“Some of us are short, tall, overweight, underweight, gay, straight, transgender, have special needs … we’re all various races, we dress and look differently.
There are many different types of bullying. Some are obvious, while others are more subtle. Types of bullying to look out for in your school and community include: hazing, cyberbullying and teen dating violence.
Bullying and cyberbullying know no boundaries. Popular kids can be bullied as easily as others. Just look at some of the celebrities who’ve been targeted. We can STOMP Out Bullying™ by being tolerant, kind and respectful and STAND UP for each other. We all dance to a different drummer – but the reality is we are ALL the same because we are ALL people. No one deserves to bullied for any reason!! NO MATTER WHAT!
STOMP Out Bullying (https://www.stompoutbullying.org/about-bullying-and-cyberbullying)