“If shopping outside; park in a well-lit area and be sure to locate your keys before going to your car so you’re not distracted in the parking lot. Always lock car and keep valuables out of view or in your trunk. Traveling this holiday? Put a holiday hold on mail and newspapers. Get an automatic timer for your indoor and outdoor lights. If at home, avoid overloading electrical outlets, which may overheat and start a fire. Keep candles or any other open flames at least a foot away from burnable materials. If you’re not able to be home when a package will be delivered, ask a trusted neighbor to hold it for you. Watch how much you drink; never drive tipsy. If you can’t find a ride with someone who is sober, take public transportation, a taxi or a ride share.”
City of Boulder (https://bouldercolorado.gov/news/tips-staying-safe-during-holidays)