First diet doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on a struggle eating special foods. Diet simply means the foods that your eating and if done regularly eating foods HIGH in FAT, CHO (carbohydrates), CALORIES, and SUGAR you will also be high in your weight count unless you are working out extensively since it allows you to burn off the excess in FAT, CHO, CALORIES and SUGAR that the body breaks down into simply sugar=Fat if its stored in your body. The way to get the sugar not all stored in your body in your fat tissue is to exercise which causes your metabolism to work off the extra sugar. BUT if you don’t exercise regularly weight will become a problem unless you naturally have a high metabolism.
What plays a role in keeping your weight down is your activity and this does not include your regular activities of daily living (so work doesn’t count even if you are in a job constantly on your feet, like possibly a Doctor, a traffic controller, or even a Nurse, like myself for over 25 years, in hospital settings…). So some form of exercise, not having to be aerobic but if you do more power to you, it has to be done daily or every 2 to 3 times a day. Why and how does this help the body?
Is there anyone out there like myself that had nice legs but in time became bigger where you went from having 2 tone frankfurter legs ( nice and juicy) to 2 fat sausages looking well done (cellulite kicking in) causing you to cover them up with only fitting into dark leggings. Well I resolved this problem and it didn’t take vigorous working out either. It took discipline with the understanding of how the body works in creating pounds of additional fat/cellulite on the body due to diet and not doing routine or any exercise. My arms, abdomen, face with the neck (to some degree) started looking better through my diet change. I increased my metabolism and kept it at a steady rate=6 small low glycemic meals a day which takes into account the amount of fats, CHOs, sugars, calories and small HIGH PROTEIN meal sizes that you eat. The ending result when eating high glycemic meals and even large portion low glycemic meals causes fat storage in the body=cellulite, which we see in time. This is due to meals that are too high in calories, fat, sugars, CHO’s. Most adult Americans are overweight (over 60%) this is because many eat more than what the body needs for energy at that one time. After the energy that is needed by the body at that time is used from that meal then the extra energy=free circulating glucose in the bloodstream gets stored somewhere in the body causing an increase in fat storage on the body=Increase in the body weight. Keep in mind ladies after 40 y/o pre and actual menopause occurs at sometime. This causes the metabolism to slow down even more which in turn causes an increase in the chance of putting weight on at the abdomen, legs, & hips. Our fuel for the body is FOOD&one of the ending products making up our fuel is glucose & when used in excess=a large meal, you store a lot of glucose away=fat storage=Wt. gain. For further info go to my web page. 1
Another key in keeping healthy and even toning up muscles, especially in the legs is WALKING. This activity helps the body in 2 major ways (without doing major work-outs). One it helps the human body in both toning it (particularly the legs) and losing weight. Than 2 it helps prevent certain diseases, especially if you are still young adolescence or a young adult aged without disease at this time .
What physical activity does (even just walking briskly for 1-2 miles a day or 2-3x a week on a routine basis) will help in weight and health. Other than regular activities of daily living, like walking, burns calories, increases your good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases your unhealthy triglycerides. This helps prevent certain cardiac diseases; like blockages in the arteries=arthrosclerosis or strokes due to blockages or even helping someone already diagnosed with it by maintaining it with other RX methods (Ex. Meds, diet, etc…). Walking and even jogging improve circulation in the legs, and proper circulation helps ward off the development of varicose veins. Exercise also reduces overall high blood pressure and strengthens your entire circulatory system.
The higher in the intensity of the activity the higher in number of calories you burn which includes CHO’s. Activity/Exercise causes your metabolism to increase giving you an extra boost of energy (can even boost up the sex life, you have that extra energy) I have even increased my activity outside at home using the pool and walking with my sweetheart & dogs on our 2+ acres which makes a nice walk for all. It has proven to me that it has improved my sleep from doing the activity at least 4 to 6 hours, if not earlier, before sleeping, since it does increase your metabolism causing you to be more awake at first. Activity in your life can only benefit you,Remember to check with your general practitioner before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns/diseases. If you want to learn more about how to diet with exercise (not necessarily intense workout) and make yourself healthier with even getting others involved to do the same than join me at my website and read the information it provides and see if this is something you would want. No fee, no charge, no donations or hacking. I hope you join me; if I can do it, you can do it. All it takes is a little drive in wanting to feel and even look better for yourself and others being a good mentor (for children, spouse, family, and friends, etc…) to spread healthiness in the USA. It would benefit everyone (even our healthcare) in time=less disease/illness for the next era and even generation to come. Thank you for your time 2.