“While the holiday season is certainly merry and sentimental, these festive months carry the added risk of holiday weight gain. If you’re looking for ways to cut down on the calories this Thanksgiving, take note of these 10 ways to watch your waistline.
1. Choose Healthy Thanksgiving Dishes
2. Watch Your Alcohol Intake
3. Don’t Forget About Exercising
4. Make Only One Thanksgiving Dessert
5. Eat Before the Main Event-If you can’t trust yourself and your appetite around a table full of delicious Thanksgiving delicacies, aim to eat an hour or so before the main meal. Eating before Thanksgiving will help you to not pile your plate with too much food as you’ll already been pretty full.
6. Be Social-Aside from being a prerequisite on special family occasions, socializing will help you stay away from the chips, dip and celebratory snacks. Mix and mingle around the room or the table and you’ll find you’ve forgotten all about the temptation to eat the unhealthy snacks on offer.
7. Get Out of the House-Why not troop the whole family out of the house after the big meal? This can be a great adventure if there’s kids involved.
8. Less is More
9. Use a Smaller Plate
10. Avoid the Leftovers”
FITDAY (https://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/10-tips-to-have-a-healthier-thanksgiving.html)