“By nature, human beings are first and foremost emotional creatures. Our everyday habits, routines, rituals, attitudes, and perceptions are all influenced by our emotions. So much so that we don’t realise that we are programmed by them. The concept of free will can come into question with our preferences built-in to our being.Our preferences are instrumental in creating who we are and what we want. Are we really making choices or are we just expressing what is already inside us? This is a great question to ponder.
When we become overwhelmed with an emotion, it seems to take over our perception and awareness of life at that moment. When we become overtaken by the emotion, our present moment experience is seen through the lens of the emotion. If we are overwhelmed with happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, or any other emotion, we are hard pressed to think or feel anything else.”
Psychreg.org (https://www.psychreg.org/human-beings-are-emotional-creatures)