“Refreshing sleep is critically important for staying healthy. As with diet and exercise, sleep is crucial to physical, emotional, and mental health. A survey conducted by the Better Sleep Council found nearly 2 out of 3 respondents reported impaired sleep due to stress. One third of Americans experience poor sleep at least one night per week, and 16% are diagnosed with stress-induced insomnia. Respondents stated their productivity at home and in the workplace was impacted by sleep problems, as demonstrated in poor recall for details (30%), decreased accuracy and quality of work (30%), and impaired decision making (31%). The Better Sleep Council also estimated $150 billion in lost productivity and absenteeism results from poor sleep.

The consequences of inadequate sleep include reduced concentration, mood swings, irritability, stress, and a weakened immune system. The release of stress hormones can also make it harder to sleep, causing an unhealthy sleep cycle. Sleep deficits have been associated with high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, and a decreased tolerance of chronic pain. In severe cases, poor sleep may be linked to serious sleep disorders including narcolepsy, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea.”

Medical West (https://www.medicalwesthospital.org/may-is-better-sleep-month.php)

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