Why Health is so important in America and what to do.–Part 2

We can decrease diseases in our country overtime, like in a decade or less?  Well, at least all the diseases I covered in part 1.   After seeing yesterday in part 1 the disease census 2011 in our country now the next question is there any way we can impact on what healthy habits we practice over a long period of time which would better control these diseases in decreasing them in America.  Wouldn’t you want to see less disease and more people both young and old healthier?  I know I sure would after being a RN over a quarter of a century seeing so many diseases and ones that could have been prevented by a society that is more health oriented than based on their food cravings at fast food eatery.  We have all heard we need to make sacrifices for certain things in life.  Would you think sacrificing fast foods being eaten always or low glycemic meals in large sizes for all your meals over numerous years prone you to putting weight on putting you at risk for disease is worth sacrificing?   I finally do in my 40’s and it’s not that hard of a sacrifice since it allowed me to remove all toxins from my body from unhealthy foods with looking and feeling better.   I ate like that and it took me about 6mths to finally get the routine down of eating small 6 low glycemic meals a day with having occasional high glycemic foods (Ex. Occasional fast foods like ice cream and more) with doing routine exercise 2-3x a week and practicing these healthy habits on a regular basis not just 2wks or 2mths which so far has allowed me to lose 20 lbs.  I hope to lose 20 more to make my goal to 138lbs at 5’7”.  If the majority of America lived healthier like this there would be less disease in our country which would put a positive impact on our health care system for all but it would take a decade or so.  We do need to start somewhere and today is the best day to start for both us and future generations to come.  Eating healthier, losing weight down to the ideal body mass index ratio based on your height,  with exercise routinely (not necessarily meaning an aerobic workout), and practicing healthy habits can make a great change in health for me, you, and all in America.  Join me and become healthier with spreading the healthyusa.tsfl.com news to make America a healthier country and most importantly yourself.  It’s like how we were taught by mom and dad at a young age the better you take care of your car the longer it will last.  The better we treat ourselves regarding health the higher the odds we will live a long and prosperous life like Mr. Spock.  There is not just one food to eat or one type of exercise to do or one healthy habit to keep you healthy, there are choices.  Click onto my website which is no fee, no charge, no hacking, just letting you check us out to look further in understanding how Dr. Anderson with myself as your health coach could change your health for the better.  It allows you to make all the decisions in what you want to do regarding exercise, in what to eat, and what healthy habits you want to practice.  We just provide the information of how the body works, food groups, with so much more that includes foods if you decide you want it.  I hope to hear from you soon.  Again, thank you for lending me your ear in listening how we can make a better and healthier USA.



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