Dealing with the St. Patrick’s Day Hangover!


Dr. Hensrud adds that, as we age, we get dehydrated more. Our liver doesn’t work as efficiently, and our bodies don’t fight inflammation as well so it takes longer to recover.

Speaking of recovering, are there really any proven ways to get rid of a hangover?

According to, it is recommended to drink a glass of water after every drink to stay hydrated. If it’s too late for that, drink plenty of water the next day.

What about having a drink in the morning? Healthline says it’s largely a myth, but there is some evidence to support having a drink can lessen hangover symptoms.

The best thing to do? Sleep, and once you sleep, get up and eat a hearty breakfast. It boosts your blood sugar levels and makes you feel better.

That’s verified.

1. Drink water between every alcoholic drink you consume. The water will keep you hydrated since alcohol tends to dehydrate us. It will also help to flush the alcohol out of your system.

2. Do not opt for the “hair of the dog” that bit you the next day! That’s the old belief that if you have a little bit of alcohol the next morning that it will act as a cure for your hangover.

After all, that IS what Sunday brunches are built on, right? Well, new evidence from a study suggests recently that this is not the way to cure a hangover and it actually can just prolong the onset of that “crappy feeling.”

3. Be mindful about what you drink! Darker liquor tends to give you the worst hangovers. Stick with vodka and stay away from any mixed drink that is full of sugar as that too can just make you feel worse tomorrow morning.

4. Eat a big meal! If you’re hitting up an Irish Pub for some Guinness today order some Shephard’s Pie with it. All those carbs will help prevent being hungover and read meat is full of amino acids which can also aid in preventing tomorrow’s possible doom!

5. Just limit how much you drink or don’t drink at all! Just because it’s one of the biggest drinking holidays of the year doesn’t mean you have to go crazy or even participate for that matter. Sometimes it’s the best to be the only sober one in a bar full of crazy drunks.

Of course, whatever you do this St. Patrick’s Day, make sure you drink responsibly. Never drink and drive.


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