Symptom of cushings syndrome include fat deposits close to the face neck and trunk; weariness; muscular weakness; salt and water retention; acne; leisurely bruising; menstlruall irregularities; and signs (in women) of virilisation, such as increase of the voice, commute in body, shape, loss of scalp hair, and extend in facial and body hair. Complications of cushings syndrome include advanced blood pressure, The symptoms and signs of cushings syndrome induced by a chronic redundant of corticosteroid hormones in the blood. The redundant may be acquired by a tumour of the outer part (cortex) of the adrenal gland, or may be referable to over inspiration of the adrenal glands by a tumour the pituitary gland.
Many children and teenagers with Cushing’s syndrome will exhibit various of the following:
Adults with the disease may also have symptoms of intense weight gain, redundant hair growth, high blood pressure, and skin difficulties. In addition, they may show:
muscle and bone weakness
moodiness, irritability, or depression
sleep disturbances
high blood sugar
menstrual disorders in women and diminished fertility in men
Complications include:
Diabetes (High or Low blood glucose levels)
Enlargement of pituitary tumor and other complications from the tumor growth
Fractures due to osteoporosis which are common in older people
High blood pressure which could be life threatening
Kidney stones from the increase in cortisol and other chemicals filtered through the kidneys
Serious infections which could lead to further secondary infections
Treatment of Cushings Syndrome
Treatment of cushings syndrome is by castigation of the under lying cause. Treatments for Cushing’s syndrome are contrived to pass your body’s cortisol production to normal. By indurate, or even distinctly lowering cortisol levels, you’ll feel evident improvements in your signs and symptoms. Left untreated, however, Cushing’s syndrome can finally induce to death. The treatment choice depend on the cause. For example:
If a tumour in an adrenal gland is the reason, an operation to withdraw it will cure the condition.
For adrenal hyperplasia, both adrenal glands may require to be withdraw. You will then require to take lifelong replacement therapy of several adrenal hormones.
Other tumours in the body that produce ‘ectopic’ ACTH may be able to be removed, depending on the kind of tumour, where it is, etc.
Medication to block the production or consequence of cortisol may be an choice.
How is Cushing’s syndrome diagnosed?
Diagnosis is established on a survey of the patient’s medical history, somatic examination and laboratory tests. Frequently x-ray exams of the adrenal or pituitary glands are beneficial for locating tumors. These tests assist to find out if excess levels of cortisol are demonstrate and why.