“Based on the most recent data available, in the United States in 2021, 141,902 new colorectal cancers were reported and in 2022, 52,967 people died from colorectal cancer.

From 2017 to 2021, about 1 in 3 colorectal cancer cases were diagnosed at a localized stage, meaning the cancer had not spread outside the colon or rectum. Almost 4 in 10 colorectal cancers were found at a regional stage (the cancer had spread to nearby lymph nodes, tissues, or organs), and about 2 in 10 were found at a distant stage (the cancer had spread to distant parts of the body).

Overall, 64% of colorectal cancer patients had not died from their cancer 5 years later. However, survival varied by stage at diagnosis.

Survival is higher when colorectal cancer is found before it spreads to other parts of the body. Screening tests can prevent colorectal cancer or find it early, when treatment works best.”

Center for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (U.S. Cancer Statistics Colorectal Cancer Stat Bite | U.S. Cancer Statistics | CDC)



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