“The University of Michigan recommends the following: there are very bicycle-friendly communities. It is, however, very important that bicyclists (and motorists) understand the rules of the road and how to stay safe while biking in the city. With an abundance of restaurants and shops downtown and various city parks to explore. Did you know that city ordinances require motorists to stop for pedestrians who are at or in crosswalks?  Walk with a friend, use designated sidewalks or paths, cross at designated crosswalks and don’t just look at signs but use your eyes looking both ways also.As we make the switch from warm to hot weather, it’s important to take the time to review tips for staying safe in the heat.  This means wear sunscreen for skin protection, drink plenty of water, limit alcoholic beverages, dress in loose-fitting, lightweight and light-colored clothing, and limit exercise outdoors in extreme heat.Summertime is often paired with grilling outdoors so this means place grills a minimum of 36″ away from your home, deck railings, and out from under eaves and overhanging branches, set up your grill on a flat, stable surface to prevent tipping, operate your grill safely by checking for leaks and opening the lid before lighting, maintain your grill by cleaning and inspecting it regularly and always have a fire extinguisher nearby.  Of course don’t forget the supervision of children and pets in also establishing a safe zone of at least three feet around the grill, where children and pets are not allowed.”

Division of Public Safety and Security University of Michigan –  DPSS (https://news.dpss.umich.edu/2024/06/1391)

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