate-density lipoproteins. Because of their associations with the respective lipoproteins, apoA1 is inversely and apoB is positively associated with cardiovascular risk (2). In fact, evidence suggests that apoA1 and apoB are better predictors of heart disease risk than are HDL and LDL cholesterol levels (3-5). Apolipoproteins may also offer advantages over lipoprotein cholesterol measurements because they are direct measurements, whereas LDL, for example, is calculated from other lipoproteins from a fasting blood sample.

You can take several steps to maintain a normal cholesterol level.

  • Get a blood test.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Treat high cholesterol.

Heart disease what is it? Your arteries can get stretched in high blood pressure and it puts the arteries at risk for an auto immune response which allows LDL particles to go in these stretched out areas causing build up of bad cholesterol in the arteries and imbeds fat causing the placque build up = narrowing of the arteries.

We need to reduce inflammation in the arteries. To prevent, reduce, and treat heart disease if already diagnosed with. Reduce all sugars, cut back on fatty foods, exercise daily, increase of your whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.   We need to use all 4 food groups but eat the healthy ones in the right portions. Which I can provide to you later how to go about this.

In the United States, the most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD), which leads many to heart attacks. You can greatly reduce your risk for CAD through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medication. CAD consists of cholesterol and placque build up, even tar if a smoker, that can be deadly in time with blocking the arteries called atherosclerosis. This in time left untreated can lead to a heart attack or even silent heart attack. CAD also is the brittling of the arteries causing narrowing of the arteries called arteriosclerosis. Here it is the ending result is the blood supply is affected in not getting enough oxygen throughout our body to our tissues.

Coronary artery disease can cause a heart attack. If you have a heart attack, you are more likely to survive if you know the signs and symptoms, call 9-1-1 immediately, and get to a hospital quickly. People who have had a heart attack can also reduce the risk of future heart attacks or strokes by making lifestyle changes and taking medication.  Don’t put off the chest pain or discomfort in the chest or pain down the L arm for if your right you want to prevent the heart attack before it occurs and if you already had an attack the sooner treated the better. Reperfusion of blood to the heart is the KEY in treatment. Chest pain to the heart is lack of oxygen getting to the heart tissue=ischemia. We alone can’t treat it but we can prevent it before CAD even sets in through good health practices daily, healthy dieting daily and balancing rest with exercise daily.

Look at our diet alone in America:  Take the elements that are in our food=Sugars or Carbohydrates or Fats. Simple CHO likes bread, rice, pasta along with fats and complex sugars all convert to simple sugars in the stomach and when it goes through digestion and the simple sugar reaches the blood stream filling it up with sugar which first does get utilized to our tissues and cells but if still extra sugar in the blood stream that sugar has to go somewhere which is by filling up the liver with it. In the liver the glucose gets converted from active sugar=glucose to glycogen=inactive sugar that stores in this organ. This is so if and when the body needs extra sugar for energy in our body and we don’t eat the inactive glucose glycogen will get released back into the blood stream and change to glucose and be used. Since we eat so much in America it usually isn’t the case. Obesity is so large in our country and this is why.   When it reaches full and can’t store anymore still this glucose extra glucose in the blood stream has to go somewhere. So now the glucose gets stored in our fatty tissue=weight gain. This is what you see with eating through on a regular basis day in & day out too much food compared to the activity or exercise you get for the day. If no daily exercise then your fat storage build up is high=weight gain.

 How do we go about preventing CAD and getting healther. Well see if this makes sense to you, it did to me. First, genetic abnormalities contribute to the risk for certain types of heart disease, which in turn may lead to heart failure. However, in most instances, a specific genetic link to heart failure has not been identified. SO THE KEY TO PREVENTION OF CAD IS TO LIVE AS HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE IN YOUR ROUTINE HABITS, YOUR DIETING OF THE 4 FOOD GROUPS, MAINTAINING YOUR WEIGHT IN A THEREPEUTIC RANGE (look as calculating BMI online for free to find out what your weight range for your height is), and BALANCING REST WITH EXERCISE TO HELP DECREASE THE CHANCE OF GETTING HEART FAILURE. Go to to learn what Dr. Anderson through his book of “Dr. A.’s Healthy Habits” and me as your health coach could provide you within a reachable cost. You may just like what you see;)


“By 2030, experts anticipate that older adults will comprise 13 percent of the total population—one in eight people will be 65 or older” (resource for social workers to share, discover and learn)


“Lupus is not like or related to cancer. Cancer is a condition of malignant, abnormal tissues that grow rapidly and spread into surrounding tissues. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. However, some treatments for lupus may include immunosuppressant drugs that are also used in chemotherapy.”



Excess dietary salt is most notorious for increasing blood pressure. Americans have a 90 percent lifetime probability of developing high blood pressure – so even if your blood pressure is normal now, if you continue to eat the typical American diet, you will be at risk.

Joel Fuhrman M.D. (born December 2, 1953), is an American board-certified family physician who specializes in nutrition-based treatments for obesity and chronic disease.


Part 3 What foods to buy for your diet when preventing or dealing with high blood pressure.

Part III blood pressure Foods not recommended  blood pressure3

The foods to buy are low sodium foods —-What to buy:

Fruits – Fresh, canned or frozen. I recommend with canned look at the ingredients to make sure you know how much sodium is in a serving. Remember for a person with high b/p you want to keep your sodium count less than 1800 to 2000mg a day. Sodium causes the vessels to vasoconstrict (or narrow) which increases blood pressure in a person.

-Vegetables – Fresh or frozen (no sauce or plastic pouches) Canned (UNSALTED, AGAIN check the canned label for the amount of sodium in each serving.).

Drinks – Fruits juices, fresh or frozen.

Canned low sodium or no salt added tomato & vegetable juice.

Instant breakfast* (all flavors but eggnog) —- limit to 1 cup /day

-Dairy choices – liguid or dry milk (1% or skim milk).

Homemade buttermilk (made from powdered milk) *limit these to 2-3 cups a day*

Cottage cheese, dry cured (low sodium)

Ricotta Cheese from low fat or skim milk

Farmer Cheese, part skim mozzarella neufchated *limit cheese to 1oz or 1/2 cup of one cheese/day.

-Fats, Oils – Canola, Olive, Corn, Cottonseed, Peanut, Safflower, Soybean &

Margarine (unsalted)

Meats, Poultry, Fish

Fish, fresh or frozen (NOT BREADED): Canned tuna and salmon (Unsalted or rinsed).

Chicken or Turkey

Lean cuts of: BEEF, VEAL, PORK, LAMB.

BEEF TONGUE if you must have.

-Meat Substitutes

Dried beans, peas, lentils (not canned)

Nuts or seeds (UNSALTED, DRY ROASTED), sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, walnuts.

Unsalted peanut butter

Tofu (soybean curd)

Breads, Cerals, Grains, Starches:

Loaf of bread and yeast rolls (limit to 3 slices a day)

Homemade breads with regular flour, not self rising.

Melba Toast

Matzo Crackers

Pita Bread

Taco Shell

Tortilla (corn)

Cooked cereals like corn grits, farina (regular), oatmeal, oat bran, cream of rice, cream of wheat (AVOID instant cereals).

Puffed Rice or wheat, shredded wheat (or any cereal with 100-150mg sodium–limit to 1 cup a day).

Wheat germ

Popcorn (no salt or fat added)

Starchy vegetables: corn, potato, green beans, etc… (not canned unless salt free).

Rice (enriched white or brown)


– Cooking ingredients, seasonings

Corn starch, tapioca

Corn meal (not self rising)

Fresh or dried herbs, salt free herb seasonings.

Flour, regular white or whole wheat (not self rising)

Fresh fruits or vegetables (lemons, limes, onions, celery, etc.)

Fresh garlic or ginger

Louisiana – type hot sauce (limit to 1 tsp/day)

Low sodium baking powder

Onion or garlic powder

Tomato paste, unsalted tomatoes, unsalted tomato sauce.


Water chestnuts, yeast, butter substitute (such as Molly Mc Butter—limit to 1/2 tsp/day).

– Sweets

Carob powder, cocoa powder

Flavored gelatins

Fruits (fresh, canned, frozen)

Frozen juice bars, fruit ice, sorbet, sherbet

Sugar, honey, molasses, syrup (cane or maple)

Jelly, jams, preserves, apple butter

Graham and animal crackers, fig bars, ginger snaps



  1. Lose Weight, if you need to. The heart does not have to beat as hard to send blood to all parts of a slim body as opposed to a overweight or obese body.
  2. Don’t smoke-Smoking makes blood vessels constrict making it more difficult to move the blood throughout the body to all tissue parts and it also makes it more difficult in breathing.
  3. Avoid hard exercise and lifting heavy objects to prevent sudden pumping demands on your heart.
  4. Wear clothes that permit good bloodflow in the legs. Garters, hose with tight tops (like thigh-high or knee high hose) may slow blood flow to and from your legs causing clots.
  5. Avoid temperature extremes-The body works harder to keep a normal temperature when you’re too hot or cold.
  6. Try to stay away from people who have colds or the flu. Ask your doctor if you should have a flu shot every year and a pneumonia shot every 6-10 years.
  7. Talk with your doctor about how much alcohol (if any) is ok for you. Since alcohol weakens the heart, heart failure may improve if you stop drinking alcohol.
  8. Reduce high blood pressure or high cholesterol and control your diabetes (one major way is be compliant with your meds, diet, exercise program as your M.D. orders. This can also help keep heart failure symptoms from getting worse.
  9. Herbal supplements may interact with heart failure drugs. Ask your doctor before taking any herbal medicine.

**Recommended is to get clearance for any changes you decide to make with this advice on blood pressure since you may have other conditions that may not allow certain food, or activity changes. If you have high blood pressure get yourself a cardiologist if you don’t have one yet and is a specialist in knowing the best treatment for you.**





“Look at the average American diet: ice cream, butter, cheese, whole milk, all this fat. People don’t realize how much of this stuff you get by the end of the day. High blood pressure is from all this high-fat eating.”

Jack LaLanne